





insights 没有权限_探索ASP.NET Apps中用于断开或连接的深度遥测的Application Insights

insights 没有权限Today on the ASP.NET Community Standup we learned about how you can use Application Insights in a disconnected scenario to get some cool - ahem - insights into your application.今天,在ASP...

#java#数据库#python +2
DragonFruit和System.CommandLine是思考.NET Console应用程序的新方法

There's some interesting stuff quietly happening in the "Console App" world within open source .NET Core right now. Within the https://github.com/dotnet/command-line-api repository are three packages:

#java#python#编程语言 +1

I'm a lousy programmer. However, I am less lousy than I was last year, and significantly less lousy than I was 20 years ago. Even still, there's a lot of crap on my GitHub and Bitbucket repos - but I'

#算法#java#python +1
每周源代码53-“完成任务”版-左手的XML变成右手的HTTP POST

I wrote some code tonight in about ten minutes with a "Get'er Done" attitude. We all do that (I hope). It's one-time code that will solve a one-time problem. As such, it isn't always pretty, but it of

#java#python#c# +2

My boss's boss has blogged about what's been going on this week: The ASP.NET MVC Source is up on CodePlex at http://www.codeplex.com/aspnet.我老板的老板已经写了博客,介绍了本周的情况:ASP.NET MVC的源代码位于CodePlex上,网址为http...

#java#python#linux +2
git 重命名分支_轻松将Git默认分支从master重命名为main

git 重命名分支The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) points out that "Master-slave is an oppressive metaphor that will and should never become fully detached from history" as well as "In addition to be

#git#github#java +2
探索Azure IoT Arduino Cloud DevKit

azure iotSomeone gave me an Azure IoT DevKit, and it was lovely timing as I'm continuing to learn about IoT. As you may know, I've done a number of Arduino and Raspberry Pi projects, and plugged them

#python#java#github +2
罗技Harmony 880遥控器评测

Mo and I just got back from a cruise to Jamaica. We took a week off work and just relaxed. This was our first cruise, and I think we've decided we aren't cruise people. We don't drink alcohol, we don'

#数据库#python#linux +2