
Dear Professor:

Hello, my name is XXX. May everything is good with you.

I am an undergraduate of XXX in China, majoring in CS. And I’m currently exploring the possibility to incorporate ‘attention’ like transformer in RecSys. I have been paying close attention to one of your papers, “Graph attention networks”. You and your team did a lot of excellent related work and gave me a lot of inspiration.

I noticed that the source code of your articles on the webpage is available upon request, so I would like to ask you for the code of the article “Graph attention networks”.Or if the code on possible code is exactly what I’m looking for. I promise it will be used only for research purposes. Also, I forward my humble request for any suggestion or reference to incorporate ‘attention’ like transformer in RecSys.

If any bother,I ask for your generous forgiveness.Thank you very much for your kind consideration and I am looking forward to your early reply. All the best.

(Issues about the RecSys is not necessary.It’'s fine to just response whether or not the code on possible code is exactly what I’m looking for.)


