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Hello, even though you might think there was a similar question, mine is pretty different than this.

I am trying to load an image from a directory, and set my screen size (automatically) to the size of the image being loaded as "background".

import pygame
import sys
from pygame.locals import *

image_resources = "C:/Users/user/Desktop/Pygame App/image_resources/"

class load:
    def image(self, image):
        self.image = image
        return (image_resources + image)
    def texture(self, texture):
        self.texture = texture
        return (image_resources + texture)

bg = load().image("bg_solid_black.jpg")


#screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height),0,32)

#background = pygame.image.load(bg).convert()

#width = background.get_width()
#height = background.get_height()

The image that I loaded with my "load()" class is set to the variable "bg" and I want to use the size of whatever I load as "bg" to determine the size of the window. If you try to move

background = pygame.image.load(bg).convert()

width = background.get_width()
height = background.get_height()

On top of this:

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height),0,32)

PyGame returns an error, in which it states that the display mode is not set. If I do it like this:

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width,height),0,32)

background = pygame.image.load(bg).convert()

width = background.get_width()
height = background.get_height()

of course, this is not true, since variables "width" and "height" are not defined for the use of "pygame.display.set_mode()".

I can not seem to figure this out, I though of solving through an OO manner, but I just can not seem to figure it out. Any help?

Thanks :)


Before you use convert() on any surface, screen has to be initialized with set_mode().

You can load image and get its size before set_mode() but convert() has to be used after you initialize the display, like so:

import pygame


image = pygame.image.load("file_to_load.jpg")

print(image.get_rect().size) # you can get size

screen = pygame.display.set_mode(image.get_rect().size, 0, 32)

image = image.convert() # now you can convert 

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