Hi friend,
hope you are good? I meant that question. This blog and writeups are just a way of sharing what i feel and giving people the opportunity to know me through my pen.
So dear friend i haven't said this here or anywhere before but this is the reality.
Earlier this year i had an idea in the middle of the night, it's definitely not a dream because i don't believe in that or i don't just have them, but something happened and i completely blanked on the idea. shame on me!
But then crazily in may it came back at night too butt this time it was different cos i quickly pickup my pen, Jot things down and started analyzing all possibilities and what not.
I gathered my team And the building started. i thought i wouldn't write a code but maybe nature is in support of me writing codes, currently we're building with React Native and Firebase, i'm in charge of the product frontend, designs and relations. i really do love a good cause.

And the day before yesterday we launched our waitlist websiteto keep us the developers and other part of the team on our toe and since the launch we've gathered 100s of entries on our waitlist data and i must say the feeling is ectatic.

`~with love iJ03L.


