





k8s crd构建方法_告诉您正在构建没人想要的东西的8种方法(以及处理方法)

k8s crd构建方法by Geoffrey Bourne 杰弗里·伯恩(Geoffrey Bourne)告诉您正在构建没人想要的东西的8种方法(以及处理方法) (8 ways to tell you’re building something nobody wants (and what to do about it))Building something users want is h...

#python#java#人工智能 +2
k8s aws 部署_如何在短短30分钟内使用CircleCI设置到AWS S3的持续部署

k8s aws 部署by Adam Watt 通过亚当·瓦特如何在短短30分钟内使用CircleCI设置到AWS S3的持续部署 (How to setup Continuous Deployment to AWS S3 using CircleCI in just 30 minutes)Continuous Deployment might seem complicated at fir...

#java#python#大数据 +1
gitter 卸载_最佳Gitter频道:Scala

gitter 卸载by Gitter 通过吉特最佳Gitter频道:Scala (Best Gitter channels on: Scala)Scala is an object-oriented functional language that has gained wide acceptance in developer communities for many of its mer...

#java#编程语言#python +2

github充当服务器Sometimes you may want to use a button to link to another page or website rather than to submit a form or something like that. This is fairly simple to do and can be achieved in several way

#java#css#python +1

中年妇女xxxBehind the scenes 幕后花絮Becoming Women Techmakers Ambassador 成为女性技术制造者大使In 2018 I decided to start my remote freelance career and to continue to expand my Full Stack Developer knowledge by fi...

#游戏#大数据#编程语言 +2

代码注释// 提供来自您最喜欢和最受欢迎的开源项目的示例-React,Angular,PHP,Pandas等! (With examples from your favorite and most popular open source projects — React, Angular, PHP, Pandas and more!)代码质量与注释之间的相关性 (The correlation..

#python#java#人工智能 +2

sm羞耻任务If you write code for a living, there’s a chance that at some point in your career, someone will ask you to code something a little deceitful – if not outright unethical. 如果您以谋生为目的编写代码,那么在您职业生涯中

#java#python#编程语言 +1
devkit_如何使用NodeMCU Devkit和Firebase数据库开始物联网

devkitby Jibin Thomas 吉宾·托马斯(Jibin Thomas)如何使用NodeMCU Devkit和Firebase数据库开始物联网 (How to get started with IoT using NodeMCU Devkit and Firebase database)“The Internet will disappear. There will be so...

#数据库#java#python +2
aws 认证_引入#AWSCertified挑战:您的第一个AWS认证之路

aws 认证You may already know that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the largest, oldest, and most popular cloud service provider. But did you know they offer professional certifications, too? 您可能已经知道Amazon W

#大数据#机器学习#人工智能 +1