Vue JavaScript Tutorial in Visual Studio CodeVue JavaScript tutorial showing IntelliSense, debugging, and code navigation support in the Visual Studio Code editor.icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/nodejs/vuejs-tutorial


Vue.js is a popular JavaScript library for building web application user interfaces and Visual Studio Code has built-in support for the Vue.js building blocks of HTMLCSS, and JavaScript. For a richer Vue.js development environment, you can install the Volar and Volar for TypeScript extensions that support Vue.js IntelliSense, code snippets, formatting, and more.

NoteVue 2 support will end on December 31st, 2023 so the use of the Vetur extension is not recommended. You will need to disable Vetur to use Volar.

Vue 前置条件




在 WSL 2 上设置 Node.js | Microsoft Learn


本教程通过 Vite 工具创建项目Vue.js 框架官网:  vuejs.org website.

安装使用vue和vite之前需要先安装Node.js 和Npm. Node.js  npm (Node.js package manager) 官方下载,安装node时自动安装npm  Node.js downloads.

检查是否安装的命令  node --version and npm --version.


npm create vue@latest

系统会安装 create-vue应用。<之前安装过了之后,就不需要安装了>

Vue app scaffolding

按照提示, 到对应项目目录中。执行 npm install.  npm run dev命令执行项目。在

cd vue-project
npm install
# npm安装相关文件

npm run dev


 浏览器输入 http://localhost:5173 显示如下:

welcome to Vue


h+回车 帮助。

q+回车 退出。


cd vue-project
code .

Volar extension 安装扩展

 系统建议安装扩展volar,选择install即可。<202403: 已经升级为 Vue-offical了。>

Volar extension recommendation


Volar extension


Vue language features


As you start typing in App.vue, you'll see smart suggestions or completions both for HTML and CSS but also for Vue.js specific items like declarations (v-bindv-for) in the Vue template section:

Vue.js suggestions

and Vue properties such as computed in the scripts section:

Vue.js JavaScript suggestions

Go to Definition, Peek definition 查看定义和源代码功能

VS Code through the Volar extension Vue.js language service can also provide type definition information in the editor through Go to Definition (F12) or Peek Definition (Alt+F12). Put the cursor over the App, right-click and select Peek Definition. A Peek window opens showing the App definition from App.js.

Vue.js peek definition

Press Escape to close the Peek window.

Hello World 最小变化

Let's update the sample application to "Hello World!". In App.vue replace the HelloWorld component msg custom attribute text with "Hello World!".

    <img alt="Vue logo" class="logo" src="./assets/logo.svg" width="125" height="125" />

    <div class="wrapper">
      <HelloWorld msg="Hello World!" />

    <TheWelcome />

Once you save the App.vue file (Ctrl+S), restart the server with npm run dev and you'll see "Hello World!". Leave the server running while we go on to learn about Vue.js client side debugging.

Tip: VS Code supports Auto Save, which by default saves your files after a delay. Check the Auto Save option in the File menu to turn on Auto Save or directly configure the files.autoSave user setting.


Linters analyze your source code and can warn you about potential problems before you run your application. The Vue ESLint plugin (eslint-plugin-vue) checks for Vue.js specific syntax errors, which are shown in the editor as red squiggles and are also displayed in the Problems panel (View > Problems Ctrl+Shift+M).

Below you can see an error when the Vue linter detects more than one root element in a template:

Vue linting


You can debug client side Vue.js code with the built-in JavaScript debugger. Follow this conversation to use Vite/Vue.js 3 project with VS Code using Microsoft Edge.

For Vue CLI, which is now in maintenance mode, check out Vue.js debugging in VS Code recipe on the VS Code debugging recipes site to learn more.

Another popular tool for debugging Vue.js is the vue-devtools plug-in, which can be used regardless of the environment.

Other extensions 其他扩展

VScode会建议安装扩展。Volar is only one of many Vue.js extensions available for VS Code. Another recommended extension is Volar for TypeScript.

Vue recommended extensions

You can search in the Extensions view (Ctrl+Shift+X) by typing 'vue'.

Vue.js extensions

Extension like Vue VS Code Snippets can be handy for Vue snippets. 代码片段(类似宏的功能)

Vue VS Code Snippets

There are also Extension Packs, which bundle extensions that other people have found useful for Vue.js development.

Vue.js Extension Pack


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