[root@localhost ~]# kubeadm join --token esce21.q6hetwm8si29qxwn --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:5ea87ae5440baa0412acca4fa7d0c650677b37519f57765eed13b9df88c3b2be
W0609 12:12:28.090212 5700 join.go:346] [preflight] WARNING: JoinControlPane.controlPlane settings will be ignored when control-plane flag is not set.
[preflight] Running pre-flight checks
[root@localhost ~]# kubeadm join --token pr5ftv.ihrv3t2p32n1s2p8 \
> --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:5ea87ae5440baa0412acca4fa7d0c650677b37519f57765eed13b9df88c3b2be
W0609 12:15:19.889127 5785 join.go:346] [preflight] WARNING: JoinControlPane.controlPlane settings will be ignored when control-plane flag is not set.
[preflight] Running pre-flight checks
[preflight] Reading configuration from the cluster...
[preflight] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -oyaml'
error execution phase kubelet-start: a Node with name "localhost.localdomain" and status "Ready" already exists in the cluster. You must delete the existing Node or change the name of this new joining Node
To see the stack trace of this error execute with --v=5 or higher
[root@k8s-master1 kubeadm]# kubeadm token create --ttl 0 --print-join-command
kubeadm join --token dmsehb.dvofkx1z5dpc0r58 --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:f8d6e3c1562adcd5e35d6246679c23759124229bf36e100cbf03398849263911
[root@k8s-node2 ~]# kubeadm join --token dmsehb.dvofkx1z5dpc0r58 --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:f8d6e3c1562adcd5e35d6246679c23759124229bf36e100cbf03398849263911
[preflight] Running pre-flight checks
[preflight] Reading configuration from the cluster...
[preflight] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml'
[kubelet-start] Writing kubelet configuration to file "/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml"
[kubelet-start] Writing kubelet environment file with flags to file "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env"
[kubelet-start] Starting the kubelet
[kubelet-start] Waiting for the kubelet to perform the TLS Bootstrap...
This node has joined the cluster:
* Certificate signing request was sent to apiserver and a response was received.
* The Kubelet was informed of the new secure connection details.
Run 'kubectl get nodes' on the control-plane to see this node join the cluster.
[root@k8s-node2 ~]#