虚拟机虚拟化cpu性能Most time, we need to tune system parameters to achieve better performance but what the general parameters to be tuned in Linux systems. 大多数时候,我们需要调整系统参数以获得更好的性能,但是需要调整Linux 系统中的一般参数。I th..
kvm创建虚拟机硬盘大小I test it for qcow2 format. Other formats are TBA. 我测试它的qcow2格式。 其他格式为TBA。qemu-img resize kvm1.qcow2 +20Gcp kvm1.qcow2 kvm1-orig.qcow2virt-resize --expand /dev/sda1 kvm1-orig.qco...
linux更改用户的uidHow to find and change a user’s UID on Linux? 如何在Linux上查找和更改用户的UID?Find the UID of a user: 查找用户的UID:id -u $USER_NAMEChange a user’s UID: 更改用户的UID:# usermod -u $NEW_UID $USER_NAMEAns...
linux用户是否存在How to test whether a user account, say linuxuser, already exist on Linux? 如何测试Linux上是否已经存在用户帐户(例如linuxuser)?You may make use of id which tries to get user IDs. 您可以利用ID尝试获取用户ID。The Bash...
How to set Google Chrome’s proxy settings in command line on Linux? I am using Google Chrome on Linux and start it by google-chrome. How can I set the proxy using the command line? It tell me that my
How to install the gfortran fortran compiler on CentOS 7 Linux? 如何在CentOS 7 Linux上安装gfortran fortran编译器?gfortran on CentOS 7 is provided in the gcc-gfortran package. You may install it to install gf..
linux ssh执行命令It is common to execute commands on many nodes/hosts via SSH for managing a cluster of Linux servers. On Linux, there are many choices for this task. Generally, to run commands on many no
linux毫秒值命令I know that gettimeofday() is a nice API. But how to get the number of seconds with milliseconds since the epoch time? 我知道gettimeofday()是一个不错的API。 但是,如何获得自纪元以来的毫秒数呢?You can get the time at..
ssh连接openwrtThe good ssh-copy-id method which works well on common Linux seems not working for OpenWrt router. 良好的ssh -copy-id方法在普通Linux上运行良好,似乎不适用于OpenWrt 路由器 。How to Passwordless SSH to an OpenWrt..
linux命令行剪贴板xclip is a tool to copy the copy the output of commands from a command line in a terminal to X selection or clipboard. It connects the command line interface and the X selections (clipboard