
By default, memcached is compiled as a single-threaded application. This is
the most CPU-efficient mode of operation, and it is appropriate for memcached
instances running on single-processor servers or whose request volume is
low enough that available CPU power is not a bottleneck.

More heavily-used memcached instances can benefit from multithreaded mode.
To enable it, use the "--enable-threads" option to the configure script:

./configure --enable-threads

You must have the POSIX thread functions (pthread_*) on your system in order
to use memcached's multithreaded mode.

Once you have a thread-capable memcached executable, you can control the
number of threads using the "-t" option; the default is 4. On a machine
that's dedicated to memcached, you will typically want one thread per
processor core. Due to memcached's nonblocking architecture, there is no
real advantage to using more threads than the number of CPUs on the machine;
doing so will increase lock contention and is likely to degrade performance.


如上所说,我们的memcache服务器在编译安装的时候默认是单线程应用,如果你想变成支持多线程的,那么编译的时候指定./configure --enable-threads就可以编译成支撑多线程的应用程序了。主要是为了现在的多核系统准备的。


You must have the POSIX thread functions (pthread_*) on your system in order
to use memcached's multithreaded mode.




