当你进入了 Linux 的世界,在下载、安装 了某个 Linux 发行版,体验了 Linux 桌面并安装了一些你喜爱和需要的软件之后,应该去了解下 Linux 真正的魅力所在:命令行。每一个 Linux 命令其实就是一个程序,借助这些命令,我们可以办到非常多的事情
1. man command —— show the manual for command
$ man whereis
2. whereis app —— show possible locations of app
$ whereis gcc
gcc: /usr/bin/gcc /usr/lib/gcc /usr/share/man/man1/gcc.1.gz
3. which app —— show which app will be run by default
$ which gcc
4. whoami —— show your username (who you are logged in as)
$ whoami
File/Directory Basics
5. pwd —— show the present working directory
$ pwd
6. cd
cd dir —— change directory to dir
cd .. —— go up one directory
cd / —— go to the root directory
cd ~ —— go to your home directory
cd - —— go to the last directory you were just in
File Viewing
7. cat —— output the contents of file
8. head —— output the first 10 lines of file
9. tail —— output the last 10 lines of file
10. nl —— number lines
File Properties/Permissions
11. file —— identify file types
12. stat —— display file attributes
13. chmod ugo file —— change permissions of file to ugo, where u is the user's permission, g is the group's permissions, and o is the everyone else's permission. The walues of u, g, and o can bu any number between 0 and 7. (4: read, 2: write, 1: execute)
chmod 777: read, write, execute for all (参考上图中给出的例子)
chmod 755: rwx for owner, everyone else can rx
chmod 600: you can read and write
chmod 644: you can read and wirte, and everyone else can only read
14. chgrp —— change file group
15. chown —— change file owner
IO Redirection
16. cat > file —— places standard input to file
例如,在下图中,我们首先在命令上输入 cat > my_file,然后系统会自动在当前文件夹下创建一个名为my_file的文件,然后我们在Terminal上输入的文字将被写入my_file中,直到我们在键盘上输入CTRL + d 时返回。这时我们打开my_file文件,可以发现之前的内容已经被成功写入了。
17. cmd > file —— Standard output (stdout) of cmd to file
18. cmd >> file —— Append stdout to file
Process Management
19. ps —— show snapshot of processes
20. top —— show real time processes
21. kill pid —— kill process with id pid
22. pkill name —— kill process with name name
23. killall name —— kill all processes with names beginning name
24. locate file —— find all instances of file using indexed database built from the updatedb command. Much faster than find
25. grep pattern files —— search for pattern in files
grep -i : case insensitive search
grep -o : only show matched part of file
26. grep -r pattern dir —— search recursively for pattern in dir
27. grep -rn pattern dir —— search recursively for pattern in dir and show the line number found
28. command | grep pattern —— search for pattern in the output of command
Pipes and Command Lists
29. cmd1 | cmd2 —— stdout of cmd1 to cmd2
30. cmd1 |& cmd2 —— stderr of cmd1 to cmd2
31. cmd1 ; cmd2 —— run cmd1 then cmd2
32. cmd1 && cmd2 —— run cmd2 if cmd1 is successful
33. cmd1 || cmd2 —— run cmd2 if cmd1 is unsuccessfull
CTRL+c —— stop current command
CTRL+w —— erases one word in the current line
CTRL+u —— erases the whole line
CTRL+a —— move cursor to the beginning of line
CTRL+e —— move cursor to the end of line
CTRL+b —— move cursor backward one character
CTRL+f —— move cursor forward one character
ALT+b —— move cursor backward one word
ALT+f —— move cursor forward one word
- 统计当前目录下文件的个数(不包括目录)
ls -l | grep "^-" | wc -l
- 统计当前目录下文件的个数(包括子目录)
ls -lR| grep "^-" | wc -l
- 查看某目录下文件夹(目录)的个数(包括子目录)
ls -lR | grep "^d" | wc -l
ls -l
长列表输出该目录下文件信息(注意这里的文件是指目录、链接、设备文件等),每一行对应一个文件或目录,ls -lR是列出所有文件,包括子目录。
grep "^-"
过滤ls的输出信息,只保留一般文件,只保留目录是grep "^d"。
wc -l
压缩与解压缩(zip 与 unzip)
1. zip
zip [options] [file_name.zip] [files_names]
zip myfile.zip first.txt second.txt third.txt
-d | (Remove files from the archive): |
-r | (Recursively zip a directory): |
zip -r [file_name.zip] [directory_name]
-x | (Exclude files from the zip): |
zip -r myfile.zip . -x a.txt
其中 . 表示当前文件夹,-x a.txt表示排除 a.txt文件
最后,-P 可以用来创建一个压缩密码。例如
zip -e -P [my_password] myfile.zip first.txt second.txt
By using option `-P` followed by the password we want to use. Also, we use `-e` to encrypt our zip archive, so whenever a user extracts the archive file, a prompt will come to enter the password.
2. unzip
unzip filename.zip -d /directory-path
By default, all files and subdirectories are recreated in the current directory; the -d option allows extraction in an arbitrary directory (always assuming one has permission to write to the directory).
The ‘-l’ option with unzip command is used to list the contents of a zip file as follows,例如:
unzip -l file-name.zip
unzip '*.zip'
unzip -P Password file-name.zip