
K8S 1.28 安装ingress-controller控制器
前提你已经安装了Helm K8S 1.28 安装ingress-controller控制器-CSDN博客
# step 1 添加helm仓库
helm repo add ingress-nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx
# step 2 更新 & 查看仓库列表
helm repo update && helm repo list
# step 3 搜索ingress-nginx
helm search repo ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx -l
# step 4 拉取安装包
helm fetch ingress-nginx/ingress-nginx --version 4.4.2
# step 4 解压安装包
tar xf ingress-nginx-xxx.tgz
# step 5 进入包目录
cd ingress-nginx
# 1.查找ingress-nginx、kube-webhook 两个容器,将其仓库地址修改为
registry: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
# 2.查找ingress-nginx、kube-webhook 两个容器,镜像地址修改为对应的
image: google_containers/nginx-ingress-controller
image: google_containers/kube-webhook-certgen
# 3.在nginx-ingress-controller这个容器下面注释以下两个属性 27、28行左右
#digest: sha256:4ba73c697770664c1e00e9f968de14e08f606ff961c76e5d7033a4a9c593c629
#digestChroot: sha256:c1c091b88a6c936a83bd7b098662760a87868d12452529bad0d178fb36147345
# 4.修改 hostNetwork 属性为: true 89行左右
hostNetwork: true
# 5.修改 dnsPolicy 属性为: ClusterFirstWithHostNet 66左右
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
# 6.查找 DaemonSet 属性,下面的kind属性修改为: DaemonSet 194行左右
kind: DaemonSet
# 7.查找 DaemonSet 属性, 文件下面有个nodeSelector属性增加选择器 ingress: "true" 298行左右
kubernetes.io/os: linux
ingress: "true"
# 8.将 admissionWebhooks.enabled 修改为 false 608行左右
enabled: false
## nginx configuration
## Ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/main/docs/user-guide/nginx-configuration/index.md
## Overrides for generated resource names
# See templates/_helpers.tpl
# nameOverride:
# fullnameOverride:
## Labels to apply to all resources
commonLabels: {}
# scmhash: abc123
# myLabel: aakkmd
name: controller
## Keep false as default for now!
chroot: false
registry: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
image: google_containers/nginx-ingress-controller
## for backwards compatibility consider setting the full image url via the repository value below
## use *either* current default registry/image or repository format or installing chart by providing the values.yaml will fail
## repository:
tag: "v1.5.1"
#digest: sha256:4ba73c697770664c1e00e9f968de14e08f606ff961c76e5d7033a4a9c593c629
#digestChroot: sha256:c1c091b88a6c936a83bd7b098662760a87868d12452529bad0d178fb36147345
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# www-data -> uid 101
runAsUser: 101
allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
# -- Use an existing PSP instead of creating one
existingPsp: ""
# -- Configures the controller container name
containerName: controller
# -- Configures the ports that the nginx-controller listens on
http: 80
https: 443
# -- Will add custom configuration options to Nginx https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/user-guide/nginx-configuration/configmap/
config: {}
# -- Annotations to be added to the controller config configuration configmap.
configAnnotations: {}
# -- Will add custom headers before sending traffic to backends according to https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/tree/main/docs/examples/customization/custom-headers
proxySetHeaders: {}
# -- Will add custom headers before sending response traffic to the client according to: https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/user-guide/nginx-configuration/configmap/#add-headers
addHeaders: {}
# -- Optionally customize the pod dnsConfig.
dnsConfig: {}
# -- Optionally customize the pod hostname.
hostname: {}
# -- Optionally change this to ClusterFirstWithHostNet in case you have 'hostNetwork: true'.
# By default, while using host network, name resolution uses the host's DNS. If you wish nginx-controller
# to keep resolving names inside the k8s network, use ClusterFirstWithHostNet.
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirstWithHostNet
# -- Bare-metal considerations via the host network https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/baremetal/#via-the-host-network
# Ingress status was blank because there is no Service exposing the NGINX Ingress controller in a configuration using the host network, the default --publish-service flag used in standard cloud setups does not apply
reportNodeInternalIp: false
# -- Process Ingress objects without ingressClass annotation/ingressClassName field
# Overrides value for --watch-ingress-without-class flag of the controller binary
# Defaults to false
watchIngressWithoutClass: false
# -- Process IngressClass per name (additionally as per spec.controller).
ingressClassByName: false
# -- This configuration defines if Ingress Controller should allow users to set
# their own *-snippet annotations, otherwise this is forbidden / dropped
# when users add those annotations.
# Global snippets in ConfigMap are still respected
allowSnippetAnnotations: true
# -- Required for use with CNI based kubernetes installations (such as ones set up by kubeadm),
# since CNI and hostport don't mix yet. Can be deprecated once https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/23920
# is merged
hostNetwork: true
## Use host ports 80 and 443
## Disabled by default
# -- Enable 'hostPort' or not
enabled: false
# -- 'hostPort' http port
http: 80
# -- 'hostPort' https port
https: 443
# -- Election ID to use for status update, by default it uses the controller name combined with a suffix of 'leader'
electionID: ""
## This section refers to the creation of the IngressClass resource
## IngressClass resources are supported since k8s >= 1.18 and required since k8s >= 1.19
# -- Name of the ingressClass
name: nginx
# -- Is this ingressClass enabled or not
enabled: true
# -- Is this the default ingressClass for the cluster
default: false
# -- Controller-value of the controller that is processing this ingressClass
controllerValue: "k8s.io/ingress-nginx"
# -- Parameters is a link to a custom resource containing additional
# configuration for the controller. This is optional if the controller
# does not require extra parameters.
parameters: {}
# -- For backwards compatibility with ingress.class annotation, use ingressClass.
# Algorithm is as follows, first ingressClassName is considered, if not present, controller looks for ingress.class annotation
ingressClass: nginx
# -- Labels to add to the pod container metadata
podLabels: {}
# key: value
# -- Security Context policies for controller pods
podSecurityContext: {}
# -- See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/sysctl-cluster/ for notes on enabling and using sysctls
sysctls: {}
# sysctls:
# "net.core.somaxconn": "8192"
# -- Allows customization of the source of the IP address or FQDN to report
# in the ingress status field. By default, it reads the information provided
# by the service. If disable, the status field reports the IP address of the
# node or nodes where an ingress controller pod is running.
# -- Enable 'publishService' or not
enabled: true
# -- Allows overriding of the publish service to bind to
# Must be <namespace>/<service_name>
pathOverride: ""
# Limit the scope of the controller to a specific namespace
# -- Enable 'scope' or not
enabled: false
# -- Namespace to limit the controller to; defaults to $(POD_NAMESPACE)
namespace: ""
# -- When scope.enabled == false, instead of watching all namespaces, we watching namespaces whose labels
# only match with namespaceSelector. Format like foo=bar. Defaults to empty, means watching all namespaces.
namespaceSelector: ""
# -- Allows customization of the configmap / nginx-configmap namespace; defaults to $(POD_NAMESPACE)
configMapNamespace: ""
# -- Allows customization of the tcp-services-configmap; defaults to $(POD_NAMESPACE)
configMapNamespace: ""
# -- Annotations to be added to the tcp config configmap
annotations: {}
# -- Allows customization of the udp-services-configmap; defaults to $(POD_NAMESPACE)
configMapNamespace: ""
# -- Annotations to be added to the udp config configmap
annotations: {}
# -- Maxmind license key to download GeoLite2 Databases.
## https://blog.maxmind.com/2019/12/18/significant-changes-to-accessing-and-using-geolite2-databases
maxmindLicenseKey: ""
# -- Additional command line arguments to pass to nginx-ingress-controller
# E.g. to specify the default SSL certificate you can use
extraArgs: {}
## extraArgs:
## default-ssl-certificate: "<namespace>/<secret_name>"
# -- Additional environment variables to set
extraEnvs: []
# extraEnvs:
# - name: FOO
# valueFrom:
# secretKeyRef:
# key: FOO
# name: secret-resource
# -- Use a `DaemonSet` or `Deployment`
kind: DaemonSet
# -- Annotations to be added to the controller Deployment or DaemonSet
annotations: {}
# keel.sh/pollSchedule: "@every 60m"
# -- Labels to be added to the controller Deployment or DaemonSet and other resources that do not have option to specify labels
labels: {}
# keel.sh/policy: patch
# keel.sh/trigger: poll
# -- The update strategy to apply to the Deployment or DaemonSet
updateStrategy: {}
# rollingUpdate:
# maxUnavailable: 1
# type: RollingUpdate
# -- `minReadySeconds` to avoid killing pods before we are ready
minReadySeconds: 0
# -- Node tolerations for server scheduling to nodes with taints
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/
tolerations: []
# - key: "key"
# operator: "Equal|Exists"
# value: "value"
# effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)"
# -- Affinity and anti-affinity rules for server scheduling to nodes
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/#affinity-and-anti-affinity
affinity: {}
# # An example of preferred pod anti-affinity, weight is in the range 1-100
# podAntiAffinity:
# preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
# - weight: 100
# podAffinityTerm:
# labelSelector:
# matchExpressions:
# - key: app.kubernetes.io/name
# operator: In
# values:
# - ingress-nginx
# - key: app.kubernetes.io/instance
# operator: In
# values:
# - ingress-nginx
# - key: app.kubernetes.io/component
# operator: In
# values:
# - controller
# topologyKey: kubernetes.io/hostname
# # An example of required pod anti-affinity
# podAntiAffinity:
# requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
# - labelSelector:
# matchExpressions:
# - key: app.kubernetes.io/name
# operator: In
# values:
# - ingress-nginx
# - key: app.kubernetes.io/instance
# operator: In
# values:
# - ingress-nginx
# - key: app.kubernetes.io/component
# operator: In
# values:
# - controller
# topologyKey: "kubernetes.io/hostname"
# -- Topology spread constraints rely on node labels to identify the topology domain(s) that each Node is in.
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-topology-spread-constraints/
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# - maxSkew: 1
# topologyKey: topology.kubernetes.io/zone
# whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
# labelSelector:
# matchLabels:
# app.kubernetes.io/instance: ingress-nginx-internal
# -- `terminationGracePeriodSeconds` to avoid killing pods before we are ready
## wait up to five minutes for the drain of connections
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 300
# -- Node labels for controller pod assignment
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/
kubernetes.io/os: linux
ingress: "true"
## Liveness and readiness probe values
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#container-probes
## startupProbe:
## httpGet:
## # should match container.healthCheckPath
## path: "/healthz"
## port: 10254
## scheme: HTTP
## initialDelaySeconds: 5
## periodSeconds: 5
## timeoutSeconds: 2
## successThreshold: 1
## failureThreshold: 5
# should match container.healthCheckPath
path: "/healthz"
port: 10254
scheme: HTTP
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 1
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 5
# should match container.healthCheckPath
path: "/healthz"
port: 10254
scheme: HTTP
initialDelaySeconds: 10
periodSeconds: 10
timeoutSeconds: 1
successThreshold: 1
failureThreshold: 3
# -- Path of the health check endpoint. All requests received on the port defined by
# the healthz-port parameter are forwarded internally to this path.
healthCheckPath: "/healthz"
# -- Address to bind the health check endpoint.
# It is better to set this option to the internal node address
# if the ingress nginx controller is running in the `hostNetwork: true` mode.
healthCheckHost: ""
# -- Annotations to be added to controller pods
podAnnotations: {}
replicaCount: 1
# -- Define either 'minAvailable' or 'maxUnavailable', never both.
minAvailable: 1
# -- Define either 'minAvailable' or 'maxUnavailable', never both.
# maxUnavailable: 1
## Define requests resources to avoid probe issues due to CPU utilization in busy nodes
## ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/issues/4735#issuecomment-551204903
## Ideally, there should be no limits.
## https://engineering.indeedblog.com/blog/2019/12/cpu-throttling-regression-fix/
## limits:
## cpu: 100m
## memory: 90Mi
cpu: 100m
memory: 90Mi
# Mutually exclusive with keda autoscaling
apiVersion: autoscaling/v2
enabled: false
annotations: {}
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 11
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50
targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 50
behavior: {}
# scaleDown:
# stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
# policies:
# - type: Pods
# value: 1
# periodSeconds: 180
# scaleUp:
# stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
# policies:
# - type: Pods
# value: 2
# periodSeconds: 60
autoscalingTemplate: []
# Custom or additional autoscaling metrics
# ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/run-application/horizontal-pod-autoscale/#support-for-custom-metrics
# - type: Pods
# pods:
# metric:
# name: nginx_ingress_controller_nginx_process_requests_total
# target:
# type: AverageValue
# averageValue: 10000m
# Mutually exclusive with hpa autoscaling
apiVersion: "keda.sh/v1alpha1"
## apiVersion changes with keda 1.x vs 2.x
## 2.x = keda.sh/v1alpha1
## 1.x = keda.k8s.io/v1alpha1
enabled: false
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 11
pollingInterval: 30
cooldownPeriod: 300
restoreToOriginalReplicaCount: false
annotations: {}
# Custom annotations for ScaledObject resource
# annotations:
# key: value
triggers: []
# - type: prometheus
# metadata:
# serverAddress: http://<prometheus-host>:9090
# metricName: http_requests_total
# threshold: '100'
# query: sum(rate(http_requests_total{deployment="my-deployment"}[2m]))
behavior: {}
# scaleDown:
# stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
# policies:
# - type: Pods
# value: 1
# periodSeconds: 180
# scaleUp:
# stabilizationWindowSeconds: 300
# policies:
# - type: Pods
# value: 2
# periodSeconds: 60
# -- Enable mimalloc as a drop-in replacement for malloc.
## ref: https://github.com/microsoft/mimalloc
enableMimalloc: true
## Override NGINX template
configMapName: ""
configMapKey: ""
enabled: true
# -- If enabled is adding an appProtocol option for Kubernetes service. An appProtocol field replacing annotations that were
# using for setting a backend protocol. Here is an example for AWS: service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol: http
# It allows choosing the protocol for each backend specified in the Kubernetes service.
# See the following GitHub issue for more details about the purpose: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/40244
# Will be ignored for Kubernetes versions older than 1.20
appProtocol: true
annotations: {}
labels: {}
# clusterIP: ""
# -- List of IP addresses at which the controller services are available
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/#external-ips
externalIPs: []
# -- Used by cloud providers to connect the resulting `LoadBalancer` to a pre-existing static IP according to https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#loadbalancer
loadBalancerIP: ""
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
enableHttp: true
enableHttps: true
## Set external traffic policy to: "Local" to preserve source IP on providers supporting it.
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/services/source-ip/#source-ip-for-services-with-typeloadbalancer
# externalTrafficPolicy: ""
## Must be either "None" or "ClientIP" if set. Kubernetes will default to "None".
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/service/#virtual-ips-and-service-proxies
# sessionAffinity: ""
## Specifies the health check node port (numeric port number) for the service. If healthCheckNodePort isn’t specified,
## the service controller allocates a port from your cluster’s NodePort range.
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-application-cluster/create-external-load-balancer/#preserving-the-client-source-ip
# healthCheckNodePort: 0
# -- Represents the dual-stack-ness requested or required by this Service. Possible values are
# SingleStack, PreferDualStack or RequireDualStack.
# The ipFamilies and clusterIPs fields depend on the value of this field.
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dual-stack/
ipFamilyPolicy: "SingleStack"
# -- List of IP families (e.g. IPv4, IPv6) assigned to the service. This field is usually assigned automatically
# based on cluster configuration and the ipFamilyPolicy field.
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/services-networking/dual-stack/
- IPv4
http: 80
https: 443
http: http
https: https
type: LoadBalancer
## type: NodePort
## nodePorts:
## http: 32080
## https: 32443
## tcp:
## 8080: 32808
http: ""
https: ""
tcp: {}
udp: {}
enabled: true
# -- Enables an additional internal load balancer (besides the external one).
enabled: false
# -- Annotations are mandatory for the load balancer to come up. Varies with the cloud service.
annotations: {}
# loadBalancerIP: ""
# -- Restrict access For LoadBalancer service. Defaults to
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
## Set external traffic policy to: "Local" to preserve source IP on
## providers supporting it
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/services/source-ip/#source-ip-for-services-with-typeloadbalancer
# externalTrafficPolicy: ""
# shareProcessNamespace enables process namespace sharing within the pod.
# This can be used for example to signal log rotation using `kill -USR1` from a sidecar.
shareProcessNamespace: false
# -- Additional containers to be added to the controller pod.
# See https://github.com/lemonldap-ng-controller/lemonldap-ng-controller as example.
extraContainers: []
# - name: my-sidecar
# image: nginx:latest
# - name: lemonldap-ng-controller
# image: lemonldapng/lemonldap-ng-controller:0.2.0
# args:
# - /lemonldap-ng-controller
# - --alsologtostderr
# - --configmap=$(POD_NAMESPACE)/lemonldap-ng-configuration
# env:
# - name: POD_NAME
# valueFrom:
# fieldRef:
# fieldPath: metadata.name
# valueFrom:
# fieldRef:
# fieldPath: metadata.namespace
# volumeMounts:
# - name: copy-portal-skins
# mountPath: /srv/var/lib/lemonldap-ng/portal/skins
# -- Additional volumeMounts to the controller main container.
extraVolumeMounts: []
# - name: copy-portal-skins
# mountPath: /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/portal/skins
# -- Additional volumes to the controller pod.
extraVolumes: []
# - name: copy-portal-skins
# emptyDir: {}
# -- Containers, which are run before the app containers are started.
extraInitContainers: []
# - name: init-myservice
# image: busybox
# command: ['sh', '-c', 'until nslookup myservice; do echo waiting for myservice; sleep 2; done;']
# -- Modules, which are mounted into the core nginx image. See values.yaml for a sample to add opentelemetry module
extraModules: []
# containerSecurityContext:
# allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# The image must contain a `/usr/local/bin/init_module.sh` executable, which
# will be executed as initContainers, to move its config files within the
# mounted volume.
enabled: false
image: registry.k8s.io/ingress-nginx/opentelemetry:v20221114-controller-v1.5.1-6-ga66ee73c5@sha256:41076fd9fb4255677c1a3da1ac3fc41477f06eba3c7ebf37ffc8f734dad51d7c
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
annotations: {}
# ignore-check.kube-linter.io/no-read-only-rootfs: "This deployment needs write access to root filesystem".
## Additional annotations to the admission webhooks.
## These annotations will be added to the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration and
## the Jobs Spec of the admission webhooks.
enabled: false
# -- Additional environment variables to set
extraEnvs: []
# extraEnvs:
# - name: FOO
# valueFrom:
# secretKeyRef:
# key: FOO
# name: secret-resource
# -- Admission Webhook failure policy to use
failurePolicy: Fail
# timeoutSeconds: 10
port: 8443
certificate: "/usr/local/certificates/cert"
key: "/usr/local/certificates/key"
namespaceSelector: {}
objectSelector: {}
# -- Labels to be added to admission webhooks
labels: {}
# -- Use an existing PSP instead of creating one
existingPsp: ""
networkPolicyEnabled: false
annotations: {}
# clusterIP: ""
externalIPs: []
# loadBalancerIP: ""
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
servicePort: 443
type: ClusterIP
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 10m
# memory: 20Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 10m
# memory: 20Mi
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
resources: {}
enabled: true
registry: registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com
image: google_containers/kube-webhook-certgen
## for backwards compatibility consider setting the full image url via the repository value below
## use *either* current default registry/image or repository format or installing chart by providing the values.yaml will fail
## repository:
tag: v20220916-gd32f8c343
digest: sha256:39c5b2e3310dc4264d638ad28d9d1d96c4cbb2b2dcfb52368fe4e3c63f61e10f
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# -- Provide a priority class name to the webhook patching job
priorityClassName: ""
podAnnotations: {}
kubernetes.io/os: linux
tolerations: []
# -- Labels to be added to patch job resources
labels: {}
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 2000
fsGroup: 2000
# Use certmanager to generate webhook certs
enabled: false
# self-signed root certificate
duration: "" # default to be 5y
duration: "" # default to be 1y
# issuerRef:
# name: "issuer"
# kind: "ClusterIssuer"
port: 10254
portName: metrics
# if this port is changed, change healthz-port: in extraArgs: accordingly
enabled: false
annotations: {}
# prometheus.io/scrape: "true"
# prometheus.io/port: "10254"
# clusterIP: ""
# -- List of IP addresses at which the stats-exporter service is available
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/#external-ips
externalIPs: []
# loadBalancerIP: ""
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
servicePort: 10254
type: ClusterIP
# externalTrafficPolicy: ""
# nodePort: ""
enabled: false
additionalLabels: {}
## The label to use to retrieve the job name from.
## jobLabel: "app.kubernetes.io/name"
namespace: ""
namespaceSelector: {}
## Default: scrape .Release.Namespace only
## To scrape all, use the following:
## namespaceSelector:
## any: true
scrapeInterval: 30s
# honorLabels: true
targetLabels: []
relabelings: []
metricRelabelings: []
enabled: false
additionalLabels: {}
# namespace: ""
rules: []
# # These are just examples rules, please adapt them to your needs
# - alert: NGINXConfigFailed
# expr: count(nginx_ingress_controller_config_last_reload_successful == 0) > 0
# for: 1s
# labels:
# severity: critical
# annotations:
# description: bad ingress config - nginx config test failed
# summary: uninstall the latest ingress changes to allow config reloads to resume
# - alert: NGINXCertificateExpiry
# expr: (avg(nginx_ingress_controller_ssl_expire_time_seconds) by (host) - time()) < 604800
# for: 1s
# labels:
# severity: critical
# annotations:
# description: ssl certificate(s) will expire in less then a week
# summary: renew expiring certificates to avoid downtime
# - alert: NGINXTooMany500s
# expr: 100 * ( sum( nginx_ingress_controller_requests{status=~"5.+"} ) / sum(nginx_ingress_controller_requests) ) > 5
# for: 1m
# labels:
# severity: warning
# annotations:
# description: Too many 5XXs
# summary: More than 5% of all requests returned 5XX, this requires your attention
# - alert: NGINXTooMany400s
# expr: 100 * ( sum( nginx_ingress_controller_requests{status=~"4.+"} ) / sum(nginx_ingress_controller_requests) ) > 5
# for: 1m
# labels:
# severity: warning
# annotations:
# description: Too many 4XXs
# summary: More than 5% of all requests returned 4XX, this requires your attention
# -- Improve connection draining when ingress controller pod is deleted using a lifecycle hook:
# With this new hook, we increased the default terminationGracePeriodSeconds from 30 seconds
# to 300, allowing the draining of connections up to five minutes.
# If the active connections end before that, the pod will terminate gracefully at that time.
# To effectively take advantage of this feature, the Configmap feature
# worker-shutdown-timeout new value is 240s instead of 10s.
- /wait-shutdown
priorityClassName: ""
# -- Rollback limit
revisionHistoryLimit: 10
## Default 404 backend
enabled: false
name: defaultbackend
registry: registry.k8s.io
image: defaultbackend-amd64
## for backwards compatibility consider setting the full image url via the repository value below
## use *either* current default registry/image or repository format or installing chart by providing the values.yaml will fail
## repository:
tag: "1.5"
pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
# nobody user -> uid 65534
runAsUser: 65534
runAsNonRoot: true
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
# -- Use an existing PSP instead of creating one
existingPsp: ""
extraArgs: {}
create: true
name: ""
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Additional environment variables to set for defaultBackend pods
extraEnvs: []
port: 8080
## Readiness and liveness probes for default backend
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 5
failureThreshold: 6
initialDelaySeconds: 0
periodSeconds: 5
successThreshold: 1
timeoutSeconds: 5
# -- Node tolerations for server scheduling to nodes with taints
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/assign-pod-node/
tolerations: []
# - key: "key"
# operator: "Equal|Exists"
# value: "value"
# effect: "NoSchedule|PreferNoSchedule|NoExecute(1.6 only)"
affinity: {}
# -- Security Context policies for controller pods
# See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/sysctl-cluster/ for
# notes on enabling and using sysctls
podSecurityContext: {}
# -- Security Context policies for controller main container.
# See https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/sysctl-cluster/ for
# notes on enabling and using sysctls
containerSecurityContext: {}
# -- Labels to add to the pod container metadata
podLabels: {}
# key: value
# -- Node labels for default backend pod assignment
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/node-selection/
kubernetes.io/os: linux
# -- Annotations to be added to default backend pods
podAnnotations: {}
replicaCount: 1
minAvailable: 1
resources: {}
# limits:
# cpu: 10m
# memory: 20Mi
# requests:
# cpu: 10m
# memory: 20Mi
extraVolumeMounts: []
## Additional volumeMounts to the default backend container.
# - name: copy-portal-skins
# mountPath: /var/lib/lemonldap-ng/portal/skins
extraVolumes: []
## Additional volumes to the default backend pod.
# - name: copy-portal-skins
# emptyDir: {}
annotations: {}
enabled: false
minReplicas: 1
maxReplicas: 2
targetCPUUtilizationPercentage: 50
targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage: 50
annotations: {}
# clusterIP: ""
# -- List of IP addresses at which the default backend service is available
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/user-guide/services/#external-ips
externalIPs: []
# loadBalancerIP: ""
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
servicePort: 80
type: ClusterIP
priorityClassName: ""
# -- Labels to be added to the default backend resources
labels: {}
## Enable RBAC as per https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/main/docs/deploy/rbac.md and https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/issues/266
create: true
scope: false
## If true, create & use Pod Security Policy resources
## https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/policy/pod-security-policy/
enabled: false
create: true
name: ""
automountServiceAccountToken: true
# -- Annotations for the controller service account
annotations: {}
# -- Optional array of imagePullSecrets containing private registry credentials
## Ref: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/configure-pod-container/pull-image-private-registry/
imagePullSecrets: []
# - name: secretName
# -- TCP service key-value pairs
## Ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/main/docs/user-guide/exposing-tcp-udp-services.md
tcp: {}
# 8080: "default/example-tcp-svc:9000"
# -- UDP service key-value pairs
## Ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/main/docs/user-guide/exposing-tcp-udp-services.md
udp: {}
# 53: "kube-system/kube-dns:53"
# -- Prefix for TCP and UDP ports names in ingress controller service
## Some cloud providers, like Yandex Cloud may have a requirements for a port name regex to support cloud load balancer integration
portNamePrefix: ""
# -- (string) A base64-encoded Diffie-Hellman parameter.
# This can be generated with: `openssl dhparam 4096 2> /dev/null | base64`
## Ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/tree/main/docs/examples/customization/ssl-dh-param
# step 8 创建Namespace:为 ingress 专门创建一个 namespace
kubectl create ns ingress-nginx
# step 8 为需要部署 ingress 的节点上加标签
kubectl label node k8s-node1 ingress=true
# step 9 在ingress-nginx目录上执行
helm install ingress-nginx ./ingress-nginx -n ingress-nginx
# 查看
kubectl get po -n ingress-nginx