


lag                       v.;n.延迟

implement           v.实现

polynomial           n.多项式

manipulate           v.处理

order                    n.阶

integrate               v.积分

differentiate          v.微分

denominator         n.分母

numerator             n.分子

Stability                 n.稳定性

steady-state          n.稳态

superposition        n.叠加

magnitude             n.幅值

step                        n.阶跃(信号)


initial condition          初始条件

algebraic equation     代数方程

homogeneous solution   通解

particular solution        特解

Fourier integral         傅里叶积分

inverse transform      反(逆)变换

transient response     暂态响应

initial value                初值

final value                  终值

shifting theorem       平移定理

Laplace transformation   拉普拉斯变换


    This definition of the transfer function requires the system to be linear and stationary,with continuous variables and with zero initial conditions. The transfer function is most useful when the system is also lumped parameter and when transport lags are absent or neglected. Under these conditions the transfer function itself can be expressed as a ratio of two polynomials in the complex Laplace.

   The Laplace transformation comes from the area of operational mathematics and is extremely useful in the analysis and design of linear systems. Ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients transform into algebraic equations that can be used to implement the transfer function concept. Furthermore,the Laplace domain is a nice place in which to work, and transfer functions may be easily manipulated,modified,and analyzed. The designer quickly becomes adept in relating changes in the Laplace domain to behavior in the time domain without actually having to solve the system equations. When time domain solutions are required, the Laplace transform method is straightforward. The solution is complete,including both the homogeneous (transient) and particular (steady-state) solutions,and initial conditions are automatically included. Finally ,it is easy to move from the Laplace domain into the frequency domain.







