AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications

Open Source packages available for installation on AIX 5L

This software is offered on an "as-is" basis. Refer to the licensing and installation instructions for further information.

Note: This software is incompatible with some earlier versions. If you have rpm.rte installed at a level less than, then you will need to reinstall that software in order to continue. See the AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications ReadMe for further information.

To download a particular file via a Netscape browser, hold down the shift-key and the left mouse-button. Choose the binary RPMs unless you plan on modifying and compiling a program yourself.

These packages are available for installation using the rpm package manager. Download the AIX installp image for the rpm package manager for POWER.

For further information, installation tips, and news, please refer to the AIX Toolbox for Linux Applications ReadMe.

If you wish to access the source code for any of these packages, it is recommended that you visit the official download site of the package maintainer directly. A link to each download site appears in the table below. These links are provided "as-is" and will take you to sites that are not owned or controlled by IBM. IBM is not accountable for the contents of these sites and is not acting as a distributor of the code on such sites. IBM in no way warrants that the code or other information on these sites is accurate, will function in a particular manner, or is non-infringing of a third party's intellectual property rights. Please contact the maintainers of the code for information on the licenses and documentation that accompany the source code distributed from their site.

Some open source licenses (such as the GPL) require that we also make the source available to you on request. For packages governed by such licenses, you may still get the source from the official package site, or you can get the source from us via this link: Source Images. Only those sources with licenses requiring source redistribution are found at this site. Developers building their own rpm images may also be interested in the spec files and patches.

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Official download site of the packages
Package Version License Binary RPM Source Description
a2ps4.13LicenseRPMSourceGNU a2ps is an Any to PostScript filter.
aalib-devel1.2LicenseRPMSourceThe static libraries and header files for AA-lib.
aalib1.2LicenseRPMSourceAn ASCII art library.
acme2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceACME the Versatile Keyboard daemon
AfterStep1.8.10LicenseRPMSourceAn X window manager which emulates the look and feel of NEXTSTEP(R).
apache-devel1.3.31LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment tools for the Apache Web server.
apache-manual1.3.31LicenseRPMSourceDocumentation for the Apache Web server.
apache1.3.31LicenseRPMSourceThe most widely used Web server on the Internet.
arts1.0.0LicenseRPMSourceAnalog Real-Time Synthesizer
aspell-devel0.33.6.3LicenseRPMSourceThe static libraries and header files needed for Aspell development.
aspell0.33.6.3LicenseRPMSourceA spelling checker.
at-spi-devel1.3.7LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment libraries and headers for at-spi
at-spi1.3.7LicenseRPMSourceAssistive Technology Service Provider Interface
atk-devel1.10.3LicenseRPMSourceAccessibility Toolkit development files.
atk1.10.3LicenseRPMSourceInterfaces for accessibility support.
audiofile-devel0.2.5LicenseRPMSourceLibrary, headers, etc. to develop with the Audio File Library.
audiofile0.2.5LicenseRPMSourceA library to handle various audio file formats.
autoconf2132.13LicenseRPMSourceA GNU tool for automatically configuring source code.
autoconf2.59LicenseRPMSourceA GNU tool for automatically configuring source code.
automake1.8.5LicenseRPMSourceA GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles.
bash-doc3.0LicenseRPMSourceDocumentation for the GNU Bourne Again shell (bash).
bash3.0LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU Bourne Again shell (bash).
bc1.06LicenseRPMSourceGNU's bc (a numeric processing language) and dc (a calculator).
binutils2.14LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU binutils development utilities
bison1.875LicenseRPMSourceA GNU general-purpose parser generator.
bug-buddy2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceA bug reporting utility for GNOME.
bzip21.0.2LicenseRPMSourceA file compression utility.
cairo-devel1.0.2LicenseRPMSourceHeaders for Cairo
cairo1.0.2LicenseRPMSourceCairo provides anti-aliased vector-based rendering for X.
cdda2wav1.9LicenseRPMSourceA utility for sampling/copying .wav files from digital audio CDs.
cdrecord-devel1.9 (5.1)LicenseRPMSourceThe libschily SCSI user level transport library.
cdrecord-devel1.9 (5.2)LicenseRPMSourceThe libschily SCSI user level transport library.
cdrecord1.9 (5.1)LicenseRPMSourceA command line CD/DVD recording program.
cdrecord1.9 (5.2)LicenseRPMSourceA command line CD/DVD recording program.
control-center2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceGNOME Control Center.
coreutils5.2.1LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU core utilities - fileutils, sh-utils, and textutils
cpio2.5LicenseRPMSourceA GNU archiving program.
curl-devel7.9.3LicenseRPMSourceThe includes, libs, and man pages to develop with libcurl
curl7.9.3LicenseRPMSourceget a file from a FTP, GOPHER or HTTP server.
cvs1.11.17LicenseRPMSourceA version control system.
db3.3.11LicenseRPMSourceThe Berkeley Database, the Open Source embedded database system
ddd3.3.1LicenseRPMSourceA GUI for several command-line debuggers.
dejagnu1.4.2LicenseRPMSourceA front end for testing other programs.
diffutils2.8.1LicenseRPMSourceA GNU collection of diff utilities.
docbookx4.1.2LicenseRPMSourceXML document type definition for DocBook 4.1.2
eel2-devel2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and include files for developing with Eel.
eel22.4.0LicenseRPMSourceEazel Extensions Library.
ElectricFence2.2.2LicenseRPMSourceA debugger which detects memory allocation violations.
elm2.5.6LicenseRPMSourceThe elm mail user agent.
emacs-el21.3LicenseRPMSourceThe sources for elisp programs included with Emacs.
emacs-leim21.3LicenseRPMSourceEmacs Lisp code for input methods for international characters.
emacs-nox21.3LicenseRPMSourceThe Emacs text editor without support for the X Window System.
emacs-X1121.3LicenseRPMSourceThe Emacs text editor for the X Window System.
emacs21.3LicenseRPMSourceThe libraries needed to run the GNU Emacs text editor.
enlightenment0.16.5LicenseRPMSourceThe Enlightenment window manager.
enscript1.6.1LicenseRPMSourceA plain ASCII to PostScript converter.
eog2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceEye of GNOME image viewer
esound-devel0.2.34LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment files for EsounD applications.
esound0.2.34LicenseRPMSourceAllows several audio streams to play on a single audio device.
Eterm-backgrounds0.8.10LicenseRPMSourceBackgrounds for Eterm
Eterm0.8.10LicenseRPMSourceAn xterm replacement for Enlightenment users.
ethereal0.8.18LicenseRPMSourceGraphical tool used to capture an analyse network traffic.
expat-devel1.95.7LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and include files to develop XML applications with expat.
expat1.95.7LicenseRPMSourceA library for parsing XML.
expect5.42.1LicenseRPMSourceA tcl extension for simplifying program-script interaction.
fetchmail5.9.10LicenseRPMSourceFull-featured POP/IMAP mail retrieval daemon
fetchmailconf5.9.10LicenseRPMSourceA GUI configurator for generating fetchmail configuration files
findutils4.1LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU versions of find utilities (find and xargs).
flex2.5.4aLicenseRPMSourceA tool for creating scanners (text pattern recognizers).
fnlib-devel0.5LicenseRPMSourceHeaders, static libraries and documentation for Fnlib.
fnlib0.5LicenseRPMSourceA color font rendering library for X11R6.
fontconfig-devel2.2.2LicenseRPMSourceFont configuration and customization library
fontconfig2.2.2LicenseRPMSourceFont configuration and customization library
freetype-demo1.3.1LicenseRPMSourceFreeType test and demo programs
freetype-devel1.3.1LicenseRPMSourceFreeType development headers and libraries
freetype2-devel2.1.7LicenseRPMSourceFreeType development headers and libraries
freetype22.1.7LicenseRPMSourceA free and portable TrueType font rendering engine.
freetype1.3.1LicenseRPMSourceFreeType library
ftpcopy0.3.9LicenseRPMSourceA mirroring tool.
gail-devel1.4.0LicenseRPMSourceFiles to compile applications that use GAIL
gail1.4.0LicenseRPMSourceAccessibility implementation for GTK+ and GNOME libraries
gaim0.52LicenseRPMSourceA GTK+ clone of the AOL Instant Messenger client.
gawk3.1.3LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU version of the awk text processing utility.
gcal3.01LicenseRPMSourcePrint calendars
gcc-c++4.0.0 (5.1)LicenseRPMSourceC++ support for GCC
gcc-c++4.0.0 (5.2)LicenseRPMSourceC++ support for GCC
gcc-c++4.0.0 (5.3)LicenseRPMSourceC++ support for GCC
gcc4.0.0 (5.1)LicenseRPMSourceGNU Compiler Collection
gcc4.0.0 (5.2)LicenseRPMSourceGNU Compiler Collection
gcc4.0.0 (5.3)LicenseRPMSourceGNU Compiler Collection
gconf-editor2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceEditor/admin tool for GConf
GConf2-devel2.4.0.1LicenseRPMSourceHeaders and libraries for GConf development
GConf22.4.0.1LicenseRPMSourceA process-transparent configuration system
gd-devel1.8.4LicenseRPMSourceThe development libraries and header files for gd.
gd-progs1.8.4LicenseRPMSourceUtility programs that use libgd.
gd1.8.4LicenseRPMSourceA graphics library for drawing image files in various formats.
gdb6.0LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU gdb debugger
gdbm-devel1.8.3LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment libraries and header files for the gdbm library.
gdbm1.8.3LicenseRPMSourceA GNU set of database routines which use extensible hashing.
gdk-pixbuf-devel0.11.0LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and include files for developing GdkPixBuf applications.
gdk-pixbuf0.11.0LicenseRPMSourceThe GdkPixBuf image handling library
gdm2.4.4.0LicenseRPMSourceThe GNOME Display Manager.
gedit2.2.1LicenseRPMSourcegEdit is a small but powerful text editor for GNOME.
gettext0.10.40LicenseRPMSourceGNU libraries and utilities for producing multi-lingual messages.
ghostscript-fonts6.0LicenseRPMSourceFonts for the Ghostscript PostScript(TM) interpreter.
ghostscript5.50LicenseRPMSourceA PostScript(TM) interpreter and renderer.
gimp-devel1.2.2LicenseRPMSourceThe GIMP plug-in and extension development kit.
gimp-libgimp1.2.2LicenseRPMSourceLibraries for the GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program).
gimp1.2.2LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU Image Manipulation Program.
git4.3.20LicenseRPMSourceA set of GNU Interactive Tools.
glade0.6.2LicenseRPMSourceA GTK+ GUI builder.
glib-devel1.2.10LicenseRPMSourceThe GIMP ToolKit (GTK+) and GIMP Drawing Kit (GDK) support library.
glib2-devel2.8.1LicenseRPMSourceThe GIMP ToolKit (GTK+) and GIMP Drawing Kit (GDK) support library
glib22.8.1LicenseRPMSourceA library of handy utility functions.
glib1.2.10LicenseRPMSourceA library of handy utility functions.
gnome-applets2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceSmall applications for the GNOME panel.
gnome-audio1.4.0LicenseRPMSourceSounds for GNOME events.
gnome-common1.2.4LicenseRPMSourceGnome-common contains useful things common to building gnome packages
gnome-desktop-devel2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and headers for libgnome-desktop
gnome-desktop2.4.0LicenseRPMSourcePackage containing code shared among gnome-panel, gnome-session, nautilus, etc.
gnome-games2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceGNOME games.
gnome-icon-theme1.0.9LicenseRPMSourceThe base GNOME icon theme
gnome-libs-devel1.4.1.2LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and include files for developing GNOME applications.
gnome-libs1.4.1.2LicenseRPMSourceThe libraries needed to run the GNOME GUI desktop environment.
gnome-mag-devel0.10.3LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment tools.
gnome-mime-data2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceMIME type data files for GNOME desktop
gnome-panel2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceGNOME panel
gnome-session2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceGNOME session manager
gnome-speech-devel0.2.7LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment tools.
gnome-speech0.2.7LicenseRPMSourceGnome Speech
gnome-system-monitor2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceSimple process monitor
gnome-terminal2.4.0.1LicenseRPMSourceGNOME Terminal
gnome-themes2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceThemes collection for GNOME
gnome-utils2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceGNOME utility programs.
gnome-vfs2-devel2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and include files for developing GNOME VFS applications.
gnome-vfs22.4.0LicenseRPMSourceThe GNOME virtual file-system libraries.
gnome2-user-docs2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceThe Gnome user docs
gnopernicus-devel0.7.0LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment tools.
gnuchess4.0.pl80LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU chess program.
gnuplot3.7.1LicenseRPMSourceA program for plotting mathematical expressions and data.
gok-devel0.8.4LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment tools.
gok0.8.4LicenseRPMSourceGnome Onscreen Keyboard
grep2.5.1LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU versions of grep pattern matching utilities.
groff-gxditview1.17.2LicenseRPMSourceAn X previewer for groff text processor output.
groff1.17.2LicenseRPMSourceA document formatting system.
gtk+-devel1.2.10LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment tools for GTK+ (GIMP ToolKit) applications.
gtk+1.2.10LicenseRPMSourceThe GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIs for X.
gtk-doc1.1LicenseRPMSourceAPI documentation generation tool for GTK+ and GNOME
gtk-engines0.12LicenseRPMSourceTheme engines for GTK+.
gtk2-devel2.8.3LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment tools for GTK+ applications.
gtk2-engines2.2.0LicenseRPMSourceTheme engines for GTK+ 2.0
gtk22.8.3LicenseRPMSourceThe GIMP ToolKit (GTK+), a library for creating GUIs for X.
gtkhtml2-devel2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceLibraries, includes, etc to develop Gtkhtml2 applications
gtkhtml22.4.0LicenseRPMSourceAn HTML widget for GTK+ 2.0
guile-devel1.4LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and header files for the GUILE extensibility library.
guile1.4LicenseRPMSourceA GNU implementation of Scheme for application extensibility.
gv3.5.8LicenseRPMSourceA X front-end for the Ghostscript PostScript(TM) interpreter.
gzip1.2.4aLicenseRPMSourceThe GNU data compression program.
help2man1.29LicenseRPMSourcehelp2man -- automatic manual page generation
hexedit1.2.2LicenseRPMSourceA hexadecimal file viewer and editor.
icewm1.0.9LicenseRPMSourceIceWM X11 Window Manager
ImageMagick-devel5.4.2LicenseRPMSourceHeader files for ImageMagick app development.
ImageMagick5.4.2LicenseRPMSourceAn X application for displaying and manipulating images.
imlib-cfgeditor1.9.11LicenseRPMSourceA configuration editor for the Imlib library.
imlib-devel1.9.11LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment tools for Imlib applications.
imlib1.9.11LicenseRPMSourceAn image loading and rendering library for X11R6.
indent2.2.7LicenseRPMSourceA GNU program for formatting C code.
info4.6LicenseRPMSourceA stand-alone TTY-based reader for GNU texinfo documentation.
intltool0.27.2LicenseRPMSourceUtility for internationalizing various kinds of data files.
jabber1.4.2LicenseRPMSourceJabber is an instant messaging System.
jade1.2.1LicenseRPMSourceJames Clark's SGML and DSSSL engine.
kde-i18n-Afrikaans3.0LicenseRPMSourceAfrikaans language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Arabic3.0LicenseRPMSourceArabic language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Azerbaijani3.0LicenseRPMSourceAzerbaijani language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Bosnian3.0LicenseRPMSourceBosnian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-British3.0LicenseRPMSourceBritish language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Bulgarian3.0LicenseRPMSourceBulgarian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Catalan3.0LicenseRPMSourceCatalan language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Chinese-Simplified3.0LicenseRPMSourceSimplified Chinese language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Chinese-Traditional3.0LicenseRPMSourceTraditional Chinese language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Croatian3.0LicenseRPMSourceCroatian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Czech3.0LicenseRPMSourceCzech language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Danish3.0LicenseRPMSourceDanish language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Dutch3.0LicenseRPMSourceDutch language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Esperanto3.0LicenseRPMSourceEsperanto language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Estonian3.0LicenseRPMSourceEstonian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Finnish3.0LicenseRPMSourceFinnish language support for KDE
kde-i18n-French3.0LicenseRPMSourceFrench language support for KDE
kde-i18n-German3.0LicenseRPMSourceGerman language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Greek3.0LicenseRPMSourceGreek language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Hebrew3.0LicenseRPMSourceHebrew language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Hungarian3.0LicenseRPMSourceHungarian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Icelandic3.0LicenseRPMSourceIcelandic language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Indonesian3.0LicenseRPMSourceIndonesian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Italian3.0LicenseRPMSourceItalian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Japanese3.0LicenseRPMSourceJapanese language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Korean3.0LicenseRPMSourceKorean language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Latvian3.0LicenseRPMSourceLatvian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Lithuanian3.0LicenseRPMSourceLithuanian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Maltese3.0LicenseRPMSourceMaltese language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Norwegian-Bookmal3.0LicenseRPMSourceBookmal Norwegian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Norwegian-Nynorsk3.0LicenseRPMSourceNynorsk Norwegian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Polish3.0LicenseRPMSourcePolish language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Portuguese-Brazilian3.0LicenseRPMSourceBrazilian Portuguese language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Portuguese3.0LicenseRPMSourcePortuguese language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Romanian3.0LicenseRPMSourceRomanian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Russian3.0LicenseRPMSourceRussian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Serbian3.0LicenseRPMSourceSerbian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Slovak3.0LicenseRPMSourceSlovak language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Slovenian3.0LicenseRPMSourceSlovenian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Spanish3.0LicenseRPMSourceSpanish language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Swedish3.0LicenseRPMSourceSwedish language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Tamil3.0LicenseRPMSourceTamil language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Thai3.0LicenseRPMSourceThai language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Turkish3.0LicenseRPMSourceTurkish language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Ukrainian3.0LicenseRPMSourceUkrainian language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Venda3.0LicenseRPMSourceVenda language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Vietnamese3.0LicenseRPMSourceVietnamese language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Xhosa3.0LicenseRPMSourceXhosa language support for KDE
kde-i18n-Zulu3.0LicenseRPMSourceZulu language support for KDE
kdeaddons3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Add-on modules
kdeadmin3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Admin tools
kdeartwork3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Artwork
kdebase3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - core files
kdebindings3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Bindings to non-C++ languages
kdeedu3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Educational Applications
kdegames3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Games
kdegraphics3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Graphic Applications
kdelibs-devel3.0LicenseRPMSourceHeader files and documentation for compiling KDE applications.
kdelibs-sound-devel3.0LicenseRPMSourceHeader files and documentation for compiling KDE applications with sound
kdelibs-sound3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Libraries for sound support
kdelibs3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Libraries
kdemultimedia3.0LicenseRPMSourceMultimedia applications for the K Desktop Environment (KDE).
kdenetwork3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Network Applications
kdepim3.0LicenseRPMSourcePersonal Information Management (PIM) for KDE
kdesdk3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Software Development Kit
kdetoys3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Toys and Amusements
kdeutils3.0LicenseRPMSourceK Desktop Environment - Utilities
kdevelop2.1LicenseRPMSourceIntegrated Development Environment for C++/C
less382LicenseRPMSourceA text file browser similar to more, but better.
libart_lgpl-devel2.3.17LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and headers for libart_lgpl.
libart_lgpl2.3.17LicenseRPMSourceLibrary of graphics routines used by libgnomecanvas
libbonobo-devel2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and headers for libbonobo and bonobo-activation
libbonobo2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceBonobo component system and Activation framework
libbonoboui-devel2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and headers for libbonoboui
libbonoboui2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceBonobo user interface components
libgail-gnome1.0.2LicenseRPMSourceGnome accessibility interface library
libgcc4.0.0 (5.1)LicenseRPMSourceGCC compiler dynamic runtime library
libgcc4.0.0 (5.2)LicenseRPMSourceGCC compiler dynamic runtime library
libgcc4.0.0 (5.3)LicenseRPMSourceGCC compiler dynamic runtime library
libghttp-devel1.0.9LicenseRPMSourceGNOME http client development
libghttp1.0.9LicenseRPMSourceGNOME http client library.
libglade2-devel2.0.1LicenseRPMSourceThe files needed for libglade application development.
libglade22.0.1LicenseRPMSourceThe libglade library for loading user interfaces.
libgnome-devel2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and headers for libgnome
libgnome2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceGNOME base library
libgnomecanvas-devel2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and headers for libgnomecanvas.
libgnomecanvas2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceGnomeCanvas widget
libgnomeprint-devel2.3.1LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and include files for developing GNOME applications.
libgnomeprint2.3.1LicenseRPMSourcePrinting library for GNOME.
libgnomeprintui-devel2.3.1LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and headers for libgnomeprintui
libgnomeprintui2.3.1LicenseRPMSourceGUI support for libgnomeprint
libgnomeui-devel2.4.0.1LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and headers for libgnome
libgnomeui2.4.0.1LicenseRPMSourceGNOME base GUI library
libgtop2-devel2.0.5LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and include files for developing with libgtop.
libgtop22.0.5LicenseRPMSourcelibgtop library (version 2)
libIDL-devel0.8.6LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment libraries and header files for libIDL
libIDL0.8.6LicenseRPMSourceLibrary for parsing IDL (Interface Definition Language)
libjpeg-devel6bLicenseRPMSourceDevelopment tools for programs which will use the libjpeg library.
libjpeg6bLicenseRPMSourceA library for manipulating JPEG image format files.
libmng-devel1.0.3LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment files for the MNG (Animated PNG) library
libmng1.0.3LicenseRPMSourceLibrary for supporting MNG (Animated PNG) graphics
libpcap0.8.3LicenseRPMSourceLibrary used for packet capture and playback. Used by tcpdump.
libpng-devel1.2.8LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment tools for programs to manipulate PNG image format files.
libpng1.2.8LicenseRPMSourceA library of functions for manipulating PNG image format files.
libPropList0.10.1LicenseRPMSourcelibrary for reading/writing GNUstep-style defaults databases
librep-devel0.14LicenseRPMSourcelibrep include files and link libraries
librep0.14LicenseRPMSourceAn embeddable LISP environment
librsvg2-devel2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and include files for developing with librsvg.
librsvg22.4.0LicenseRPMSourceAn SVG library based on libart.
libstdc++-devel4.0.0 (5.1)LicenseRPMSourceInclude files and libraries required for G++ development.
libstdc++-devel4.0.0 (5.2)LicenseRPMSourceInclude files and libraries required for G++ development.
libstdc++-devel4.0.0 (5.3)LicenseRPMSourceInclude files and libraries required for G++ development.
libstdc++4.0.0 (5.1)LicenseRPMSourceG++ compiler dynamic runtime library
libstdc++4.0.0 (5.2)LicenseRPMSourceG++ compiler dynamic runtime library
libstdc++4.0.0 (5.3)LicenseRPMSourceG++ compiler dynamic runtime library
libtiff-devel3.6.1LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment tools for programs which will use the libtiff library.
libtiff3.6.1LicenseRPMSourceA library of functions for manipulating TIFF format image files.
libtool1.5.8LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU libtool, which simplifies the use of shared libraries.
libungif-devel4.1.2LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment tools for programs which will use the libungif library.
libungif-progs4.1.2LicenseRPMSourcePrograms for manipulating GIF format image files.
libungif4.1.2LicenseRPMSourceA library for manipulating GIF format image files.
libwnck-devel2.4.0.1LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and headers for libwnck
libwnck2.4.0.1LicenseRPMSourceWindow Navigator Construction Kit
libxml2-devel2.6.21LicenseRPMSourceLibraries, includes, etc. to develop XML and HTML applications
libxml22.6.21LicenseRPMSourceLibrary providing XML and HTML support
libxslt-devel1.1.5LicenseRPMSourceLibraries, includes, etc. to embed the XSLT engine
libxslt1.1.5LicenseRPMSourceLibrary providing the XSLT engine
libzvt-devel2.0.1LicenseRPMSourceLibraries and headers for libzvt
libzvt2.0.1LicenseRPMSourceZvt terminal widget library
lrzsz0.12.20LicenseRPMSourceThe lrz and lsz modem communications programs.
lsof4.61 (5.1)LicenseRPMSourceA utility which lists open files on a Linux/UNIX system.
lsof4.61 (5.2)LicenseRPMSourceA utility which lists open files on a Linux/UNIX system.
lynx2.8.4LicenseRPMSourceA text-based Web browser.
m41.4.1LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU macro processor.
make3.80LicenseRPMSourceA GNU tool which simplifies the build process for users.
mawk1.3.3LicenseRPMSourceAn interpreter for the awk programming language.
metacity2.6.1LicenseRPMSourceMetacity window manager
metamail2.7LicenseRPMSourceA program for handling multimedia mail using the mailcap file.
mkisofs1.13LicenseRPMSourceCreates an image of an ISO9660 filesystem.
mpage2.5LicenseRPMSourceA tool for printing multiple pages of text on each printed page.
mtools3.9.8LicenseRPMSourcePrograms for accessing MS-DOS disks without mounting the disks.
mutt1.4.2.1LicenseRPMSourceA text mode mail user agent.
MySQL-client3.23.58LicenseRPMSourceMySQL - Client
MySQL-devel3.23.58LicenseRPMSourceMySQL - Development header files and libraries
MySQL3.23.58LicenseRPMSourceA very fast and reliable SQL database engine
nautilus2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceNautilus is a file manager for GNOME
ncftp3.1.1LicenseRPMSourceAn improved FTP client.
ncurses-devel5.2LicenseRPMSourceThe development files for applications which use ncurses.
ncurses5.2LicenseRPMSourceA CRT screen handling and optimization package.
openCIMOM0.7 (5.1)LicenseRPMSourceThe SNIA CIMOM (Common Information Model Object Manager)
openCIMOM0.8 (5.2)LicenseRPMSourceThe SNIA CIMOM (Common Information Model Object Manager)
ORBit-devel0.5.12LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment libraries, header files and utilities for ORBit.
ORBit2-devel2.8.1LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment libraries, header files and utilities for ORBit.
ORBit22.8.1LicenseRPMSourceA high-performance CORBA Object Request Broker.
ORBit0.5.12LicenseRPMSourceA high-performance CORBA Object Request Broker.
pango-devel1.10.0LicenseRPMSourceSystem for layout and rendering of internationalized text.
pango1.10.0LicenseRPMSourceSystem for layout and rendering of internationalized text.
patch2.5.4LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU patch command, for modifying/upgrading files.
pcre-devel3.7LicenseRPMSourceStatic library and header files for pcre development
pcre3.7LicenseRPMSourcePerl-Compatible Regular Expression library and pcregrep
pegasus1.0LicenseRPMSourcePEGASUS CIMOM for AIX
perl5.8.2LicenseRPMSourceThe Perl programming language.
php-devel4.0.6LicenseRPMSourceFiles needed for building PHP extensions.
php-manual4.0.6LicenseRPMSourceThe PHP manual, in HTML format.
php4.0.6LicenseRPMSourceThe PHP scripting language.
pine4.44LicenseRPMSourceA commonly used, MIME-compliant mail and news reader.
pkg-config0.19LicenseRPMSourceA tool for determining compilation options.
plotutils2.4.1LicenseRPMSourceGNU Plotting Utilities
popt1.7LicenseRPMSourceA C library for parsing command line parameters.
prngd0.9.29LicenseRPMSourcePseudo Random Number Generator Daemon
procmail3.21LicenseRPMSourceThe procmail mail processing program.
proftpd1.2.8LicenseRPMSourceProFTPD -- Professional FTP Server.
pspell-devel0.12.2LicenseRPMSourceStatic libraries and header files for pspell
pspell0.12.2LicenseRPMSourcePortable Spell Checker Interface Library.
pth-devel1.4.0LicenseRPMSourceGNU Pth - GNU Portable Threads (Headers and Static Libs).
pth1.4.0LicenseRPMSourceGNU Pth - GNU Portable Threads.
python-devel2.3.4LicenseRPMSourceThe libraries and header files needed for Python extension development.
python-docs2.3.4LicenseRPMSourceDocumentation for the Python programming language.
python-tools2.3.4LicenseRPMSourceA collection of development tools included with Python.
python2.3.4LicenseRPMSourceAn interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.
qt-designer3.0.3LicenseRPMSourceInterface designer (IDE) for the Qt toolkit
qt-devel3.0.3LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment files and documentation for the Qt GUI toolkit.
qt-Xt3.0.3LicenseRPMSourceAn Xt (X Toolkit) compatibility add-on for the Qt GUI toolkit.
qt3.0.3LicenseRPMSourceThe shared library for the Qt GUI toolkit.
rcs5.7LicenseRPMSourceRevision Control System (RCS) file version management tools.
rdist6.1.5LicenseRPMSourceMaintains identical copies of files on multiple machines
readline-devel4.3LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment files for programs which will use the readline library.
readline4.3LicenseRPMSourceA library for reading and returning lines from a terminal.
rpm-build3.0.5LicenseRPMSourceScripts and executable programs used to build packages.
rpm-devel3.0.5LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment files for applications which will manipulate RPM packages.
rpm3.0.5LicenseRPMSourceThe RPM package management system
rsync2.6.2LicenseRPMSourceA program for synchronizing files over a network.
rxvt2.6.3LicenseRPMSourceA color VT102 terminal emulator for the X Window System.
samba-client2.2.7LicenseRPMSourceSamba (SMB) client programs.
samba-common2.2.7LicenseRPMSourceFiles used by both Samba servers and clients.
samba2.2.7LicenseRPMSourceSamba SMB server.
screen3.9.10LicenseRPMSourceA screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal.
scrollkeeper0.3.12LicenseRPMSourceScrollKeeper is a cataloging system for documentation on open systems.
sed4.1.1LicenseRPMSourceA GNU stream text editor.
sharutils4.2.1LicenseRPMSourceThe GNU shar utilities for packaging and unpackaging shell archives.
slang-devel1.4.4LicenseRPMSourceThe static library and header files for development using S-Lang.
slang1.4.4LicenseRPMSourceThe shared library for the S-Lang extension language.
smake1.3.2LicenseRPMSourceSMake -- Makefile generator.
splint3.0.1.6LicenseRPMSourceAn implementation of the lint program
squid2.4.STABLE7LicenseRPMSourceThe Squid proxy caching server.
startup-notification-devel0.5LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment portions of startup-notification
startup-notification0.5LicenseRPMSourceLibrary for tracking application startup
sudo1.6.7p5LicenseRPMSourceAllows restricted root access for specified users.
tar1.14LicenseRPMSourceA GNU file archiving program.
tcl8.4.7LicenseRPMSourceAn embeddable scripting language.
tcpdump3.8.1LicenseRPMSourceA tool for network monitoring and data acquisition.
tcsh6.11LicenseRPMSourceAn enhanced version of csh, the C shell.
texinfo4.6LicenseRPMSourceTools needed to create Texinfo format documentation files.
tk8.4.7LicenseRPMSourceThe Tk GUI toolkit for Tcl, with shared libraries.
tkinter2.3.4LicenseRPMSourceA graphical user interface for the Python scripting language.
traceroute1.4a12LicenseRPMSourceTraces the route taken by packets over a TCP/IP network.
transfig3.2.3dLicenseRPMSourceA utility for converting FIG files (made by xfig) to other formats.
trueprint5.3LicenseRPMSourcePrints the source files in PostScript
unzip5.51LicenseRPMSourceA utility for unpacking zip files.
urw-fonts2.0LicenseRPMSourceFree versions of the 35 standard PostScript fonts.
vim-common6.3LicenseRPMSourceThe common files needed by any version of the VIM editor.
vim-enhanced6.3LicenseRPMSourceA version of the VIM editor which includes recent enhancements.
vim-minimal6.3LicenseRPMSourceA minimal version of the VIM editor.
vim-X116.3LicenseRPMSourceThe VIM version of the vi editor for the X Window System.
vnc3.3.3r2LicenseRPMSourceVirtual Network Computing
vte-devel0.11.10LicenseRPMSourceFiles needed for developing applications which use vte.
vte0.11.10LicenseRPMSourceAn experimental terminal emulator.
webmin1.150LicenseRPMSourceA web-based administration interface for Unix systems.
wget1.9.1LicenseRPMSourceA utility for retrieving files using the HTTP or FTP protocols.
which2.14LicenseRPMSourceDisplays where a particular program in your path is located.
WindowMaker0.65.1LicenseRPMSourceA window manager for the X Window System.
wu-ftpd2.6.2LicenseRPMSourceAn FTP daemon provided by Washington University.
Xaw3d-devel1.5LicenseRPMSourceHeader files and static libraries for development using Xaw3d.
Xaw3d1.5LicenseRPMSourceA version of the MIT Athena widget set for X.
Xbae-devel4.9.1LicenseRPMSourceDevelopment files and documentation for Xbae.
Xbae4.9.1LicenseRPMSourceA Motif-based matrix widget.
xboard4.2.6LicenseRPMSourceAn X Window System graphical chessboard.
xcursor-devel1.0.2LicenseRPMSourceX Cursor library headers
xcursor1.0.2LicenseRPMSourceX Cursor library
xemacs-el21.1.14LicenseRPMSourceThe .el source files for XEmacs.
xemacs-info21.1.14LicenseRPMSourceInformation files for XEmacs.
xemacs21.1.14LicenseRPMSourceAn X Window System based version of GNU Emacs.
xfce3.8.11LicenseRPMSourceA Powerful X Environment, with Toolbar and Window Manager
xfig3.2.3dLicenseRPMSourceAn X Window System tool for drawing basic vector graphics.
xft2.1.6LicenseRPMSourceX Font Rendering library
xmcd3.0.2LicenseRPMSourceA Motif based CD player.
xmms-devel1.2.7LicenseRPMSourceXMMS - Static libraries and header files.
xmms1.2.7LicenseRPMSourceXMMS - Multimedia player for the X Window System.
xpaint2.6.1LicenseRPMSourceAn X Window System image editing or paint program.
xpdf1.00LicenseRPMSourceA PDF file viewer for the X Window System.
xpm-devel3.4kLicenseRPMSourceTools for developing apps which will use the XPM pixmap library.
xpm3.4kLicenseRPMSourceA pixmap library for the X Window System.
xrender0.8.4LicenseRPMSourceX Render Extension
xscreensaver4.06LicenseRPMSourceA set of X Window System screensavers.
yelp2.4.0LicenseRPMSourceA system documentation reader from the Gnome project.
ytalk3.1.1LicenseRPMSourceA chat program for multiple users.
zip2.3LicenseRPMSourceA file compression and packaging utility compatible with PKZIP.
zlib-devel1.2.3LicenseRPMSourceHeader files and libraries for developing apps which will use zlib.
zlib1.2.3LicenseRPMSourceThe zlib compression and decompression library.
zoo2.10LicenseRPMSourcefile archiving utility with compression
zsh4.0.4LicenseRPMSourceA shell similar to ksh, but with improvements.

