

Religions, laws, and conventions have been created to address societal problems just as new technologies are created to address technological problems. The microservices architecture is a new technological development to a technological problem. Unfortunately, the concept remains controversial among the software development community due to a lack of understanding about the history of microservices.

当开发人员不了解微服务的历史时,他们会在实施过程中浪费时间和金钱。这导致出现了大量诅咒微服务架构及其容器(即 Docker 和 Podman)、编排器(即 Kubernetes 和 Nomad)和虚拟计算管理系统(云计算)的文章。当然,工程师在使用这些工具时面临的问题可以通过了解微服务的目的来消除。

When developers fail to understand the history of microservices, they waste time and money in its implementation. This leads to the creation of numerous articles which curse the microservices architecture and its containers (i.e Docker and Podman), orchestrators (i.e Kubernetes and Nomad), and virtual computing management systems (Cloud Computing). Of course, the issues engineers face with these tools can be eliminated by understanding the purpose of microservices.


The Conceptualization of Microservices


The microservices architecture is a solution to the physical limits of a computer. In other words, the Laws of Physics — alongside the speed of light — physically limits the speed that an individual computer can run at. So what happens when you need to run software that exceeds the physical limits of an individual computer?

可伸缩性 是增加服务可以处理的操作量的能力。例如,Web 服务器软件向用户的客户端发送(提供)页面。它通过处理用户请求(一个操作)然后将页面发送给用户(另一个操作)来实现。缩放此 Web 服务器意味着增加它在给定时间段内(即每秒)可以提供的页面数量。

Scalability is the ability to increase the amount of operations a service can handle. As an example, a Web Server software sends (serves) pages to a user’s client. It does so by processing user requests (an operation) and then sending the page to the user (another operation). Scaling this Web Server means increasing the amount of pages it can serve in a given time period (i.e per second).

当运行 Web 服务器的计算机需要扩展时,一种方法是升级计算机。这种升级——称为垂直缩放——提高了计算机的速度,从而提高了 Web 服务器的速度限制。然而,在某些时候,升级计算机变得不可能。因此,我们必须通过在多台计算机上运行 Web 服务器来扩展它。

When the computer that runs the Web Server needs to scale, one method of doing so is by upgrading the computer. This upgrade — referred to as Vertical Scaling — increases the speed of the computer, which increases the speed limit of the Web Server. However, at some point, upgrading the computer becomes IMPOSSIBLE. As a result, we must scale the web server by running it across multiple computers.

添加另一台计算机进行缩放称为水平缩放,用于水平架构 (HA)。

Adding another computer to scale is referred to as Horizontal Scaling which is used in a Horizontal Architecture (HA).


In a similar manner to the cells of a human body, computers must exchange information using signals to process the same operation over multiple computers. This process of exchanging information is known as communication, and is used over a computer network to coordinate each service. Unfortunately, communication comes at a cost to processing speed called latency. An optimal microservices architecture implementation allows the developer to add power to a service using another computer, while still maintaining a low latency.


The following questions can be used to clarify the concept of microservices.



  1. 由于计算机的物理限制而出现瓶颈。

  2. 无法通过主动-主动负载平衡(即克隆单体)进行水平扩展。







When Should I Use Microservices?

If your program has yet to be created, you must consider whether the implementation of microservices is worth it. Will your service become both

  1. Bottlenecked due to the physical limitation of a computer.

  2. Unable to be horizontally scaled through active-active load balancing (i.e cloning the monolith).

If so, implementing microservices is an objectively valid decision. Otherwise, if your program already exists (while failing to meet the criteria above), a microservices architecture is simply not necessary.

How Should I Structure My Code?

It doesn’t matter. Microservices is not about the code. It’s about the architecture.

Should I Use One Repository or Multiple?

It also doesn’t matter. Microservices is not about the code. It’s about the architecture.

With that being said…


假设您将 Web Server 拆分为两个微服务,分别用于处理请求发送页面。当用户发送请求时,它会在用户客户端加载页面(从发送服务的内容)之前发送到与处理服务通信的发送服务。在这种情况下,发送服务依赖于处理服务




SRE 将在半夜被传呼。用户不会收到页面,因为处理服务已关闭,即使发送服务已启动并且……发送服务也将关闭。发生了什么?您创建了服务的循环依赖。

Should One Service Depend On Another?

Let’s say that you split the Web Server into two microservices for processing requests and sending pages. When a user sends a request, it will be sent to the sending service which communicates with the processing service BEFORE the user’s client loads the page (from the sending service’s content). In this case, the sending service depends on the processing service.

So what happens when the processing service goes down?

In the worst implementation, users stop receiving pages because nothing is being processed. However, you can fix this by adding logic in the sending service to send an “experiencing server issues” page to the user (when the processing service is down). This allows the user to receive pages even when the processing service is down. Thus, a linear dependency is not the end of the world in a microservices architecture.

But when the sending service requires information from the processing service, the following scenario occurs.

The SRE will be paged in the middle of the night. Users won’t receive pages because the processing service is down, even though the sending service is up and… The sending service will go down as well. What happened? You created a circular dependency with your services.


使用微服务架构要求您以与代码类似的方式管理依赖项。幸运的是,程序员已经创建了管理多个服务容器(即 Docker 和 Podman)之间依赖关系的工具。这些工具(例如 Kubernetes 和 Nomad)被称为容器编排器,因为它们编排容器。


容器(服务)之于计算机就像计算机之于集群。这样一个计算机集群管理多台计算机(称为服务器)。程序员使用云计算以虚拟方式管理这些集群中的计算机。有状态语言(例如 Terraform)的创建是为了管理云的状态。这就是为什么“云计算是为规模而生的。”



Don’t do that.

Using the microservices architecture requires you to manage your dependencies in a similar manner to your code. Fortunately, programmers have created tools which manage dependencies among multiple containers of services (i.e Docker and Podman). These tools — such as Kubernetes and Nomad — are called container orchestrators because they orchestrate containers.

The significance of the container and the container orchestrator is that they are technological developments that solve complexities provided by the microservices architecture. These complexities are not avoidable unless you can develop a computer that is infinitely upgradeable. However, the development of microservice technologies hasn’t stopped at this point.

container (of services) is to a computer as a computer is to a cluster. Such that a computer cluster manages multiple computers (called servers). Programmers use Cloud Computing to manage the computers within these clusters in a virtual manner. Stateful languages — such as Terraform — were created to manage the state of the cloud. So that’s why “Cloud Computing is made for scale.”

So What About The Database?

Your database is a service. So it makes sense to follow the rules established above. Don’t implement circular dependencies, even if doing so requires the usage of multiple databases and/or duplicate data. In practice, you are NOT likely to end up with the same schema for two separate services. Hence, the database per service recommendation.



No Need For Controversy

The controversy surrounding microservices can be addressed by educating developers on its conceptualization and being cautious in its implementation. The microservices architecture is another tool developers can use to solve technological problems: It should NOT be applied to every project that exists. Going forward, we must encourage developers to learn about the reason a given technology exists as opposed to focusing solely on how it works.


