online deployable ,install k8s
TFJob Operator 和 Controller:
作为Kubernetes的扩展,来简化分布式TensorFlow工作负载的部署。 通过Operator,Kubeflow能够自动化的配置 master服务器,工作服务器和参数化服务器配置。 TFJob可用来部署工作负载。
$ kubectl describe deploy tf-job-operator-v1alpha2 -n kubeflow Name: tf-job-operator-v1alpha2 Namespace: kubeflow CreationTimestamp: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 12:51:55 +0000 Labels: Annotations: 1 {"pristine":"H4sIAAAAAAAA/5yRTY8TMQyG7/wMn+djB24jcajY5dalAgkJrarKk3q6oUkcJZ4BtMp/R95+IdFy4ObE9vO+tl8Ao/1KKVsO0AP9FAoa53buBhLsoIK9DVvo4Z6i4... Selector: name=tf-job-operator Replicas: 1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 0 available | 1 unavailable StrategyType: RollingUpdate MinReadySeconds: 0 RollingUpdateStrategy: 1 max unavailable, 1 max surge Pod Template: Labels: name=tf-job-operator Service Account: tf-job-operator Containers: tf-job-operator: Image: Port: <none> Host Port: <none> Command: /opt/kubeflow/tf-operator.v2 --alsologtostderr -v=1 Environment: MY_POD_NAMESPACE: (v1:metadata.namespace) MY_POD_NAME: ( Mounts: /etc/config from config-volume (rw) Volumes: config-volume: Type: ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap) Name: tf-job-operator-config Optional: false Conditions: Type Status Reason ---- ------ ------ Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable OldReplicaSets: <none> NewReplicaSet: tf-job-operator-v1alpha2-644c5f7db7 (1/1 replicas created) Events: <none>
$ kubectl -n kubeflow describe pod tf-job-operator Name: tf-job-operator-v1alpha2-644c5f7db7-dsttx Namespace: kubeflow Priority: 0 PriorityClassName: <none> Node: kubeflow-1/ Start Time: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 12:51:58 +0000 Labels: name=tf-job-operator pod-template-hash=644c5f7db7 Annotations: <none> Status: Pending IP: Controlled By: ReplicaSet/tf-job-operator-v1alpha2-644c5f7db7 Containers: tf-job-operator: Container ID: Image: Image ID: Port: <none> Host Port: <none> Command: /opt/kubeflow/tf-operator.v2 --alsologtostderr -v=1 State: Waiting Reason: ContainerCreating Ready: False Restart Count: 0 Environment: MY_POD_NAMESPACE: kubeflow (v1:metadata.namespace) MY_POD_NAME: tf-job-operator-v1alpha2-644c5f7db7-dsttx ( Mounts: /etc/config from config-volume (rw) /var/run/secrets/ from tf-job-operator-token-fr42l (ro) Conditions: Type Status Initialized True Ready False ContainersReady False PodScheduled True Volumes: config-volume: Type: ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap) Name: tf-job-operator-config Optional: false tf-job-operator-token-fr42l: Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret) SecretName: tf-job-operator-token-fr42l Optional: false QoS Class: BestEffort Node-Selectors: <none> Tolerations: for 300s for 300s Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Normal SandboxChanged 2d9h (x1330 over 2d17h) kubelet, kubeflow-1 Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created. Warning FailedCreatePodSandBox 2d9h (x1335 over 2d17h) kubelet, kubeflow-1 (combined from similar events): Failed create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to set up sandbox container "9c0524a3122c673a81d2652d6755e46c721f57d67990a20f636abf806dab9c0e" network for pod "tf-job-operator-v1alpha2-644c5f7db7-dsttx": NetworkPlugin cni failed to set up pod "tf-job-operator-v1alpha2-644c5f7db7-dsttx_kubeflow" network: stat /var/lib/calico/nodename: no such file or directory: check that the calico/node container is running and has mounted /var/lib/calico/ Warning FailedMount 24m kubelet, kubeflow-1 MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "config-volume" : couldn't propagate object cache: timed out waiting for the condition Warning FailedCreatePodSandBox 24m kubelet, kubeflow-1 Failed create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to set up sandbox container "76b89d8178a3247f0c906d9eb541b73c847be4f863d5da15efd3a578487cee7c" network for pod "tf-job-operator-v1alpha2-644c5f7db7-dsttx": NetworkPlugin cni failed to set up pod "tf-job-operator-v1alpha2-644c5f7db7-dsttx_kubeflow" network: stat /var/lib/calico/nodename: no such file or directory: check that the calico/node container is running and has mounted /var/lib/calico/
$ kubectl -n kubeflow describe deploy tf-job-dashboard Name: tf-job-dashboard Namespace: kubeflow CreationTimestamp: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 12:51:56 +0000 Labels: Annotations: 1 {"pristine":"H4sIAAAAAAAA/3yQzY4TMRCE7zxGn+dvxSXyLUD2AiwRCDisoqjH07NrxnZbds8AivzuyCE/HMjeym53les7AAbzjWIy7EEB/RLyRad2uetJ8A4qmIwfQME7CpZ/O... Selector: name=tf-job-dashboard Replicas: 1 desired | 1 updated | 1 total | 0 available | 1 unavailable StrategyType: RollingUpdate MinReadySeconds: 0 RollingUpdateStrategy: 1 max unavailable, 1 max surge Pod Template: Labels: name=tf-job-dashboard Service Account: tf-job-dashboard Containers: tf-job-dashboard: Image: Port: 8080/TCP Host Port: 0/TCP Command: /opt/tensorflow_k8s/dashboard/backend Environment: KUBEFLOW_NAMESPACE: (v1:metadata.namespace) Mounts: <none> Volumes: <none> Conditions: Type Status Reason ---- ------ ------ Available True MinimumReplicasAvailable OldReplicaSets: <none> NewReplicaSet: tf-job-dashboard-7499d5cbcf (1/1 replicas created) Events: <none>
$ kubectl -n kubeflow describe pod tf-job-dashboard Name: tf-job-dashboard-7499d5cbcf-hzhcf Namespace: kubeflow Priority: 0 PriorityClassName: <none> Node: kubeflow-1/ Start Time: Mon, 03 Dec 2018 12:51:58 +0000 Labels: name=tf-job-dashboard pod-template-hash=7499d5cbcf Annotations: <none> Status: Pending IP: Controlled By: ReplicaSet/tf-job-dashboard-7499d5cbcf Containers: tf-job-dashboard: Container ID: Image: Image ID: Port: 8080/TCP Host Port: 0/TCP Command: /opt/tensorflow_k8s/dashboard/backend State: Waiting Reason: ContainerCreating Ready: False Restart Count: 0 Environment: KUBEFLOW_NAMESPACE: kubeflow (v1:metadata.namespace) Mounts: /var/run/secrets/ from tf-job-dashboard-token-452x9 (ro) Conditions: Type Status Initialized True Ready False ContainersReady False PodScheduled True Volumes: tf-job-dashboard-token-452x9: Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret) SecretName: tf-job-dashboard-token-452x9 Optional: false QoS Class: BestEffort Node-Selectors: <none> Tolerations: for 300s for 300s Events: Type Reason Age From Message ---- ------ ---- ---- ------- Warning FailedCreatePodSandBox 32m (x1084 over 3h31m) kubelet, kubeflow-1 (combined from similar events): Failed create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to set up sandbox container "b4e475c7cf75d4086f91547e3a88632ca34c494c5e454601711a7588c8a0a22c" network for pod "tf-job-dashboard-7499d5cbcf-hzhcf": NetworkPlugin cni failed to set up pod "tf-job-dashboard-7499d5cbcf-hzhcf_kubeflow" network: stat /var/lib/calico/nodename: no such file or directory: check that the calico/node container is running and has mounted /var/lib/calico/ Normal SandboxChanged 2m29s (x1255 over 3h32m) kubelet, kubeflow-1 Pod sandbox changed, it will be killed and re-created.
TF Hub:
JupyterHub的运行实例,通过该实例来使用Jupyter notebook。
$ kubectl -n kubeflow get pod tf-hub-0 -o yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: creationTimestamp: 2018-12-03T12:51:35Z generateName: tf-hub- labels: app: tf-hub controller-revision-hash: tf-hub-755f7566bd tf-hub-0 name: tf-hub-0 namespace: kubeflow ownerReferences: - apiVersion: apps/v1 blockOwnerDeletion: true controller: true kind: StatefulSet name: tf-hub uid: 2a91c29b-f6fa-11e8-8183-fa163ed7118a resourceVersion: "319408" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kubeflow/pods/tf-hub-0 uid: 2a953b58-f6fa-11e8-8183-fa163ed7118a spec: containers: - command: - jupyterhub - -f - /etc/config/ env: - name: NOTEBOOK_PVC_MOUNT value: /home/jovyan - name: CLOUD_NAME value: "null" - name: REGISTRY value: - name: REPO_NAME value: kubeflow-images-public - name: KF_AUTHENTICATOR value: "null" - name: DEFAULT_JUPYTERLAB value: "false" - name: KF_PVC_LIST value: "null" image: imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent name: tf-hub ports: - containerPort: 8000 protocol: TCP - containerPort: 8081 protocol: TCP resources: {} terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log terminationMessagePolicy: File volumeMounts: - mountPath: /etc/config name: config-volume - mountPath: /var/run/secrets/ name: jupyter-hub-token-hs8h8 readOnly: true dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst hostname: tf-hub-0 nodeName: kubeflow-1 priority: 0 restartPolicy: Always schedulerName: default-scheduler securityContext: {} serviceAccount: jupyter-hub serviceAccountName: jupyter-hub terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 tolerations: - effect: NoExecute key: operator: Exists tolerationSeconds: 300 - effect: NoExecute key: operator: Exists tolerationSeconds: 300 volumes: - configMap: defaultMode: 420 name: jupyterhub-config name: config-volume - name: jupyter-hub-token-hs8h8 secret: defaultMode: 420 secretName: jupyter-hub-token-hs8h8 status: conditions: - lastProbeTime: null lastTransitionTime: 2018-12-03T12:51:35Z status: "True" type: Initialized - lastProbeTime: null lastTransitionTime: 2018-12-03T12:51:35Z message: 'containers with unready status: [tf-hub]' reason: ContainersNotReady status: "False" type: Ready - lastProbeTime: null lastTransitionTime: 2018-12-03T12:51:35Z message: 'containers with unready status: [tf-hub]' reason: ContainersNotReady status: "False" type: ContainersReady - lastProbeTime: null lastTransitionTime: 2018-12-03T12:51:35Z status: "True" type: PodScheduled containerStatuses: - image: imageID: "" lastState: {} name: tf-hub ready: false restartCount: 0 state: waiting: reason: ContainerCreating hostIP: phase: Pending qosClass: BestEffort startTime: 2018-12-03T12:51:35Z
$ kubectl -n kubeflow get svc tf-hub-0 -o yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: '{"pristine":"H4sIAAAAAAAA/2SOsU4DQQxEez5j6gscHdo/oEFISDSIwtk4ypI7e7X2BqHT/jsyETSUfprxvA1Uyys3KypIuNxjwrnIAQkv3C4lMyas7HQgJ6QNJKJOXlQsztp0ZT9xt9uid5YbVUaCt84YExba8/ITpFqDH3envo8NUxH2KGVdqwqLI+Gj1y/nFpkxQWjlv9JuxpVYpRz43Pd8XPQzklY5x0peujm3x2ckPKmEfNXmhvS2/b67CgRGepjnebxPMF44u7Z/pmOMm28AAAD//wEAAP//d9+FryQBAAA="}' "true" creationTimestamp: 2018-12-03T12:51:34Z labels: app: tf-hub ksonnet jupyterhub name: tf-hub-0 namespace: kubeflow resourceVersion: "319385" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kubeflow/services/tf-hub-0 uid: 2a5a66bd-f6fa-11e8-8183-fa163ed7118a spec: clusterIP: None ports: - name: hub port: 8000 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8000 selector: app: tf-hub sessionAffinity: None type: ClusterIP status: loadBalancer: {}
$ kubectl -n kubeflow get svc tf-hub-lb -o yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: annotations: |- --- apiVersion: ambassador/v0 kind: Mapping name: tf-hub-lb-hub-mapping prefix: /hub/ rewrite: /hub/ timeout_ms: 300000 service: tf-hub-lb.kubeflow use_websocket: true --- apiVersion: ambassador/v0 kind: Mapping name: tf-hub-lb-user-mapping prefix: /user/ rewrite: /user/ timeout_ms: 300000 service: tf-hub-lb.kubeflow use_websocket: true '{"pristine":"H4sIAAAAAAAA/6yRP4/bMAzF934Kg7Mdu+hSaO3UoUCAAl3qQ0A5tKOLTQkilVwQ+LsflL93wW13WgQ+kY8/4R0Bg/tHUZxnMLD7DiVsHa/BwF+KO9cRlDCR4hoVwRwBmb2iOs+Sy4EUJ4siuPZx4Xzdee7dAAaqqmr5bm6Ke1+9a1rOW0xR/MEQHA8tM05kCu2rTbLVaE/XdH0MkXr3Yop6k2zdcqR9dEq3Wt1EPulqElP8aPJpWc74bywX22SpH/2+5SS02pMV321JTaExUcufJU5C8QPkLL9jvghfAQ1zCSNaGk9hYAhg4DaaoxTPTHoOZgqeiRUMPKdwUIqbZLNB/sfDXJYkYJf1K0BulUBd3hR8VAHz/3gdzlblSQbzsylBMQ6ky0vdNPNTCUIjderjI2o21kPINr/GJErx9xLm+dsrAAAA//8BAAD//weR4mmcAgAA"}' creationTimestamp: 2018-12-03T12:51:34Z labels: app: tf-hub-lb ksonnet jupyterhub name: tf-hub-lb namespace: kubeflow resourceVersion: "319392" selfLink: /api/v1/namespaces/kubeflow/services/tf-hub-lb uid: 2a712a94-f6fa-11e8-8183-fa163ed7118a spec: clusterIP: ports: - name: hub port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 8000 selector: app: tf-hub sessionAffinity: None type: ClusterIP status: loadBalancer: {}
1. 部署Kubeflow
export GITHUB_TOKEN=99510f2ccf40e496d1e97dbec9f31cb16770b884 export KUBEFLOW_VERSION=0.2.5 curl${KUBEFLOW_VERSION}/scripts/ | bash
2. 部署Kubeflow 需要的LoadBalancer 和 Persistent Volume
kubectl apply -f ~/kubeflow/katacoda.yaml
3. 部署TensorFlow作业(TFJob)
TfJob提供了一个Kubeflow的custom resource,可以在Kubernetes上轻松运行分布式或非分布式TensorFlow作业。 TFJob控制器为master,parameter服务器和worker 提供了一个YAML规范(specification ),来运行分布式计算。
CRD(Custom Resource Definition)提供了创建和管理TFJob的能力, CRD与Kubernetes内置资源方式相同。 部署后,CRD可以配置TensorFlow Job,允许用户专注于机器学习而不是基础设施。
4. 创建一个 TFJob Deployment Definition
部署TensorFlow workload,Kubeflow需要定义TFJob。
cat example.yaml
master:每个job必须有一个master。 master将协调workers之间的训练操作执行。
worker:一个job可以有0到N名workers。 每个worker进程都运行相同的model,为PS(Parameter Server)提供处理参数。
PS:一个job可以有0到N个Parameter Server。 Parameter Server可以跨多台计算机扩展model。
5. 部署TFJob
kubectl apply -f example.yaml
通过部署TFJob,Kubernetes跨可用的节点进行调度, 执行负载。 作为部署的一部分,Kubeflow使用请求的设置来配置TensorFlow,以允许不同的组件进行通信。
6. 查看TFJob(用户资源) 的进度和结果
kubectl get tfjob
TensorFlow作业完成后,master 服务会被标记为成功。
master 负责协调执行和汇总结果.
查看 已完成的pods:
kubectl get pods | grep Completed
本示例,结果输出到STDOUT, 通过一下命令可以看到master,worker和PS负载的执行结果
kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods | grep Completed | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
7. Deploy JupyterHub
通过前面的Kubeflow,JupyterHub已经部署到Kubernetes的集群上。可以通过一下命令找到Load Balancer IP地址:
kubectl get svc
Jupyter Notebook 通过JupyterHub运行。Jupyter Notebook是经典的数据科学工具,用于在浏览器中运行记录 脚本和代码片段。
打开 JupyterHub:
用户名为 admin
进入之后,选择一个tensorflow image, ,
点击“Spawn” 来启动server。这个会生成一个名为jupyter-admin的Kubernetes Pod来管理server。
kubectl get pods jupyter-admin
8. 使用 Jupyter Notebook
from __future__ import print_function import tensorflow as tf hello = tf.constant('Hello TensorFlow!') s = tf.Session() print(
for job_name in cluster_spec.keys(): for i in range(len(cluster_spec[job_name])): d = "/job:{0}/task:{1}".format(job_name, i) with tf.device(d): a = tf.constant(range(width * height), shape=[height, width]) b = tf.constant(range(width * height), shape=[height, width]) c = tf.multiply(a, b) results.append(c)
9. 部署训练好的Model Server
训练完成之后, model就可以用来执行新数据的预测。 Kubeflow tf-serving提供一个模板,用来服务TensorFlow model。
通过基于模型参数的定义, 并使用Ksonnet来定制和部署。
MODEL_COMPONENT=model-server MODEL_NAME=inception MODEL_PATH=/serving/inception-export
cd ~/kubeflow_ks_app ks generate tf-serving ${MODEL_COMPONENT} --name=${MODEL_NAME} ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} modelPath $MODEL_PATH ks param set ${MODEL_COMPONENT} modelServerImage katacoda/tensorflow_serving
ks param list
在Kubernete集群中部署这个model 服务
ks apply default -c ${MODEL_COMPONENT}
kubectl get pods
10. 图像分类
该例子使用预先训练的Inception V3模型。 这是基于ImageNet数据集上训练出来的架构。 ML任务是图像分类,Kubernetes处理model server及其客户端。
要使用已发布的模型,您需要设置客户端。 这与其他job实现方式相同。 用于部署客户端的YAML文件:
cat ~/model-client-job.yaml
kubectl apply -f ~/model-client-job.yaml
查看 model-client-job 的运行状态:
kubectl get pods
查看Katacoda log的分类状态.
kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods | grep Completed | tail -n1 | tr -s ' ' | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
Installing Calico for policy and networking (recommended)
Controlling ingress and egress traffic with network policy
Installing Calico for policy and flannel for networking
including the operating system version, kubelet version, container runtime version, as well as CPU and memory capacity.
Argo is an open source container-native workflow engine for getting work done on Kubernetes. Argo is implemented as a Kubernetes CRD (Custom Resource Definition).
大使是 Open Source Kubernetes-Native API Gateway built on the Envoy Proxy
Hyperparameter Tuning on Kubernetes. This project is inspired by Google vizier. Katib is a scalable and flexible hyperparameter tuning framework and is tightly integrated with kubernetes. Also it does not depend on a specific Deep Learning framework e.g. TensorFlow, MXNet, and PyTorch).
modelDB 是用来管理ML的model的。
ModelDB is an end-to-end system to manage machine learning models. It ingests models and associated metadata as models are being trained, stores model data in a structured format, and surfaces it through a web-frontend for rich querying. ModelDB can be used with any ML environment via the ModelDB Light API. ModelDB native clients can be used for advanced support in and scikit-learn.