VSCode导入jar包显示 VSCode按住CTRL键Java依赖显示 Maven依赖:Failed to get sources. Instead, stub sources have been generated by the disassembler. Implementation of methods is unavailable.
Caused by: org.springframework.core.NestedIOException: ASM ClassReader failed to parse class file - probably due to a new Java class file version that isn't supported yet: file [D:\Java\IdeaProjects\s
学习 Kafka 的使用,结果发现使用 Kafka Tools(现已更名为 Offeset Exploer)无法连接虚拟机的 Kafka 集群,报错信息:error connecting to the cluster. unable to connect to zookeeper server xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx2181 with timeout of 10000ms。重启 Kafka
学习 Kafka 的使用,结果发现使用 Kafka Tools(现已更名为 Offeset Exploer)无法连接虚拟机的 Kafka 集群,报错信息:error connecting to the cluster. unable to connect to zookeeper server xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx2181 with timeout of 10000ms。重启 Kafka
特此鸣谢:鱼C_小甲鱼(B站up主)不二如是(鱼C论坛大佬)题目来源:https://fishc.com.cn注:这些题在网上都可以搜到,题下面的代码大多是流传下来的答案(我重新排了一下版,增加了可读性),部分是本人经过深思熟虑后编写的。6,用*号输出字母C的图案1.题目:用*号输出字母C的图案。2.程序源代码:#include <stdio.h>int main(){printf("
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Springboot运行报错:"status": 404, "error": "Not Found"
ES:Compressor detection can only be called on some xcontent bytes or compressed xcontent bytes