在 Dell 的网站可以买到预载 Ubuntu Linux 的电脑,这已经不是新闻了;Dell 在 http://www.dell.com/ubuntu 网页列出 Ubuntu 的十项优点,也没有什么好奇怪的。


6) Ubuntu is safer than Microsoft® Windows®
The vast majority of viruses and spyware written by hackers are not
designed to target and attack Linux.


6) Ubuntu is secure
According to industry reports, Ubuntu is unaffected
by the vast majority of viruses and spyware.

因此 The VAR Guy 写了这篇 Did Microsoft Pressure Dell to Change Ubuntu Linux Statement? ,并且把原本的用词画面存档(PDF)
底下附上目前 Dell 网站上面列出的,Ubuntu 的十项优点:
10) Ubuntu is simple and elegant
9) Ubuntu is designed for the Internet
8) Ubuntu is "social from the start"
7) Ubuntu plays videos, songs, and movies easily
6) Ubuntu is secure
5) Ubuntu boots up fast
4) With Ubuntu, you have access to 1,000’s of free
software programs
3) Ubuntu with OpenOffice is compatible with
Microsoft®   Office and Adobe®   Acrobat®
2) Ubuntu is based on Linux®
1) Ubuntu comes pre-loaded with select Dell
desktop, notebook, and netbook computers

(每一项底下都有详细说明文字,请移驾 http://www.dell.com/ubuntu 阅读)

