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I think I have some issues with the windows system or python 3.6 version. I am facing some attribute error. I have checked and double checked my code and there is no error and i also compare my code to others and i have seen there is no error. then why i am facing this kind of error. I am adding my code here:

recognizer module

and i am facing following error.

C:\Users\MAN\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\python.exe C:/Users/MAN/PycharmProjects/facerecognition/Recognise/ Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/MAN/PycharmProjects/facerecognition/Recognise/", line 11, in font =, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1) AttributeError: module 'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'cv'

Process finished with exit code 1

Is this the Windows issue or it shows only error in Python 3.6 version? for you kind information I am using Python 3.6 in Windows platform.


in Opencv3 the cv module is deprecated. So, in line 11 you can initialize the font like following:


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