
标签算法(Labeling algorithms)是解决最短路径问题的一种重要方法,也是绝大多数最短路径算法的核心部分。

按照不同的标识结点处理策略,标签算法又可分为标签设定(Label Setting,简称LS)和标签校正(Label Correcting,简称LC)两大体系。





二、SPPRC 问题

带资源约束的最短路径问题 (shortest path problem with resource constraints,SPPRC) 是一个众所周知的NP-Hard问题。除了作为网络 问题直接应用外,SPPRC还用作列生成解决方案方法的基础,用于解决车辆路径规划问题和人员排班问题等。
考虑一个有向图 G = ( N , A ) , N = { v 1 , v 2 , … , v i , … , v n } G=(N, A), N=\left\{v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_i, \ldots, v_n\right\} G=(N,A),N={v1,v2,,vi,,vn} 表示节点的集合,并且 A = { ( i , j ) ∣ v i ∈ N , v j ∈ N , i ≠ j } A=\left\{(i, j) \mid v_i \in N, v_j \in N, i \neq j\right\} A={(i,j)viN,vjN,i=j} 表示弧的 集合。对于每一段弧 ( i , j ) ∈ A (\mathrm{i}, \mathrm{j}) \in \mathrm{A} (i,j)A 都有一个非负的权重(vrptw问题中可能为负,需要作特殊处理), c i j \mathrm{c}_{\mathrm{ij}} cij t i j \mathrm{t}_{\mathrm{ij}} tij ,表示通过这段弧的成本和资源消 耗。

SPPRC问题包括找到从起始节点 v s ∈ N \mathrm{v}_{\mathrm{s}} \in \mathrm{N} vsN 到结束节点 v t ∈ N \mathrm{v}_{\mathrm{t}} \in \mathrm{N} vtN 的一条路径 P P P ,使该路径的总成本最小化,但不超过最大资源消耗 T T T 。 即使只存在一种资源,SPPRC也是一个NP-Hard。


带资源约束的基本最短路径问题(Elementary shortest path problem with resource constraints),以下简称ESPPRC。


四、Python 实现标签算法求解 ESPPRC 问题

4.1 Solomn 数据集

Solomn 数据集下载地址

4.2 完整代码

4.2.1 Functions.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#
# Author: WSKH
# Blog: wskh0929.blog.csdn.net
# Time: 2023/2/9 13:04
# Description:
import math
import re
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

class Data:
    customerNum = 0
    nodeNum = 0
    vehicleNum = 0
    capacity = 0
    corX = []
    corY = []
    demand = []
    serviceTime = []
    readyTime = []
    dueTime = []
    distanceMatrix = [[]]

def readData(path, customerNum):
    data = Data()
    data.customerNum = customerNum
    if customerNum is not None:
        data.nodeNum = customerNum + 2
    with open(path, 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        count = 0
        for line in lines:
            count += 1
            if count == 5:
                line = line[:-1]
                s = re.split(r" +", line)
                data.vehicleNum = int(s[1])
                data.capacity = float(s[2])
            elif count >= 10 and (customerNum is None or count <= 10 + customerNum):
                line = line[:-1]
                s = re.split(r" +", line)
    data.nodeNum = len(data.corX)
    data.customerNum = data.nodeNum - 1
    # 计算距离矩阵
    data.distanceMatrix = np.zeros((data.nodeNum, data.nodeNum))
    for i in range(data.nodeNum):
        for j in range(i + 1, data.nodeNum):
            distance = math.sqrt((data.corX[i] - data.corX[j]) ** 2 + (data.corY[i] - data.corY[j]) ** 2)
            data.distanceMatrix[i][j] = data.distanceMatrix[j][i] = distance
    return data

def calc_path_distance(path, data):
    dis = 0
    for i in range(len(path) - 1):
        dis += data.distanceMatrix[path[i]][path[i + 1]]
    return dis

def calc_path_load(path, data):
    load = 0
    for i in range(len(path)):
        load += data.demand[path[i]]
    return load

def check_time_window(path, data):
    cur_time = 0
    for i in range(len(path) - 1):
        cur_time += data.distanceMatrix[path[i]][path[i + 1]]
        if cur_time < data.readyTime[path[i + 1]] or cur_time > data.dueTime[path[i + 1]]:
            return False
    return True

def plot_path(title, path, data):
    plt.scatter(data.corX[0], data.corY[0], c='red', alpha=1, marker='v', linewidths=3, label='org')  # 起点
    plt.scatter(data.corX[1:-1], data.corY[1:-1], c='black', alpha=1, marker='o', linewidths=3,
                label='mid')  # 中间站点
    plt.scatter(data.corX[-1], data.corY[-1], c='blue', alpha=1, marker='s', linewidths=3,
                label='des')  # 终点
    for i in range(len(path) - 1):
        a = int(path[i])
        b = int(path[i + 1])
        x = [data.corX[a], data.corX[b]]
        y = [data.corY[a], data.corY[b]]
        plt.plot(x, y, 'k', linewidth=1)

4.2.2 LabelAlgo.py


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#
# Author: WSKH
# Blog: wskh0929.blog.csdn.net
# Time: 2023/2/9 13:02
# Description:

wei = 15

class Label:
    path = []
    travel_time = 0
    distance = 0
    load = 0

    def __init__(self, node_num):
        self.node_num = node_num
        l = (node_num // wei) + 1
        self.node_set = [0 for _ in range(l)]

    def append(self, node):
        i = node // wei
        j = node % wei
        self.node_set[i] = self.node_set[i] | (1 << j)

    def have_node(self, node):
        i = node // wei
        j = node % wei
        return self.node_set[i] & (1 << j) != 0

def copy_label(label):
    c_label = Label(label.node_num)
    c_label.path = label.path.copy()
    c_label.travel_time = label.travel_time
    c_label.distance = label.distance
    c_label.load = label.load
    c_label.node_set = label.node_set.copy()
    return c_label

def is_dominate(Q, extended_label, t, load, d):
    # for label in Q:
    #     if label.path[-1] == extended_label.path[
    #         -1] and label.travel_time < t and label.distance < d and label.load < load:
    #         b = True
    #         for i in range(len(label.node_set)):
    #             if label.node_set[i] | extended_label.node_set[i] != extended_label.node_set[i]:
    #                 # 说明 label.path 不是 extended_path 的子集
    #                 b = False
    #                 break
    #         if b is True:
    #             # 说明 label.path 是 extended_path 的子集,extended_path 要被 dominate
    #             return True
    return False

# labeling algorithm
def Labeling_SPPRC(data, org, des):
    # initial opt_labels
    opt_labels = []
    # initial Q
    Q = []
    # create initial label
    label = Label(data.nodeNum)
    # start search
    while len(Q) > 0:
        current_label = Q.pop()
        # print(current_label.path)
        if current_label.path[-1] == des:
            if len(opt_labels) == 0:
                opt_labels = [current_label]
                if abs(opt_labels[0].distance - current_label.distance) < 0.000001:
                elif opt_labels[0].distance > current_label.distance:
                    opt_labels = [current_label]
        # extend the current label
        last_node = current_label.path[-1]
        for next_node in range(data.nodeNum):
            # current_label.have_node(next_node) is False
            # next_node not in current_label.path
            if next_node not in current_label.path:
                extended_label = copy_label(current_label)
                # check the feasibility
                arrive_time = current_label.travel_time + data.distanceMatrix[last_node][next_node]
                load = extended_label.load + data.demand[next_node]
                if load <= data.capacity and data.readyTime[next_node] <= arrive_time <= data.dueTime[next_node]:
                    # dominate rule
                    d = extended_label.distance + data.distanceMatrix[last_node][next_node]
                    dominate = is_dominate(Q, extended_label, arrive_time, load, d)
                    if dominate is False:
                        extended_label.travel_time = arrive_time
                        extended_label.distance = d
                        extended_label.load = load
                        # print(extended_label.path)
    # return
    return opt_labels

4.2.3 Main.py

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#
# Author: WSKH
# Blog: wskh0929.blog.csdn.net
# Time: 2023/2/9 13:03
# Description:
import time

from Functions import *
from LabelAlgo import *

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 哪个数据集
    data_type = "c101"
    # 数据集路径
    data_path = f'../../data/solomn_data/{data_type}.txt'
    # 顾客个数设置(从上往下读取完 customerNum 个顾客为止,例如c101文件中有100个顾客点,
    # 但是跑100个顾客点太耗时了,设置这个数是为了只选取一部分顾客点进行计算,用来快速测试算法)
    # 如果想用完整的顾客点进行计算,设置为None即可
    customerNum = 20
    # 读取数据
    data = readData(data_path, customerNum)
    # 指定起点和终点
    org = 0
    des = data.nodeNum - 1
    # 输出相关数据
    print("-" * 20, "Problem Information", '-' * 20)
    print(f'Data Type: {data_type}')
    print(f'Node Num: {data.nodeNum}')
    print(f'Customer Num: {data.customerNum}')
    print(f'Vehicle Num: {data.vehicleNum}')
    print(f'Vehicle Capacity: {data.capacity}')
    # 开始求解
    start_time = time.time()
    opt_labels = Labeling_SPPRC(data, org, des)
    print("-" * 20, "Solved Completely", '-' * 20)
    if len(opt_labels) > 0:
        print(f"Solve Time: {time.time() - start_time} s")
        for i in range(len(opt_labels)):
                f'Optimal Solution {i + 1} : {opt_labels[i].path} , load: {opt_labels[i].load} , distance: {opt_labels[i].distance} , check_time_window: {check_time_window(opt_labels[i].path, data)}')
            plot_path(f'Optimal Solution {i + 1}', opt_labels[i].path, data)
        print("There is no solution to this question")

4.3 结果展示

4.3.1 测试案例:c101.txt

设置 customerNum = 20

-------------------- Problem Information --------------------
Data Type: c101
Node Num: 21
Customer Num: 20
Vehicle Num: 25
Vehicle Capacity: 200.0
-------------------- Solved Completely --------------------
Solve Time: 0.0 s
Optimal Solution 1 : [0, 20] , load: 10.0 , distance: 10.0 , check_time_window: True


设置 customerNum = 35

-------------------- Problem Information --------------------
Data Type: c101
Node Num: 36
Customer Num: 35
Vehicle Num: 25
Vehicle Capacity: 200.0
-------------------- Solved Completely --------------------
Solve Time: 0.06851029396057129 s
Optimal Solution 1 : [0, 20, 5, 32, 3, 33, 7, 25, 18, 27, 35] , load: 200.0 , distance: 289.7898204179148 , check_time_window: True


设置 customerNum = 55

-------------------- Problem Information --------------------
Data Type: c101
Node Num: 56
Customer Num: 55
Vehicle Num: 25
Vehicle Capacity: 200.0
-------------------- Solved Completely --------------------
Solve Time: 28.623275756835938 s
Optimal Solution 1 : [0, 5, 32, 55] , load: 50.0 , distance: 96.34850796740938 , check_time_window: True


4.3.2 测试案例:r101.txt

设置 customerNum = 55

-------------------- Problem Information --------------------
Data Type: r101
Node Num: 56
Customer Num: 55
Vehicle Num: 25
Vehicle Capacity: 200.0
-------------------- Solved Completely --------------------
Solve Time: 0.0375361442565918 s
Optimal Solution 1 : [0, 14, 2, 44, 16, 55] , load: 66.0 , distance: 136.55961482272318 , check_time_window: True


设置 customerNum = 75

-------------------- Problem Information --------------------
Data Type: r101
Node Num: 76
Customer Num: 75
Vehicle Num: 25
Vehicle Capacity: 200.0
-------------------- Solved Completely --------------------
Solve Time: 0.47461438179016113 s
Optimal Solution 1 : [0, 14, 21, 75] , load: 49.0 , distance: 73.48725559064414 , check_time_window: True


设置 customerNum = 85

-------------------- Problem Information --------------------
Data Type: r101
Node Num: 86
Customer Num: 85
Vehicle Num: 25
Vehicle Capacity: 200.0
-------------------- Solved Completely --------------------
Solve Time: 1.7239580154418945 s
Optimal Solution 1 : [0, 63, 69, 85] , load: 57.0 , distance: 91.74424577496413 , check_time_window: True


设置 customerNum = 100

-------------------- Problem Information --------------------
Data Type: r101
Node Num: 101
Customer Num: 100
Vehicle Num: 25
Vehicle Capacity: 200.0
-------------------- Solved Completely --------------------
Solve Time: 32.46246600151062 s
Optimal Solution 1 : [0, 92, 27, 28, 69, 30, 79, 97, 74, 100] , load: 121.0 , distance: 185.00120247142092 , check_time_window: True



