
npm i vue-beautiful-chat


import Chat from 'vue-beautiful-chat'


import CloseIcon from "@/assets/logo.png";
import OpenIcon from "@/assets/logo.png";
import FileIcon from "@/assets/logo.png";
import CloseIconSvg from "@/assets/logo.png";
import io from "socket.io-client";
export default {
  name: "app",
  data() {
    return {
      // 创建一个 socket 对象
      socket: null,
      icons: {
        open: {
          img: OpenIcon,
          name: "default",
        close: {
          img: CloseIcon,
          name: "default",
        file: {
          img: FileIcon,
          name: "default",
        closeSvg: {
          img: CloseIconSvg,
          name: "default",
      participants: [
          id: "user1",
          name: "Matteo",
          id: "user2",
          name: "Support",
      ], // the list of all the participant of the conversation. `name` is the user name, `id` is used to establish the author of a message, `imageUrl` is supposed to be the user avatar.
      messageList: [
        { type: "text", author: `me`, data: { text: `Say yes!` } },
        { type: "text", author: `user1`, data: { text: `No.` } },
      ], // the list of the messages to show, can be paginated and adjusted dynamically
      newMessagesCount: 0,
      isChatOpen: false, // to determine whether the chat window should be open or closed
      showTypingIndicator: "", // when set to a value matching the participant.id it shows the typing indicator for the specific user
      colors: {
        header: {
          bg: "#4e8cff",
          text: "#ffffff",
        launcher: {
          bg: "#4e8cff",
        messageList: {
          bg: "#ffffff",
        sentMessage: {
          bg: "#4e8cff",
          text: "#ffffff",
        receivedMessage: {
          bg: "#eaeaea",
          text: "#222222",
        userInput: {
          bg: "#f4f7f9",
          text: "#565867",
      }, // specifies the color scheme for the component
      alwaysScrollToBottom: false, // when set to true always scrolls the chat to the bottom when new events are in (new message, user starts typing...)
      messageStyling: true, // enables *bold* /emph/ _underline_ and such (more info at github.com/mattezza/msgdown)
  created() {
    // 建立服务器的连接
    this.socket = io("http://toutiao.itheima.net", {
      query: {
        token: "8d6b045d-a15f-4d4a-9841-340ddf27a283",
      transports: ["websocket"],
    console.log("socket", this.socket);
    // 收消息
    this.socket.on("message", (data) => {
      console.log("收到消息", data);
      // 将内容添加到聊天列表中
      const item = {
        type: "text",
        author: `user1`,
        data: { text: `${data.msg}` },
      // this.chatList.push({
      //   isme: false,
      //   t: data.msg,
      // });
      // 自动滚动到底部
      // this.$nextTick(() => {
      //   // 滚动到最后面
      //   this.$refs.chat.scrollTop = this.$refs.chat.scrollHeight;
      // });
  methods: {
    sendMessage(text) {
      if (text.length > 0) {
        this.newMessagesCount = this.isChatOpen
          ? this.newMessagesCount
          : this.newMessagesCount + 1;
          author: "support",
          type: "text",
          data: { text },
    // 发送消息
    onMessageWasSent(message) {
      // called when the user sends a message
      console.log("限制性这个", message);
      this.messageList = [...this.messageList, message];
      // 将消息发送到服务器
      this.socket.emit("message", {
        msg: message.data.text,
        timestamp: Date.now(),
    openChat() {
      // called when the user clicks on the fab button to open the chat
      this.isChatOpen = true;
      this.newMessagesCount = 0;
    closeChat() {
      // called when the user clicks on the botton to close the chat
      this.isChatOpen = false;
    handleScrollToTop() {
      // called when the user scrolls message list to top
      // leverage pagination for loading another page of messages
    handleOnType() {
      console.log("Emit typing event");
    editMessage(message) {
      const m = this.messageList.find((m) => m.id === message.id);
      m.isEdited = true;
      m.data.text = message.data.text;



