Golang. MongoDB bulkWrite() to update slice of documents
Golang. MongoDB bulkWrite() to update slice of documents
Answer a question I have a slice of objects I want to save to Mongo collection. Let's say type ( User struct { AccountId string Name string FamilyName string EmailAddress string } ) func persistUsers(
And below is the example code for Collection.BulkWrite and utilises your User struct example:
collection := client.Database("databaseName").Collection("collectionName")
var operations []mongo.WriteModel// Example using User struct
userA := User{AccountId:"1", Name:"John", FamilyName:"Smith", EmailAddress:""}
operationA := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel()
operationA.SetFilter(bson.M{"AccountId": userA.AccountId})
// Set Upsert flag option to turn the update operation to upsert
operations = append(operations, operationA)
// Example using bson.M{}
operationB := mongo.NewUpdateOneModel()
operations = append(operations, operationB)
// Specify an option to turn the bulk insertion in order of operation
bulkOption := options.BulkWriteOptions{}
result, err := collection.BulkWrite(context.TODO(), operations, &bulkOption)
if err != nil {
For more information please see:
MongoDB Go driver options.BulkWriteOptions
MongoDB Go driver options.UpdateOptions
MongoDB db.collection.bulkWrite()
How do mongo decides what is new, what is old and has to be updated?
If there is no document matches the query criteria (the filter), then update() inserts a single document. If there are documents that match the query criteria it becomes an update. See also Upsert Behaviour for more information.
If your update query criteria contains _id with dot notation, please see Upsert With Dotted _id Query.