





	<view class="containers">
		<view class="parking-box">
		<view class="car_input_box">
			<view class="car_number_input">
				<view class="car_type">
					<view class="default_car" :class="{active_car : activeNum == '0'}"
						<view class="" v-show="carNumber[0]">
					<view class="default_car default_car1" :class="{active_car: activeNum == '1'}"
						<view class="" v-show="carNumber[1]">
					<view class="default_dot"></view>
					<view class="default_car" :class="{active_car:activeNum == '2'}"
						<view class="" v-show="carNumber[2]">
					<view class="default_car" :class="{active_car : activeNum == '3'}"
						<view class="" v-show="carNumber[3]">
					<view class="default_car" :class="{active_car : activeNum == '4'}"
						<view class="" v-show="carNumber[4]">
					<view class="default_car" :class="{active_car : activeNum == '5'}"
						<view class="" v-show="carNumber[5]">
					<view class="default_car" :class="{active_car : activeNum == '6'}"
						<view class="" v-show="carNumber[6]">
					<view class="default_car"
						:class="{diabled_car:currentIndex != 1,active_car:activeNum == '7' && currentIndex == 1}"
						<view class="" v-show="carNumber[7]">
			<view class="check_energy">
					<img src="../../static/img/duoxuan_weixuan.png" alt="" v-if="currentIndex == 1"
					<img src="../../static/img/duoxuanwei.png" alt="" v-else @click="chooseIsNewEnergy">
			<view class="confirm_btn" @click="submit">
		<view class="tips">
			注: 请认真核对车牌,以免支付错误!
		<!-- 键盘 -->
		<view class="keyboard-content">
			<!-- 省份键盘 -->
			<template v-if="provinceBoardShow">
				<view style="position: relative;">
					<view class="province-keyboard flex jus-center">
						<view class="td-nor color-333 province-td" v-for="(item,index) in provincesKeyList" :key="index"
							@click="provinceKeyClick(item,index)" hover-class="board-active" hover-start-time="0"
							<view class="province-font">
					<view class="province-keyboard flex jus-center">
						<view class="td-nor color-333 province-td" v-for="(item,index) in provincesKeyTwo" :key="index"
							@click="provinceKeyClick(item,index)" hover-class="board-active" hover-start-time="0"
							<view class="province-font">
					<view class="province-keyboard flex jus-center">
						<view class="td-nor color-333 province-td" v-for="(item,index) in provincesKeyThree"
							:key="index" @click="provinceKeyClick(item,index)" hover-class="board-active"
							hover-start-time="0" hover-stay-time="80">
							<view class="province-font">
					<view class="province-keyboard flex">
						<view class="td-nor color-333 province-td" v-for="(item,index) in provincesKeyFour" :key="index"
							@click="provinceKeyClick(item,index)" hover-class="board-active" hover-start-time="0"
							<view class="province-font">
					<view @click.stop="backspace" class="delete flex del-province">
						<img src="../../static/img/del@2x.png" class="del-con" alt="">
			<template v-if="!provinceBoardShow">
				<view class="number-keyboard flex between">
						<view class="td td-num color-333" :class="numberIsDis ? 'board-active' : ''"
							v-for="(item,index) in numberKeyList" :key="index" @click="numberKeyClick(item,index)"
							:hover-class="numberIsDis ? '' : 'board-active'" hover-start-time="0" hover-stay-time="80">
			<template v-if="!provinceBoardShow">
				<view class="english-keyboard flex between">
						<view class="td td-num color-333" :class="englishIsDis ? 'board-active' : ''"
							v-for="(item,idx) in englishKeyOneList" :key="idx" @click="englishKeyClick(item,idx)"
							:hover-class="englishIsDis ? '' : 'board-active'" hover-start-time="0" hover-stay-time="80">
				<!-- 最后一行 -->
				<view class="english-keyboard flex between">
						<view class="td td-num color-333" :class="englishIsDis ? 'board-active' : ''"
							v-for="(item,index) in englishKeyTwoList" :key="index" @click="englishKeyClick(item,index)"
							:hover-class="englishIsDis ? '' : 'board-active'" hover-start-time="0" hover-stay-time="80">

					<!-- 挂字键 -->
						<!-- <view @click="trailerFiledClick('港')" class="td td-num color-333"
							:class="trailerFiledIsDis ? 'board-active' : ''"
							:hover-class="trailerFiledIsDis ? '' : 'board-active'" hover-start-time="0"
							hover-stay-time="80">港</view> -->
						<view @click="trailerFiledClick('澳')" class="td td-num color-333"
							:class="trailerFiledIsDis ? 'board-active' : ''"
							:hover-class="trailerFiledIsDis ? '' : 'board-active'" hover-start-time="0"
						<view @click="trailerFiledClick('学')" class="td td-num color-333"
							:class="trailerFiledIsDis ? 'board-active' : ''"
							:hover-class="trailerFiledIsDis ? '' : 'board-active'" hover-start-time="0"
						<view @click="trailerFiledClick('挂')" class="td td-num color-333"
							:class="trailerFiledIsDis ? 'board-active' : ''"
							:hover-class="trailerFiledIsDis ? '' : 'board-active'" hover-start-time="0"
						<view @click="trailerFiledClick('警')" class="td td-num color-333"
							:class="trailerFiledIsDis ? 'board-active' : ''"
							:hover-class="trailerFiledIsDis ? '' : 'board-active'" hover-start-time="0"
					<view @click.stop="backspace" class="delete flex">
						<img src="../../static/img/del@2x.png" class="del-con" alt="">

	export default {
		name: "add-car-input",
		data() {
			return {
				current: 0,
				carNumber: [],
				carTypeList: [{
					text: '新能源',
					value: 1,
				currentIndex: 0,
				provincesKeyList: '京津冀晋蒙辽吉黑',
				provincesKeyTwo: '沪苏浙皖闽赣鲁豫',
				provincesKeyThree: '鄂湘粤桂琼渝川贵',
				provincesKeyFour: '云藏陕甘青宁新',
				provinceBoardShow: true, // 省键盘
				numberKeyList: '1234567890',
				numberIsDis: true, // 输入键盘不可点击 true为不可点击
				englishIsDis: false, // 字母键盘可点击
				englishKeyOneList: 'ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUV',
				englishKeyTwoList: 'WXYZ',
				trailerFiledIsDis: true, // 挂字禁用
				activeNum: '0',
				isClickCarNum: false,
				isCheckEnergy: false,
		watch: {
			'carNumber.length': {
				handler(newVal, oldValue) {
					console.log(newVal, oldValue, 'newVal, oldValue')
				deep: true
		methods: {
			//  确定按钮
			submit() {
				const carCardP =
				const carCardD =
				let carPlate = this.carNumber.join('')
				console.log(this.carNumber, carPlate, 'carNumber')
				if (this.carNumber.length == 0) {
						title: '请输入车牌号',
						icon: 'none',
						duration: 2000
				if (!carCardP.test(carPlate) && (this.currentIndex == 0)) {
					// 普通车
						title: '车牌号输入有误',
						icon: 'none',
						duration: 2000
				if (!carCardD.test(carPlate) && this.currentIndex == 1) {
					// 新能源
						title: '车牌号输入有误',
						icon: 'none',
						duration: 2000
			// 点击车牌号输入框
			chooseNumber(item, active) {
				console.log(item, active, 'itemsss')
				if (active == 1) {
					// 第二位
					this.numberIsDis = true
					this.provinceBoardShow = false
				} else if (active == '0') {
					// 第一位
					this.provinceBoardShow = true
					this.numberIsDis = true
				} else {
					this.numberIsDis = false
					this.provinceBoardShow = false
				if (this.currentIndex == 0 && active == '7') {
					// 普通车牌 不让点击一位
				} else {
					this.activeNum = active
					this.current = active
					this.isClickCarNum = true
				if ((this.currentIndex == 0 && this.carNumber.length >= 6 && this.current >= 6) || (this.currentIndex ==
						1 && this.carNumber
						.length >= 7 && this.current >= 7)) {
					this.trailerFiledIsDis = false;
				} else {
					this.trailerFiledIsDis = true;
			// 点击新能源或者普通车
			chooseIsNewEnergy() {
				console.log(this.carNumber, '切换新能源')
				if (this.currentIndex == 1) {
					this.currentIndex = 0
					if (this.carNumber.length == 8) {
				} else {
					this.currentIndex = 1
					if (this.carNumber.length == 7) {
						this.current = 7
						this.activeNum = 7
				console.log(this.carNumber, '切换新能源后')
			// 省份键盘
			provinceKeyClick(val, index) {
				console.log(this.currentIndex, this.carNumber.length, 'this.carNumber.length省')
				this.carNumber[0] = val
				this.provinceBoardShow = false
				this.numberIsDis = true;
				this.englishIsDis = false;
				this.activeNum = this.current
				console.log(this.current, 'current')
			// 数字键盘
			numberKeyClick(val, idx) {
				let flag = this.carNumber.indexOf("") === -1
				console.log(this.currentIndex, this.carNumber, flag, this.carNumber.length, 'this.carNumber.length数字')
				if (this.numberIsDis) return
				if ((this.currentIndex == 0 && this.carNumber.length >= 7 && this.current >= 7) || (this.currentIndex ==
						1 && this.carNumber.length >= 8 && this.current >= 8)) {
				this.carNumber[this.current - 1] = val;
				this.activeNum = this.current
				this.numberIsDis = false
				console.log(this.current, 'current')
				console.log(this.currentIndex, this.carNumber, flag, this.carNumber.length, 'this.carNumber.length数字后')
			// 字母键盘
			englishKeyClick(val, idx) {
				let flag = this.carNumber.indexOf("") === -1
				console.log(this.currentIndex, this.carNumber, flag, this.carNumber.length, 'this.carNumber.length字母')
				// this.activeNum = this.carNumber.length
				if (this.englishIsDis) return
				if ((this.currentIndex == 0 && this.carNumber.length >= 7 && this.current >= 7) || (this.currentIndex ==
						1 && this.carNumber.length >= 8 && this.current >= 8)) {
				this.carNumber[this.current - 1] = val;
				console.log(this.current, 'this.current 字母键盘')
				if (this.current == 2) this.numberIsDis = false;
				this.activeNum = this.current
				this.numberIsDis = false
				console.log(this.current, 'current')
				console.log(this.currentIndex, this.carNumber, flag, this.carNumber.length, 'this.carNumber.length字母后')
			// 设置挂车键盘禁用(只能最后一个选择挂)
			setTrailerKeyboardDis() {
				if ((this.currentIndex == 0 && this.carNumber.length >= 6 && this.current >= 6) || (this.currentIndex ==
						1 && this.carNumber
						.length >= 7 && this.current >= 7)) {
					this.trailerFiledIsDis = false;
				} else {
					this.trailerFiledIsDis = true;
			// 点击挂字
			trailerFiledClick(val) {
				console.log(val, this.trailerFiledIsDis, '挂字')
				if (this.trailerFiledIsDis) return
				if ((this.currentIndex == 0 && this.carNumber.length >= 7 && this.current >= 7) || (this.currentIndex ==
						1 && this.carNumber.length >= 8 && this.current >= 8)) {
				this.carNumber[this.current - 1] = val;
				this.activeNum = this.current
				console.log(this.carNumber, this.current, 'gua')
			// 删除键
			backspace() {
				console.log(this.current, 'current')
				if (this.current < 0) return
				if (this.current == 0) {
					this.provinceBoardShow = true
					this.activeNum = 0
					this.carNumber[0] = ''
					console.log(this.carNumber[0], 'this.carNumber[0]')
					// this.numberIsDis = true
					// this.englishIsDis = true
					// this.trailerFiledIsDis = true
				} else if (this.current == 1) {
					this.provinceBoardShow = true
					this.activeNum = 1
					this.carNumber[1] = ''
				} else if (this.current == 2) {
					this.provinceBoardShow = false
					this.numberIsDis = true
					this.carNumber[this.current] = ''
				} else {
					this.provinceBoardShow = false
					this.carNumber[this.current - 1] = ''
				if ((this.currentIndex == 0 && this.current <= 6) || (this.currentIndex == 1 && this.current <= 7)) {
					this.trailerFiledIsDis = true;
				} else {
					this.trailerFiledIsDis = false;
				this.activeNum = this.current
				console.log(this.carNumber, '删除后车牌号')

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	.default_car {
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		border: 1px solid #999999;
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		line-height: 69rpx;
		font-size: 30rpx;
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	.check_energy {
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		margin-top: 16rpx;

	.check_energy img {
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		height: 32rpx;
		margin-right: 8rpx;

	.car_type_item:nth-child(1) {
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	.active:nth-child(3) {
		border-radius: 0rpx 6rpx 6rpx 0rpx;

	.car_number_input {
		margin-top: 40rpx;

	.tips {
		font-size: 24rpx;
		font-family: PingFangSC-Regular, PingFang SC;
		font-weight: 400;
		color: #6D7278;
		margin: 16rpx 24rpx;

	.add_car_box {
		width: calc(100% - 64rpx);
		height: 80rpx;
		background: linear-gradient(180deg, #DF4270, #F299AB);
		border-radius: 40rpx;
		margin: 0 auto;


	.add_car {
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		line-height: 80rpx;
		font-size: 34rpx;
		font-weight: 500;
		color: #FFFFFF;
		text-align: center;

	.dis_car {
		height: 100%;
		line-height: 80rpx;
		font-size: 34rpx;
		font-weight: 500;
		color: #FFFFFF;
		background: #999999;
		text-align: center;
		border-radius: 40px;

	.keyboard-content {
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		height: 470rpx;
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		background: #FCFCFE;
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		border-radius: 9rpx;
		height: 84rpx;
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		text-align: center;
		background-color: #fff;

	.province-keyboard {
		margin: 0 5rpx;
		padding: 0 10rpx;
		// flex-wrap: wrap;


	.td-nor {
		// flex: 0 1 9%;
		// margin-right: 3px;

	.number-keyboard {
		margin: 0 5rpx;


	.board-active {
		box-shadow: 0 0 0 #e5e5e5;
		background: #e5e5e5;

	.english-keyboard {
		margin: 0 5rpx;
		flex-wrap: wrap;


	.td-num {
		flex: 0 1 9%;

	.board-active {
		box-shadow: 0 0 0 #e5e5e5;
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		height: 88rpx;
		text-align: center;
		background-color: #AAADB7;
		border-radius: 8rpx;
		// position: absolute;
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		// bottom: 30rpx;
		justify-content: center;
		align-items: center;
		box-shadow: 0rpx 2rpx 0rpx 0rpx #898A8D;

	.del-province {
		position: absolute;
		right: 28rpx;
		bottom: 13rpx;
		width: 64rpx;
		box-shadow: 0rpx 2rpx 0rpx 0rpx #898A8D;
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		border-radius: 9rpx;
		height: 84rpx;
		line-height: 84rpx;
		text-align: center;
		background: #AAADB7;

	.sure {
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		height: 84rpx;
		text-align: center;
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		align-items: center;

	.default_dot {
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		height: 8rpx;
		background: #333333;
		margin: 0 4rpx;

	.del-con {
		width: 44rpx;
		height: 32rpx;

	.jus-center {
		justify-content: center;

	.diabled_car {
		background: #F5F5F5;
		border-radius: 4rpx;
		border: 2rpx solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);

	.active_car {
		border-radius: 4rpx;
		border: 2rpx solid #375DE9;

	.province-mr {
		margin-right: 10rpx;

	.confirm_btn {
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		height: 92rpx;
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		font-weight: 500;
		color: #FFFFFF;
		border-radius: 46rpx;
		margin-top: 40rpx;

	.province-td {
		width: 12.5%;

	.province-font {
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		font-family: PingFangSC-Regular, PingFang SC;
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		box-shadow: 0rpx 2rpx 0rpx 0rpx #898A8D;
		border-radius: 9rpx;
		height: 84rpx;
		line-height: 84rpx;
		text-align: center;
		background-color: #fff;

	.confirm-cash-box {
		width: 100vh;
		height: 100vh;
		background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.7);
		position: fixed;
		top: 0;
		left: 50%;
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		z-index: 99;

	.cash-box {
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	.cash-title {
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		font-family: PingFangSC-Medium, PingFang SC;
		font-weight: 500;
		color: #000000;
		padding-top: 38rpx;
		margin: 0 0 24rpx;

	.content-cash {
		font-size: 26rpx;
		font-family: PingFangSC-Medium, PingFang SC;
		font-weight: 500;
		color: #000000;
		margin-bottom: 54rpx;
		padding: 0 32rpx;

	.line-cash {
		width: 100%;
		height: 1rpx;
		background: rgba(60, 60, 67, 0.29);

	.cancel-box {
		width: 100%;
		height: 88rpx;
		line-height: 88rpx;
		color: #11B690;
		font-size: 32rpx;
		text-align: center;

	.flex-btwn {
		display: flex;
		align-items: center;
		justify-content: space-between;


