I'm running the following function:
def plot_variance_analysis(indices, stat_frames, legend_labels, shape):
x = np.linspace(1, 5, 500)
fig, axes = plt.subplots(shape[0], shape[1], sharex=True sharey=True)
questions_and_axes = zip(indices, axes.ravel())
frames_and_labels = zip(stat_frames, legend_labels)
for qa in questions_and_axes:
q = qa[0]
ax = qa[1]
for fl in frames_and_labels:
frame = fl[0]
label = fl[1]
ax.plot(x, stats.norm.pdf(x, frame['mean'][q], frame['std'][q]), label=label)
return fig, axes
Here's what I get with some of my own sample data:
I'm trying to maintain the shared state between axes, but at the same time display the tick labels for the x axis on all subplots (including the top two). I can't find any means to turn this off in the documentation. Any suggestions? Or should I just set the x tick labels axis by axis?
I'm running matplotlib 1.4.0, if that's important.