知识改变命运,技术就是要分享,有问题随时联系,免费答疑,欢迎联系!①,始于2002年!专注IT认证培训22年。② 领取学习资料/课程咨询:+小美老师(wx):18106083689 ,加好友即送学习大礼包,邀请您加入IT精英学习群(每天分享技术文档、行业资讯,免费公开课)。③ 微思有哪些培训及考证?网络管理(华为认证HCIA/HCIP/HCIE;思科认证);Linux(红帽RHCE/RHCA);K
① 微思网络,始于2002年!专注IT认证培训22年。
② 领取学习资料/课程咨询:+小美老师(wx):18106083689 ,加好友即送学习大礼包,邀请您加入IT精英学习群(每天分享技术文档、行业资讯,免费公开课)。
③ 微思有哪些培训及考证?
);数据库(ORACLE OCP/OCM;MySQL);虚拟化( VMware VCP/VCAP);热门安全认证(CISP体系/CISSP/ CISA/CCSK/CISAW);管理类(PMP 项目管理;软考中/高项;ITIL体系;Togaf)等等
④ 循环开班,面授班&直播班,免费重听,学会为止!
图1 通过Console口连接设备组网图
1、重启设备。在设备启动过程中,当界面出现Press Ctrl+B to enter BOOT menu提示信息时,请三秒内按下快捷键“Ctrl+B”进入BootLoader主菜单。
Press Ctrl+B to enter BOOT menu: 3
Info: The password is empty. For security purposes, change the password.
New password:
Confirm password:
Warning: The bootloader password will be written to the device.
Continue now? Yes(y) or No(n): y
The password is changed successfully.
Main Menu
1. Default startup
2. Serial submenu
3. Ethernet submenu
4. Startup parameters submenu
5. List file
6. Password manager submenu
7. DFX submenu
8. Reboot
Enter your choice(1-8):
2、在BootLoader主菜单中,输入“6”,进入“Password manager submenu”密码管理子菜单。
Main Menu
1. Default startup
2. Serial submenu
3. Ethernet submenu
4. Startup parameters submenu
5. List file
6. Password manager submenu
7. DFX submenu
8. Reboot
Enter your choice(1-8): 6 //进入密码管理子菜单
Password manager submenu
1. Modify bootloader password
2. Clear the console login password
3. Reset bootloader password
0. Return
Enter your choice(0-3):
3、在密码管理子菜单中,输入“2”,进入“Clear the console login password”清空Console口登录密码菜单。
Password manager submenu
1. Modify bootloader password
2. Clear the console login password
3. Reset bootloader password
0. Return
Enter your choice(0-3): 2
Caution: A new console password must be set after the restart.
Continue now? Yes(y) or No(n):
Caution: A new console password must be set after the restart.
Continue now? Yes(y) or No(n): y
Password: //输入BootLoader密码,然后按Enter键让设备继续启动
<HUAWEI> system-view
[HUAWEI] user-interface console 0
[HUAWEI-ui-console0] authentication-mode password
[HUAWEI-ui-console0] set authentication password
Please configure the login password (8-16)
Enter Password: //输入新密码
Confirm Password: //输入新密码
[HUAWEI-ui-console0] return
<HUAWEI> save
Warning: The current configuration will be written to the device. Continue? [Y/N]:y
Now saving the current configuration to the slot 1
Info: Save the configuration successfully.