
It happens to all of us once in a while.


We clone a project, and then we try to run it. However, something doesn’t work.

我们克隆一个项目,然后尝试运行它。 但是,某些操作无效。

Broken car image

It may be our version of NGINX or Apache. It might be that npm isn’t doing something right. Maybe the project needs an extension, and we don’t have it installed, and now we have to build the extension from source because the dependency does not exist in the repositories for our distribution. No matter the reason, the more complex the setup, the higher the probability of failure.

它可能是我们的NGINX或Apache版本。 可能是npm的操作不正确。 也许项目需要扩展,而我们没有安装它,现在我们必须从源代码构建扩展,因为依赖关系在我们发行版的存储库中不存在。 无论出于何种原因,设置越复杂,发生故障的可能性就越高。

When I first got to know Vagrant, it was like heaven: there was finally a chance to break free of the shortcomings of Windows, while not having to deal with the accessibility issues present in Linux.

当我第一次认识Vagrant时 ,就像天堂一样:终于有机会摆脱Windows的缺点,而不必处理Linux中存在的可访问性问题。

I was happy. For a while. And then the limitation of having virtual machines as development environments hit me. Hard.

当时我很开心。 一阵子。 然后将虚拟机作为开发环境的局限性打击了我。 硬。

Imagine this scene: it’s 4:30 PM. The developer working on the Asterisk system has left the company. Something in the payment logic (written in PHP using the deprecated PHPagi project) doesn’t work, and you have to fix it, fast. You and a colleague have been urging everyone toward a service-oriented architecture, and so, to be able to bring up a development environment, you have to have the following:

想象一下这个场景:现在是下午4:30。 使用Asterisk系统的开发人员已经离开公司。 支付逻辑(使用不推荐使用的PHPagi项目用PHP编写)中的某些功能不起作用,您必须快速修复它。 您和您的同事一直在敦促每个人都采用面向服务的体系结构,因此,要建立一个开发环境,您必须具备以下条件:

  • An instance of the Asterisk machine which handles calls. It must have Asterisk and PHP 5.5.X running.

    Asterisk机器的一个实例,可以处理呼叫。 它必须运行Asterisk和PHP5.5.X。
  • An instance of another Asterisk machine which actually handles the payment. Since the bank you are working with has a policy of closing all access to its APIs coming from outside the building, this is a copy of the machine above, but with different code running on it.

    另一台实际处理付款的Asterisk机器的实例。 由于与您合作的银行制定了一项政策,即关闭所有来自建筑物外部的API的访问权限,因此这是上面机器的副本,但上面运行着不同的代码。
  • The PHP back-end API that does the heavy lifting, written in PhalconPHP.


So you tape together some puppet scripts to provision your boxes, you vagrant up three machines, and prepare to enter the zone!

因此,您将一些木偶脚本打包在一起以置备您的盒子, vagrant up三台机器vagrant up ,并准备进入区域

If this was a movie, the scene would zoom into your host machine at this point, dramatically showing the large amounts of data traveling at light speed between different parts of your system, filling up your memory and CPU, and then coming to a grinding halt. However, since this is not a movie, suffice it to say that your development machine might be able to handle one or two boxes with 8 GB of memory on Windows, but when the third machine comes up, your development environment is going to be slow to the point that you will not be able to launch an IDE.

如果这是一部电影,那么场景将在此时放大到您的主机,以戏剧性的方式显示出系统不同部分之间以光速传输的大量数据,填满了内存和CPU,然后停止运行。 但是,由于这不是电影,因此可以说您的开发机器可能能够在Windows上处理8 GB内存的一两个盒子,但是当第三台机器出现时,您的开发环境将会很慢导致您将无法启动IDE。

Of course, you are very clever and resourceful, and know how this stuff works. You’d lower your memory and CPU in your vagrantfile, but that leads to Asterisk complaining about a small memory size, and when you manually call your phone system with a softphone (equivalent to a browser in the online world) to test it, the audio breaks up and distorts. You need a lot more memory than you already have, and you don’t have access to it, and now it’s 10:30 PM.

当然,您非常聪明和机智,并且知道这些东西是如何工作的。 您会降低vagrantfile内存和CPU,但这会导致Asterisk抱怨内存太小,并且当您使用软件电话 (相当于在线世界中的浏览器)手动调用电话系统进行测试时,音频破裂并失真。 您需要的内存比现有的要多得多,并且您无权访问它,现在是晚上10:30。

So what happens to you?


Nothing good. You fail to fix the problem that night, have to deal with an angry boss who doesn’t have the technical background to understand what you are talking about, come back to work tomorrow, tell two of your colleagues to run one of the needed machines from the list above on their own machine, and you string these virtual machines together to get the code to run. Oh, and let’s not forget the problems you have with building all the dependencies because they weren’t documented anywhere. That’d just be too ugly.

没什么好的。 那天晚上,您无法解决问题,不得不与一个生气的老板打交道,而老板没有技术背景,无法理解您在说什么,明天再上班,告诉您的两个同事操作其中一台所需的机器从上面的列表中找到它们,然后将这些虚拟机串在一起以运行代码。 哦,让我们不要忘记构建所有依赖项时遇到的问题,因为它们在任何地方都没有记录。 那太丑了。

But all problems give rise to new opportunities: enter Vagga, a way to set up your project and its dependencies (usually) with a single command, with far less resource usage.


什么是Vagga? (What is Vagga?)

Vagga is a container engine, like Docker, which has been created to make it easier to build development environments. Since it is a fully-userspace container engine, it loads much faster than Vagrant, takes much less memory, and allows you to do awesome things like run your application in different environments in just a few seconds, without waiting for a completely virtualized machine to boot up.

Vagga是类似于Docker容器引擎,其创建目的是使构建开发环境更加容易。 由于它是一个完全用户空间的容器引擎,因此它的加载速度比Vagrant快得多,占用的内存少得多,并且使您可以做一些很棒的事情,例如在几秒钟内在不同的环境中运行应用程序,而无需等待完全虚拟化的机器启动。

Vagga is in beta stage right now and it is likely you might face some problems, but the concept shows great promise, and that’s why we have decided to take it for a spin.


等待! Docker和Docker-compose有什么问题? (Wait! What’s wrong with Docker and Docker-compose?)

Docker-compose is a tool to configure and create multiple Docker containers through a configuration file. I personally don’t have any experience with Docker and Docker-compose. However, Vagga’s documentation has a page comparing Vagga and Docker. You can check it out if you’re interested. If you have experience using Docker, tell us about the differences and similarities in the comments!

Docker-compose是一个通过配置文件配置和创建多个Docker容器的工具。 我个人没有使用Docker和Docker-compose的经验。 但是,Vagga的文档中有一页比较了Vagga和Docker 。 如果您有兴趣,可以查看一下。 如果您有使用Docker的经验,请告诉我们评论中的异同!

要求 (The Requirements)

Since Homestead improved is something we recommend here at SitePoint, it would be great if we could replicate that setup with Vagga to have a real-world way of assessing its ease of use, strengths and shortcomings. So, what we are going for in this article is a webserver (NGINX), coupled with PHP-fpm to serve an index.php file that is made up of just three lines:

由于改进的宅基地是我们在SitePoint上推荐的一项功能,因此,如果可以与Vagga复制该设置,以一种真实的方式评估其易用性,优点和缺点,那就太好了。 因此,本文中我们要使用的是一个Web服务器(NGINX),结合PHP-fpm来提供一个index.php文件,该文件仅由三行组成:


安装 (Installation)

Vagga is very new and does not have the time and manpower behind Vagrant and Docker. You can see that in the installation steps, outlined below. I urge you to grit your teeth and go through it though; I promise that if you are used to using Vagrant like me, the rewards will be surprising.

Vagga非常新,没有Vagrant和Docker背后的时间和人力。 您可以在下面概述的安装步骤中看到这一点。 我敦促您咬紧牙关,但要通过它。 我保证,如果您习惯像我这样使用Vagrant,那么回报将是惊人的。

First, we create a directory for our project. It could be anywhere, but for our example we’ll name it vagga.

首先,我们为项目创建一个目录。 它可以在任何地方,但是在我们的示例中,我们将其命名为vagga

的Linux (Linux)

Note: PHP and composer support has been added to Vagga very recently, so we will be using the *-testing packages. When this makes it to the stable branch, you may want to use the URLs below without the *-testing suffix.

注意 :PHP和composer支持最近已经添加到Vagga中,因此我们将使用*-testing软件包。 当它进入稳定分支时,您可能需要使用下面的URL,而不带*-testing后缀。

If you’re on Linux, you will get the full benefit of Vagga in terms of speed and features. All you need to do is to enable user namespaces, which, depending on your distribution, may or may not be enabled by default.

如果您使用的是Linux,则将在速度和功能方面获得Vagga的全部好处。 您需要做的就是启用用户名称空间,默认情况下,可能会或可能不会启用用户名称空间,具体取决于您的分布。

If you are running Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty) or higher, installing Vagga is as simple as running this in your terminal:

如果您正在运行Ubuntu 14.04(Trusty)或更高版本,则安装Vagga就像在终端机中运行它一样简单:

curl | sh

If you are using another distribution, I suggest you use the installation page of the Vagga manual to troubleshoot issues, or to get more up-to-date and in-depth steps to proceed.


Windows和Mac OS X (Windows and Mac OS X)

If you are using Windows or Mac, you actually have to have Vagrant installed, because Vagga currently works in Linux. This might seem ironic to you based on the real story I said at the beginning of this article. However, keep in mind that you can still use Vagga for the below reasons, even though you have to do it inside a virtual machine:

如果您使用的是Windows或Mac,则实际上必须安装Vagrant,因为Vagga当前可在Linux上运行。 根据我在本文开头所说的真实故事,这可能对您具有讽刺意味。 但是,请记住,即使出于以下原因,您仍然可以使用Vagga,即使您必须在虚拟机中使用它:

  • Running different software simultaneously (databases, webservers, PHP-fpm instances) with different configuration, without taking up huge amounts of memory and CPU

  • Quickly provisioning your boxes without being familiar with orchestration software (like puppet or chef), or having to deal with container daemons like Docker

  • Documenting the steps necessary to bring up a development environment

  • Rebuilding containers if project dependencies change (such as adding a new package to your composer.json, or changing the version of an already existing package)


Here are the steps to prepare an environment to install Vagga inside Vagrant:


  • Install Vagrant and virtualbox.


  • Install the vagrant-Vagga plugin by opening a command prompt and running vagrant plugin install Vagrant-Vagga.

    通过打开命令提示符并运行vagrant plugin install Vagrant-Vagga安装vagrant-Vagga插件。

  • Create a new folder to house your project, and run vagrant init ubuntu/wily64 to create a vagrantfile, using ubuntu/wily64 as the base image.

    创建一个新文件夹来容纳您的项目,然后使用ubuntu/wily64作为基础映像运行vagrant init ubuntu/wily64创建一个vagrantfile

Installing vagrant-Vagga has added a new provisioner to your Vagrant installation. Without it, you will not be able to use Vagga because of limitations in vboxfs, the virtual filesystem virtualbox uses to share files between your host and guest machines (if you have no idea what I am talking about, check out this article to get more background).

安装vagrant-Vagga增加了新的供应方 ,以你的放浪安装。 没有它,你将无法使用,因为在限制Vagga vboxfs ,虚拟文件系统的VirtualBox应用到你的主机和客户机之间共享文件(如果您不知道我在说什么,看看这篇文章 ,以获得更多背景)。

The next step is to tell Vagrant to run this provisioner every time you run vagrant up to bring up your virtual machine. How? Simply open up your vagrantfile, move to the end, and add these two lines just above the line that reads end:

下一步是告诉Vagrant每次您运行vagrant up来启动虚拟机时都运行此配置程序。 怎么样? 只需打开您的vagrantfile ,移至末尾,然后在读取end的行上方添加这两行:

config.Vagga.testing = true
  config.vm.provision :Vagga, run: 'always'

The first line is telling Vagrant-Vagga to install the testing version of Vagga. This is required because currently, the feature to install composer and PHP is in the testing binaries only.

第一行告诉Vagrant-Vagga安装Vagga的测试版本。 这是必需的,因为当前,仅在测试二进制文件中提供安装composer和PHP的功能。

The second line is quite self-explanatory; it simply runs the Vagga provisioner, which links your .Vagga directory to another directory inside the virtual machine, preventing the issues that come with having that folder on a vboxfs synced folder.

第二行很容易解释。 它只是运行Vagga设置程序,该程序将您的.Vagga目录链接到虚拟机内的另一个目录,从而避免了将该文件夹放在vboxfs同步文件夹中所带来的问题。

Phew! You’re done setting up your virtual machine! You can now run vagrant up to bring up the environment you will use to run Vagga containers. Vagrant will take a while to download the box image, so grab yourself a cup of coffee and pat yourself on the back for getting so far – it gets only easier from here!

! 设置虚拟机完成! 现在,您可以运行vagrant up来启动用于运行Vagga容器的环境。 Vagrant将花一些时间下载盒子图像,因此,为自己喝杯咖啡,然后向后轻拍一下,以获取更远的距离–从这里开始变得更加轻松!

准备:Vagga.yaml (Getting Ready: Vagga.yaml)

Just like we have composer.json, vagrantfile, Dockerfile and similar files of that sort, we also have Vagga.yaml which contains definitions for containers and commands.

就像我们有composer.jsonvagrantfileDockerfile和类似的文件一样,我们也有Vagga.yaml ,其中包含容器和命令的定义。

设置我们的容器 (Setting Up Our containers)

Containers are lightweight sandbox environments, which allow you to install and run applications without touching the other parts of the system. What this means that you can have PHP in a machine and when you create a container with Vagga, not only will they not conflict, but they will exist independently from each other, allowing you to have different versions of a package, with different configurations, living side by side in their own isolated containers.

容器是轻量级的沙箱环境,可让您安装和运行应用程序而无需接触系统的其他部分。 这意味着您可以在一台计算机上安装PHP,并在使用Vagga创建容器时,它们不但不会冲突,而且它们将彼此独立存在,从而使您可以拥有具有不同配置的不同版本的软件包,并排生活在各自隔离的容器中。

With Vagga, it is usually better to create one container per service. That is why in our example, we are going to define one container for Nginx, and another for PHP.

使用Vagga,通常最好为每个服务创建一个容器。 这就是为什么在我们的示例中,我们将为Nginx定义一个容器,为PHP定义另一个容器。

Create a file called Vagga.yaml in the vagga directory, which is the root of our project, and let’s define a first sketch


      - !Ubuntu trusty
      - !Install [software-properties-common]
      - !Sh add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable -y && apt-get update
      - !Install [nginx]

      - !Ubuntu trusty
      - !Install [software-properties-common]
      - !Sh add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php -y && apt-get update
      - !Install [php7.0, php7.0-fpm]
      - !ComposerConfig
        install_runtime: false
      - !ComposerInstall

Before we tell Vagga to build these containers, let’s take a look at what we have included in this file.


Note: if you are not familiar with YAML, take a look at this somewhat outdated article called Using YAML in Your PHP Projects. All you need from that article is how YAML syntax is mapped to PHP data types.

注意 :如果您不熟悉YAML,请阅读这篇过时的文章, 在PHP项目中使用YAML 。 该文章所需要的只是YAML语法如何映射到PHP数据类型。

As evident at a glance, there is a first-level key called containers, which is an array of key-value pairs. The key is our container name (nginx and php in this example) and the value is the configuration for each container.

一目了然,有一个称为containers的第一级密钥,它是一组键值对。 关键是我们的容器名称(在此示例中为nginxphp ),值是每个容器的配置。

Each container’s configuration must have a setup key defined. It is made up of build steps, using which you can set up the container and get it ready to run your software. There are three types of build steps used in the Vagga.yaml example above:

每个容器的配置必须定义一个设置键。 它由构建步骤组成 ,您可以使用这些步骤设置容器并使其准备运行软件。 上面的Vagga.yaml示例中使用了三种构建步骤:

  • Bootstrapping commands: these build steps come first, and install an operating system onto the container. In our example, we have used the !Ubuntu build step to install a predefined version (14.04, AKA trusty) onto our container.

    自举命令:首先执行这些构建步骤,然后将操作系统安装到容器上。 在我们的示例中,我们使用!Ubuntu构建步骤将预定义版本(14.04,又名trusty )安装到我们的容器中。

  • Distribution commands: these are commands that Vagga converts to a distribution-specific command. For example, our !Install build step above is converted to the apt-get install -y <package name> command when it is being run inside an Ubuntu container.

    分发命令:这些是Vagga转换为特定于分发的命令的命令。 例如,当我们的!Install构建步骤在Ubuntu容器中运行时,将转换为apt-get install -y <package name>命令。

  • Generic commands: these are commands you can run on any distribution you like. These are low-level commands, such as !Sh to run a command with shell, !Download to download a file into the container, !tar and !TarInstall for extracting and installing a tar archive, and so on. We have used the !Sh command in the Vagga.yaml example above to add the nginx/stable and ondrej/PHP PPAs.

    通用命令:这些命令可以在您喜欢的任何发行版上运行。 这些是低级命令,例如!Sh使用外壳程序运行命令, !Download将文件!Download到容器中, !tar!TarInstall用于提取和安装tar存档,等等。 我们在上面的Vagga.yaml示例中使用了!Sh命令来添加nginx/stableondrej/PHP PPA。

So, as you can probably tell, to set up our containers, we:


  1. Install Ubuntu Trusty

    安装Ubuntu Trusty
  2. Install software-properties-common to get access to the add-apt-repository command


  3. Add nginx/stable to the NGINX container, and ondrej/php to the PHP container, and then run apt-get update to fetch the list of packages from the newly added repositories

    将Nginx nginx/stable添加到NGINX容器中,并将ondrej/php到PHP容器中,然后运行apt-get update从新添加的存储库中获取软件包列表。

  4. Install the packages: nginx in the NGINX container, and php7.0 and php7.0-fpm in the php container


  5. Configure composer using the !ComposerConfig to not install the PHP package itself (if you don’t do this, it will install the php package, which as of the time of this writing is version 5.5.9), and then install composer itself using !ComposerInstall

    使用!ComposerConfig配置composer不安装PHP软件包本身(如果不这样做,它将安装php软件包,在撰写本文时为5.5.9版),然后使用以下命令安装composer自身: !ComposerInstall

If you run Vagga _build nginx or Vagga _build php at this point, you will get some errors saying that a file cannot be written to. This is because for security reasons, Vagga doesn’t allow applications inside your container to write to the file system, unless you explicitly allow some directories to be written to. You can do that by adding volumes.

如果此时运行Vagga _build nginxVagga _build php ,则会出现一些错误,指出无法写入文件。 这是因为出于安全原因,Vagga不允许容器内的应用程序写入文件系统,除非您明确允许写入某些目录。 您可以通过添加卷来实现。

添加卷 (Adding Volumes)

Volumes are primarily a way to allow the applications on your containers to write to a file system. The directory that Vagga.yaml resides in is automatically added as /work inside the container (just like Vagrant adds the directory that contains vagrantfile as /Vagrant inside the virtual machine), but apart from that, Vagga adds /tmp and /run and /run/shm as volumes, too.

卷主要是一种允许容器上的应用程序写入文件系统的方法。 Vagga.yaml所在的目录会自动以/work添加到容器中(就像Vagrant在虚拟机内部将包含vagrantfile的目录添加为/Vagrant一样),但除此之外,Vagga还会添加/tmp/run/run/shm以体积/run/shm

To know and read more about different volume types, check the volumes page in the Vagga documentation.


If you search the Internet or keep trying to build your containers, you will get a feel for what directories are required to run a package. For our example, NGINX requires /var/lib, /var/lib/nginx, /var/log, and /var/log/nginx. Similarly, PHP requires access to /run/php, and /var/log. Let’s add those to our containers:

如果您搜索Internet或继续尝试构建容器,则可以了解运行软件包所需的目录。 对于我们的示例,NGINX需要/var/lib/var/lib/nginx/var/log/var/log/nginx 。 同样,PHP需要访问/run/php/var/log 。 让我们将它们添加到我们的容器中:

      - !Ubuntu trusty
      - !Depends runtime/nginx/default
      - !Install [software-properties-common]
      - !Sh add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable -y && apt-get update
      - !Install [nginx]
      /var: !Tmpfs
       mode: 0o766
        log: # default mode is 0o766
        log/nginx: { mode: 0o1777 }
      - !Ubuntu trusty
      - !Install [software-properties-common]
      - !Sh add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php -y && apt-get update
      - !Install [php7.0, php7.0-fpm]
      - !ComposerConfig
        install_runtime: false
      - !ComposerInstall
      /run: !Tmpfs
       mode: 0o766
      /var/log: !Tmpfs
       mode: 0o766

As you can see, we have added first-level directories as volumes, and have defined all the subdirectories in that directory in the subdirs section of each volume. When a mode is set on a parent directory, all subdirs also inherit it by default.

如您所见,我们将一级目录添加为卷,并在每个卷的subdirs部分中定义了该目录中的所有子目录。 在父目录上设置模式后,默认情况下,所有子目录也会继承它。

Note: If you can’t understand the mode parameter of each volume, you can think of it like this: the first value (0 or 1) is the Sticky bit, the o means the value coming after it is octal, and the next three numbers (eg 777) are the permissions.

注意 :如果您不了解每个音量的mode参数,可以这样看:第一个值(0或1)是Sticky位o表示后面是八进制的值。三个数字(例如777 )是权限。

配置NGINX和PHP-fpm (Configuring NGINX and PHP-fpm)

As you probably know if you have ever installed NGINX or PHP-fpm by hand, after you install these applications on a Linux machine, you must configure them. Since we want to make this automatic, we can write the configuration file ourselves, and use the !Copy build step to get it into the container at build time. What I usually do in this step is:

您可能已经知道是否曾经手动安装过NGINX或PHP-fpm,所以在Linux机器上安装这些应用程序之后,必须对其进行配置。 由于我们要使其自动化,因此我们可以自己编写配置文件,并使用!Copy构建步骤在构建时将其放入容器。 我通常在此步骤中所做的是:

  • Attach to the container (i.e. log into it) by running Vagga _run <container name> bash. This simply runs bash in the container and allows you to type commands.

    通过运行Vagga _run <container name> bash附加到容器(即登录到容器)。 这只是在容器中运行bash并允许您键入命令。

  • Copy the configuration file I want to edit to the /work directory, so that I can get access to it in my machine. I do this by running a command like cp nginx.conf /work. Remember, the /work directory is shared between your machine and the container.

    将要编辑的配置文件复制到/work目录,以便可以在我的机器上访问它。 我通过运行类似cp nginx.conf /work的命令来完成此操作。 请记住, /work目录在您的计算机和容器之间共享。

So, to configure NGINX and PHP-fpm you need to edit the following files:


  • /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

    / etc / nginx / sites-available / default
  • /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf

  • /etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/www.conf


The convention for putting configuration files in your project seems to be the runtime directory inside your project. Navigate to your project folder (vagga in our example) and create a runtime directory. Inside it create a directory called nginx to store your NGINX configuration, and another called php to hold the other two files. You can either copy the configuration files from your container to get a feel for the process, or just copy and paste the following content into each file.

在项目中放置配置文件的约定似乎是项目中的runtime目录。 导航到您的项目文件夹(在我们的示例中为vagga )并创建一个runtime目录。 在其中创建一个名为nginx的目录来存储您的NGINX配置,另一个目录名为php来保存其他两个文件。 您可以从容器中复制配置文件以了解该过程,也可以将以下内容复制并粘贴到每个文件中。

运行时/ nginx的/默认 (runtime/nginx/default)

In this file, we tell NGINX to listen on port 8000, set the server name to and, and give the path to our root folder and PHP-fpm instance (which will be listening on

在此文件中,我们告诉NGINX侦听端口8000,将服务器名称设置为 ,并提供根文件夹和PHP-fpm实例的路径(将在127.0.0.1:9000上侦听) ):

Note: since Vagga runs without root privileges, processes running inside containers cannot listen to ports below 1024. This is a restriction imposed by the Linux operating system.

注意 :由于Vagga在没有root特权的情况下运行,因此容器内运行的进程无法侦听1024以下的端口。这是Linux操作系统施加的限制。

server {
        listen   8000;

        root /work/;
        index index.php index.html index.htm;

        location / {
                try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;

        error_page 404 /404.html;
        error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
        location = /50x.html {
              root /usr/share/nginx/www;

        location ~ \.php$ {
                try_files $uri =404;
                fastcgi_index index.php;
                fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
                include fastcgi_params;

runtime / php / php-fpm.conf (runtime/php/php-fpm.conf)

The reason we are editing this file is that, since Docker and Vagga monitor the process inside each machine, they require your applications to be run in foreground, meaning that they shouldn’t be a daemon. By default, PHP-fpm runs as a daemon, and we are editing the configuration to set the daemonize configuration value to no.

我们编辑此文件的原因是,由于Docker和Vagga监视每台计算机内的进程,因此它们要求您的应用程序在前台运行,这意味着它们不应成为守护程序。 默认情况下,PHP-fpm作为守护程序运行,我们正在编辑配置以将守护程序配置值设置为no

daemonize = no

Another, perhaps cleaner, way would be to just create a file called no-daemonized.conf, and put the single line above in it, then put it in our runtime/php directory, and copy that instead.


运行时/ php / www.conf (runtime/php/www.conf)

The reason we are changing this file is to make it listen on port 9000, instead of creating a socket file. Change the value listen:

我们更改此文件的原因是使它在端口9000上侦听,而不是创建套接字文件。 更改值listen

listen = 9000

将配置复制到容器中 (Copying Configuration into the Containers)

The last step in building our containers is to copy these configuration files into the proper place. As you might remember, earlier in this article I said that Vagga will rebuild your containers if the dependencies of your project change. So, since we want modifications to these configuration files to take effect every time we run commands, we also need to add them as dependencies using the !Depend command. Here is the final version of our Vagga.yaml:

构建容器的最后一步是将这些配置文件复制到正确的位置。 您可能还记得,在本文前面我曾说过,如果项目的依赖关系发生变化,Vagga将重建您的容器。 因此,由于我们希望每次运行命令时对这些配置文件的修改都生效,因此我们还需要使用!Depend命令将它们添加为依赖项。 这是我们的Vagga.yaml的最终版本:

      - !Ubuntu trusty
      - !Depends runtime/nginx/default
      - !Install [software-properties-common]
      - !Sh add-apt-repository ppa:nginx/stable -y && apt-get update
      - !Install [nginx]
      - !Copy 
        source: /work/runtime/nginx/default
        path: /etc/nginx/sites-available/default
      /var: !Tmpfs
       mode: 0o766
        log: # default mode is 0o766
        log/nginx: { mode: 0o1777 }
      - !Ubuntu trusty
      - !Depends runtime/php/php-fpm.conf
      - !Depends runtime/php/www.conf
      - !Install [software-properties-common]
      - !Sh add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php -y && apt-get update
      - !Install [php7.0, php7.0-fpm]
      - !ComposerConfig
        install_runtime: false
      - !ComposerInstall
      - !Copy
        source: /work/runtime/php/php-fpm.conf
        path: /etc/php/7.0/fpm/php-fpm.conf
      - !Copy
        source: /work/runtime/php/www.conf
        path: /etc/php/7.0/fpm/pool.d/www.conf
      /run: !Tmpfs
       mode: 0o766
      /var/log: !Tmpfs
       mode: 0o766

Note: notice that when copying, both the source and the destination paths are inside the container. This is unlike Docker, where the source address is given inside the host machine.

注意 :请注意,复制时,源路径和目标路径都在容器内。 这与Docker不同,后者的源地址在主机内部提供。

Success! You can now run Vagga _build nginx and Vagga _run php to build your containers! Downloading packages will take some time, so do the grab-coffee-pat-self-on-the-back routine, and prepare for the last step: adding the run command to tie everything together.

成功! 现在,您可以运行Vagga _build nginxVagga _run php来构建容器! 下载软件包将花费一些时间,抓取coffee-pat-self-on-the-back例程也将花费一些时间,并为最后一步做准备:添加run命令以将所有内容捆绑在一起。

指令 (Commands)

Commands are what other developers use to tap into the power of this new setup. There are two types of commands:

命令是其他开发人员用来利用此新设置功能的工具。 有两种类型的命令:

  • Commands tagged with !Command: these commands are run and just exit. Examples of this type of command are ls, php -v, and so on.

    标有!Command :这些命令运行并退出。 此类命令的示例包括lsphp -v等。

  • Commands tagged with !Supervise: these commands have some children, and will do an action (defined by their mode attribute) if any of the commands they are watching would exit. Examples of these commands include nginx and PHP-fpm, which is exactly what we will be using.

    标有!Supervise命令:这些命令有一些children ,并且如果它们正在监视的任何命令退出,将执行操作(由其mode属性定义)。 这些命令的示例包括nginxPHP-fpm ,这正是我们将要使用的。

First, let’s add a command called php. It will pass the file we want to the PHP interpreter installed inside our php container. Add this to the end of your Vagga.yaml:

首先,让我们添加一个名为php的命令。 它将把我们想要的文件传递给安装在php容器中PHP解释器。 将其添加到Vagga.yaml

  php: !Command
    description: passes the given parameters to the PHP interpreter
    container: php
    run: [php]

As you can probably guess, description is the help text that is printed when you run vagga without an argument, container is the container to run the command in, and run is the command to run. If we hadn’t provided the argument to run as an array, it would not accept arguments and would just run php without them. However, by providing the value as an array, we are allowing the user to pass in arguments to php, such as a file.

您可能会猜到, description是在不带参数的情况下运行vagga时打印的帮助文本, container是用于运行命令的容器,而run是要运行的命令。 如果我们没有提供作为数组run的参数,它将不接受参数,而没有参数就运行php 。 但是,通过将值提供为数组,我们允许用户将参数传递给php(例如文件)。

To test this out, you can simply do Vagga php -v. If you are using Vagrant, you can vagrant ssh into the Vagrant machine, cd into the /Vagrant directory, and run Vagga php -v. Or you can simply run vagrant Vagga php -v from your host machine outside your Vagrant box.

为了测试这一点,您可以简单地执行Vagga php -v 。 如果您正在使用Vagrant,则可以将vagrant ssh到Vagrant计算机中,将cd流到/Vagrant目录中,然后运行Vagga php -v 。 或者,您也可以在Vagrant框外的主机上运行vagrant Vagga php -v

Finally, we are ready to run our NGINX and PHP stack. First, change the commands section inside Vagga.yaml:

最后,我们准备运行我们的NGINX和PHP堆栈。 首先,更改Vagga.yaml的命令部分:

  php: !Command
    description: passes the given parameters to the PHP interpreter
    container: php
    run: [php]
  run: !Supervise
    description: Run the NGINX and PHP stack
    mode: stop-on-failure
      nginx: !Command
        container: nginx
        run: nginx -g "daemon off;"
      php: !Command
        container: php
          DATABASE_URL: postgresql://Vagga:Vagga@
        run: php-fpm7.0

As you can see, we are not providing the value of the run attribute as an array, effectively preventing users from passing in any arguments.


Finally, let’s run Vagga run (or vagrant Vagga run) and observe the output:

最后,让我们运行Vagga run (或vagrant Vagga run )并观察输出:

[19-Mar-2016 15:00:22] NOTICE: fpm is running, pid 3
[19-Mar-2016 15:00:22] NOTICE: ready to handle connections
[19-Mar-2016 15:00:22] NOTICE: systemd monitor interval set to 10000ms

Go ahead and create the index.php file in your vagga directory, like this:



If you haven’t already, open your vagrantfile and uncomment this line, so that you will be able to reach your virtual machine using a static IP:

如果尚未打开,请打开vagrantfile并取消注释此行,以便能够使用静态IP访问虚拟机: "private_network", ip: ""

Then, add to the hosts file on your host machine. On Unix systems, this file is located at /etc/hosts, and on Windows, it is at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts. Here is how you would map the domain to, which is the IP of your virtual machine:

然后,将example.com添加到hosts上的hosts文件中。 在Unix系统上,此文件位于/etc/hosts ,在Windows上,该文件位于C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts 。 这是将example.com域映射到192.168.33.10 ,这是虚拟机的IP:

Now simply open your browser and browse to, or You should see the PHP info page.

现在,只需打开浏览器并浏览到 。 您应该看到PHP信息页面。

Congratulations! You have created a development environment with Vagga, and you can now allow other users to bring up a development environment in a remarkably short amount of time!

恭喜你! 您已经使用Vagga创建了开发环境,现在可以允许其他用户在非常短的时间内启动开发环境!

结论 (Conclusion)

Vagga is great for containerization and creating a living document of what a development environment for an application looks like. It also has the benefit of allowing a developer to quickly set up a development environment, without knowing the nitty-gritty details of the process. In my opinion, this is a huge advantage in the world of open-source, since this allows contributors to be productive in minutes.

Vagga非常适合用于容器化和创建应用程序开发环境外观的动态文档 。 它还具有允许开发人员快速建立开发环境的优势,而无需了解过程的细节。 我认为,这在开源世界中是一个巨大的优势,因为这可以使贡献者在几分钟之内就可以提高工作效率。

Of course, Vagga does have its downsides:


  • It is not as cross-platform as Docker. Docker itself is not cross-platform either, but its contributors have created tools that make it very easy to set up on Windows.

    它不像Docker那样跨平台。 Docker本身也不是跨平台的,但是它的贡献者已经创建了可以很容易在Windows上安装的工具。
  • The installation process is not as simple as that of its competitors. You may need to muck around with some configuration based on which distribution and version you are using.

    安装过程并不像竞争对手那样简单。 您可能需要根据所使用的发行版和版本进行一些配置。
  • One advantage Puppet, Ansible, Docker and others have over Vagga is that building the development and production environments doesn’t require you to master two languages – you just build the environment with one syntax. There is the possibility of deploying containers built with Vagga, however, the process is not well-documented yet.

    与Vagga相比,Puppet,Ansible,Docker和其他应用程序的一个优点是,构建开发和生产环境不需要您掌握两种语言-您只需使用一种语法构建环境。 可以部署使用Vagga构建的容器,但是,该过程尚未得到充分记录。
  • Vagga, like Docker, requires you to know how to install and configure a particular package, whereas orchestration software such as Puppet has modules to configure popular software for you. Examples like NGINX, PHP and PHP-fpm come to mind.

    与Docker一样,Vagga也要求您知道如何安装和配置特定的软件包,而Puppet等编排软件则具有为您配置流行软件的模块。 我想到了NGINXPHPPHP-fpm之类的示例

  • You have to do everything from scratch. There are no base images to build from, unlike with Docker or Vagrant.

    您必须从头开始做所有事情。 与Docker或Vagrant不同,没有可用于构建的基础映像。

Do you use other software to allow your team or your contributors to quickly spin up a development environments from scratch? Do you think that in the fast-paced world of development environments of 2016, automated ways to set up a development environment are not worth the effort? Tell us your experiences in the comments!

您是否使用其他软件来允许您的团队或贡献者从头开始快速建立开发环境? 您是否认为在2016年快速发展的开发环境中,不值得花些功夫自动设置开发环境? 在评论中告诉我们您的经验!




