

  1. 前言
    我的操作系统是Redhat9,其内核版本为2.4.20-8 ,需要升级到2.4.26,采用全新的2.4.26内核源码进行升级,主要的参考资料是《The Linux Kernel HOWTO》,另外还有一些参考资料我想就不提了,免得误导象我一样的初学者。
    接下来有三个部分,“步骤索引”、“步骤说明”和“附录”,“步骤索引”真实的记录了我成功升级内核的步骤,“步骤说明”将对“步骤索引”一些注意事项进行说明,“附录”摘录自《The Linux Kernel HOWTO》的相关部分。
  2. 步骤索引
    [root@localhost src]# tar vxfj linux-2.4.26.tar.bz2
    [root@localhost src]# ln Cs linux2.4.26 linux (补充:ln是link的缩写,此步骤是创建一个简写的linux链接,相当于快捷方式,也可以忽略,直接往下走)
    [root@localhost src]# cd /usr/src/linux
    [root@localhost linux]# cp /boot/config-2.4.20-8 .config
    [root@localhost linux]# make menuconfig
    [root@localhost linux]# make dep
    [root@localhost linux]# make clean
    [root@localhost linux]# make bzImage
    [root@localhost linux]# make modules
    [root@localhost linux]# make modules_install
    [root@localhost linux]# cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.26
    [root@localhost linux]# cp .config /boot/config-2.4.26
    [root@localhost linux]# cp System.map /boot/System.map-2.4.26
    [root@localhost linux]# mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.4.26.img 2.4.26
    [root@localhost linux]# cd /boot
    [root@localhost boot]# rm -f System.map vmlinuz
    [root@localhost boot]# ln -s System.map-2.4.26 System.map
    [root@localhost boot]# ln -s vmlinuz-2.4.26 vmlinuz
    [root@localhost boot]# cd grub
    [root@localhost grub]# vi grub.conf
    [root@localhost grub]# reboot
  3. 步骤说明
    3.1. 源码准备
    [root@localhost src]# cd /usr/src
    [root@localhost src]# tar vxfj linux-2.4.26.tar.bz2
    [root@localhost src]# ln Cs linux2.4.26 linux(创建指向linux2.4.26新链接,这一步我没做)
    3.2. 工具准备
    3.3. 配置内核
    这是编译内核最麻烦的地方了,我们将要面临一大堆驱动模块的配置选项,对于我这样的菜鸟就头晕了,开始时傻呼呼的按照网站上的一些资料介绍,执行make menuconfig或make xconfig,结果碰得“头破血流”。
    在redhat9下执行make xconfig,会提示需要qt,在我看来make menuconfig是最好用的,不过在此之前不需要着急。 内核配置的结果是在源码的顶级目录下生成一个.config文件,其中当然是保存了各种配置项的设定值,如果不想在那么多的似懂非懂的选项中选择的话,先执行下面的操作:
    [root@localhost src]# cd /usr/src/linux(我输入的是:cd /usr/src/linux-2.4.26,这个要看你解压缩后的文件名字了)
    [root@localhost linux]# cp /boot/config-2.4.20-8 .config
    [root@localhost linux]# make menuconfig
    [root@localhost linux]# make dep
    [root@localhost linux]# make clean

  4. 编译内核
    [root@localhost linux]# make bzImage
    tools/build -b bbootsect bsetup compressed/bvmlinux.out CURRENT > bzImage
    Root device is (3, 8)
    Boot sector 512 bytes.
    Setup is 4886 bytes.
    System is 917 kB
    make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.4.26/arch/i386/boot’

  5. 安装模块
    [root@localhost linux]# make modules
    [root@localhost linux]# make modules_install
    在make modules_install执行完成后,如果成功了,你将会在/lib/modules目录下看到2.4.26。

  6. 启动设置
    [root@localhost linux]# cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.26
    [root@localhost linux]# cp .config /boot/config-2.4.26
    [root@localhost linux]# cp System.map /boot/System.map-2.4.26
    [root@localhost linux]# mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.4.26.img 2.4.26
    [root@localhost linux]# cd /boot
    [root@localhost boot]# rm -f System.map vmlinuz
    [root@localhost boot]# ln -s System.map-2.4.26 System.map
    [root@localhost boot]# ln -s vmlinuz-2.4.26 vmlinuz


    [root@localhost boot]# cd grub
    [root@localhost grub]# vi grub.conf

        #       kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20-8 ro root=LABEL=/
        #       initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.20-8.img
              kernel /boot/vmlinuz ro root=/dev/hda8
              initrd /boot/initrd-2.4.26.img

    这里有一点需要注意,整个启动设置可以使用一个命令make install来完成,不过会有很多问题,对grub.conf文件的设置就是其中之一,make install修改的grub.conf文件仍然使用”LABEL”符号,而这个符号在2.4.26的内核下已经不起作用了。

  7. 重启
    [root@localhost grub]# reboot

  8. 总结
    cd include
    rm Crf asm linux scsi
    ln Cs asm-i386 asm
    ln Cs linux linux
    ln Cs scsi scsi

    在没有人指导的情况下,最好能找比较系统点的资料,或者到书店买本书。我就是这样,多亏找到了《The Linux Kernel HOWTO》才使得我成功编译内核,否则还不知道要失败多少次呢。

  9. 附录
    Everytime you compile and install the kernel image in /boot, you should also copy the corresponding config
    file to /boot area, for documentation and future reference. Do NOT touch or edit these files!!
    The bzImage is the compressed kernel image created with command ‘make bzImage’ during kernel compile. It
    important to note that bzImage is not compressed with bzip2 !! The name bz in bzImage is misleading!! It
    stands for “Big Zimage”. The “b” in bzImage is “big”. Both zImage and bzImage are compressed with gzip.
    The kernel includes a mini−gunzip to uncompress the kernel and boot into it. The difference is that the old
    zImage uncompresses the kernel into low memory (the first 640k), and bzImage uncompresses the kernel into
    high memory (over 1M). The only problem is that there are a very few machines where bzImage is known to
    have problems (because the machines are buggy). The bzImage actually boots faster, but other than that,
    there’s no difference in the way the system runs. The rule is that if all drivers cannot fit into the zImage,
    then you need to modularize more.
    If the kernel is small, it will work as both a zImage and a bzImage, and the booted system runs the same way.
    A big kernel will work as a bzImage, but not as a zImage. Both bootimages are gzipped, (bzImage is not
    bzipped as the name would suggest), but are put together and loaded differently, that allows the kernel to load
    in higher address space, that does not limit it to lower memory in the pathetic intel architecture. So why have
    both? Backward compatability. Some older lilos and loadlins don’t handle the bzImage format. Note, they
    boot differently, but run the same. There is a lot of misinformation given out about what a bzImage file is
    (mostly about it being bzip2ed).
    System.map is a “phone directory” list of function in a particular build of a kernel. It is typically a symlink to
    the System.map of the currently running kernel. If you use the wrong (or no) System.map, debugging crashes
    is harder, but has no other effects. Without System.map, you may face minor annoyance messages.
    Do NOT touch the System.map files.


