






istio使用There is no doubt that deploying and maintaining applications in K8s can be harsh for any DevOps team. Services are becoming more and more convoluted, involving several external services, diffe


连接kafka有超时设置If you want to enable your organization to leverage the full value of event-driven architectures, it is not enough to just add Kafka to the existing enterprise technology mix and wait for

#python#物联网#mysql +1

架构探险-轻量级微服务架构This series takes a basic MVP app using Retrofit and RxJava to display a list of Github repositories; and converts it into a modern Android app — along the way it will give an introductio

#java#数据库#linux +2
使用Github Actions自动发布Android库

Many of us has developed open-source libraries and published it to JCenter/Bintray. For every new version we used to create a release in Github manually by going to the releases tab. For uploading to

android 新控件使用_在Android上使用新的MergeAdapter

android 新控件使用Mobile apps have come a long way in terms of offering a rich user experience and have found new ways of structuring and surfacing information in the limited real-estate of a phone screen.

#android#android studio

flutter构建布局Flutter is the cross-platform tool used to build natively compiled mobile apps for iOS and Android. The platform is highly focused on UI and can be tailored for various screen sizes. Before


1.简介 (1. Introduction)As you can read in the official documentation of RainbowCake, RainbowCake is an Android architecture framework, providing tools and guidance for building modern Android applica..

#android#python#java +1

There are all sorts of “backups” that help get you out of various situations. Think of the spare tire in your trunk or the extra pieces of webbing in a climbing anchor. If you’ve ever been rock climbi

#android#android studio

android备份还原Backup & Restore is infrequent yet very important functionality for Android apps. It becomes even more critical when an App is not using its own dedicated cloud storage to store user da

flutter 搜索框过滤_在flutter中实施搜索和过滤

There are many flutter widgets to implement search feature just like in Android, yet there is a simpler way to implement this using flutter SearchDelegate class which gives you almost all that you wan
