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This is the first time I tried to push and create new repository from vscode button at the bottom left. Once that was done, I was shocked to 765 files. Most of them were untracked. I don't know what these files are and where did they come from. There's files. The gitignore file was wiped (I think), the build folder, .flutter-plugins are added. Is this safe to do?

the gitignore changes specifically made me worry.

enter image description here

the git status output:

enter image description here


It seems that most of the files not indexed in the git repository are from the /build/ folder. When you compile your project, the compiled files and finished apps are stored here. They should not be included in the git repo.

I suspect that because of the changes to your .gitignore file, you will now see all of these files. It could be that some of your .gitignore file was accidentally deleted. My file is 74 lines long and yours seems to be only 44 lines long.

This would have to be the default file, which would make the unindexed files disappear again:

# Miscellaneous

# IntelliJ related

# The .vscode folder contains launch configuration and tasks you configure in
# VS Code which you may wish to be included in version control, so this line
# is commented out by default.

# Flutter/Dart/Pub related

# Android related

# iOS/XCode related

# Exceptions to above rules.

