1. 打开Vscode: 文件->首选项->用户片段

  2. 点击用户片段,选择vue.json或者新建全局代码片段文件

  3. 随后会打开一个json文件设置,可直接将以下代码粘贴复制到自己的文件中(步骤:ctrl+A->ctrl+C->ctrl+V),代码写在最下面了,可直接复制

  4. 配置的代码块代码

  5. 代码

    	// Place your snippets for vue here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a prefix, body and description. 
    	// The prefix is what is used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
    	// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders. Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
    	"Print to console": {
    		"prefix": "vue2",
    		"body": [
    			// 导入组件
    			// import Header from "./header.vue";
    			// 导出模块
    			"export default {",
    			// 模块名字
    			"name: 'template',",
    			// 模块数据
    			"data() {",
    			"return {}",
    			// 注册组件
    			"components: {",
    			// "Header"
    			// 监听指定值,只有指定值变化,才会触发
    			"watch: {},",
    			// 里面的函数只有调用才会执行(实时计算)里面是定义的方法
    			"methods: {",
    			// 创建前状态(里面是操作)
    			"beforeCreate() {},",
    			// 创建完毕状态(里面是操作)
    			"created() {},",
    			// 挂载前状态(里面是操作)
    			"beforeMount() {},",
    			// 挂载结束状态(里面是操作)
    			"mounted() {},",
    			// 更新前状态(里面是操作)
    			"beforeUpdate() {},",
    			// 更新完成状态(里面是操作)
    			"updated() {},",
    			// 销毁前状态(里面是操作)
    			"beforeDestroy() {},",
    			// 销毁完成状态(里面是操作)
    			"destroyed() {},",
    			// scoped 样式只在本组件使用
    			"<style scoped>",
    			* 导入css样式组件
    			* @import "../styles/header/index.css";
    		"description": "Log output to console"
  6. 创作不易,点个赞再走呗


