
==> /var/log/gitlab/puma/puma_stdout.log <==
{"timestamp":"2022-02-14T06:42:53.064Z","pid":18068,"message":"PumaWorkerKiller: Out of memory. 64 workers consuming total: 79653.6875 mb out of max: 65009.28 mb. Sending TERM to pid 20916 consuming 1227.6875 mb."}


# lscpu
Architecture:          aarch64
Byte Order:            Little Endian
CPU(s):                64
On-line CPU(s) list:   0-63
Thread(s) per core:    1
Core(s) per socket:    4
Socket(s):             16
NUMA node(s):          8
Model:                 2
BogoMIPS:              100.00
NUMA node0 CPU(s):     0-7
NUMA node1 CPU(s):     8-15
NUMA node2 CPU(s):     16-23
NUMA node3 CPU(s):     24-31
NUMA node4 CPU(s):     32-39
NUMA node5 CPU(s):     40-47
NUMA node6 CPU(s):     48-55
NUMA node7 CPU(s):     56-63
Flags:                 fp asimd evtstrm crc32 cpuid


root@gitlab-0:~# ps aux | grep puma
root       523  0.0  0.0   2240   896 ?        Ss   14:16   0:00 runsv puma
root       535  0.0  0.0   2432   896 ?        S    14:16   0:00 svlogd -tt /var/log/gitlab/puma
root      3528  0.0  0.0   4992   896 ?        S    14:18   0:00 tail --follow=name --retry /var/log/gitlab/sshd/current /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/production.log /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/grpc.log /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/service_measurement.log /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/application.log /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/application_json.log /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/auth.log /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/sidekiq_client.log /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/production_json.log /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-rails/api_json.log /var/log/gitlab/redis/current /var/log/gitlab/gitaly/current /var/log/gitlab/postgresql/current /var/log/gitlab/logrotate/current /var/log/gitlab/puma/current /var/log/gitlab/puma/puma_stdout.log /var/log/gitlab/puma/puma_stderr.log /var/log/gitlab/sidekiq/current /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-workhorse/current /var/log/gitlab/nginx/current /var/log/gitlab/nginx/error.log /var/log/gitlab/nginx/gitlab_access.log /var/log/gitlab/nginx/gitlab_error.log /var/log/gitlab/nginx/access.log /var/log/gitlab/gitlab-exporter/current /var/log/gitlab/redis-exporter/current /var/log/gitlab/prometheus/current /var/log/gitlab/alertmanager/current /var/log/gitlab/postgres-exporter/current /var/log/gitlab/grafana/current
git      18068  7.6  0.4 8089920 1274624 ?     Ssl  14:28   1:30 puma 4.3.5.gitlab.3 (unix:///var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/sockets/gitlab.socket,tcp:// [gitlab-puma-worker]
git      18273  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254080 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 1: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                 orker]
git      18275  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254016 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 2: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                 orker]
git      18279  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254272 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 4: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                 orker]
git      18281  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254208 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 5: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                 orker]
git      18283  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254144 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 6: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                 orker]
git      18285  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254272 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 7: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                 orker]
git      18293  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254272 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 9: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                 orker]
git      18311  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254464 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 18: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18312  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254464 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 19: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18315  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254336 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 20: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18316  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254144 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 21: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18319  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254080 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 22: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18325  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253760 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 25: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18326  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253760 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 26: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18332  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253760 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 29: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18334  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253952 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 30: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18336  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254208 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 31: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18338  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253952 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 32: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18344  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253760 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 35: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18348  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253760 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 37: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18349  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253504 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 38: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18352  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253760 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 39: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18353  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253632 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 40: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18359  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253824 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 43: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18362  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253632 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 44: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18368  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254016 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 47: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18371  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253760 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 49: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18373  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253696 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 50: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18375  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253632 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 51: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18378  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253568 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 53: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18380  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253504 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 54: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18382  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253312 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 55: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18387  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253696 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 57: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18388  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253952 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 58: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18389  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253952 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 59: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18392  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253888 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 60: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18396  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253824 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 61: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18397  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253952 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 62: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      18399  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254144 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 63: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      19306  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254592 ?    Sl   14:29   0:00 puma: cluster worker 3: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                 orker]
git      19351  0.0  0.4 16495424 1253888 ?    Sl   14:30   0:00 puma: cluster worker 0: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                 orker]
git      19489  0.0  0.4 16495424 1255104 ?    Sl   14:31   0:00 puma: cluster worker 13: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      19757  0.0  0.4 16495424 1256384 ?    Sl   14:33   0:00 puma: cluster worker 12: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      20009  0.0  0.4 16495424 1255232 ?    Sl   14:33   0:00 puma: cluster worker 45: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      20101  0.0  0.4 16495424 1254464 ?    Sl   14:34   0:00 puma: cluster worker 36: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      20163  0.0  0.4 16495424 1255808 ?    Sl   14:34   0:00 puma: cluster worker 24: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      20209  0.0  0.4 16495424 1255744 ?    Sl   14:34   0:00 puma: cluster worker 27: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      20254  0.0  0.4 16495424 1255360 ?    Sl   14:35   0:00 puma: cluster worker 11: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      20295  0.0  0.4 16495424 1255232 ?    Sl   14:35   0:00 puma: cluster worker 34: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      20342  0.0  0.4 16495424 1255552 ?    Sl   14:35   0:00 puma: cluster worker 46: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      20388  0.0  0.4 16495424 1256064 ?    Sl   14:36   0:00 puma: cluster worker 17: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      20650  0.0  0.4 16495424 1256320 ?    Sl   14:38   0:00 puma: cluster worker 28: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      20742  0.0  0.4 16495424 1256192 ?    Sl   14:38   0:00 puma: cluster worker 41: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      20783  0.0  0.4 16495424 1255808 ?    Sl   14:39   0:00 puma: cluster worker 33: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      20828  0.1  0.4 16495424 1256384 ?    Sl   14:39   0:00 puma: cluster worker 10: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      21316  0.1  0.4 16495424 1256896 ?    Sl   14:43   0:00 puma: cluster worker 56: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      21405  0.1  0.4 16495424 1256256 ?    Sl   14:43   0:00 puma: cluster worker 42: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      21449  0.1  0.4 16495424 1256256 ?    Sl   14:44   0:00 puma: cluster worker 52: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      21491  0.2  0.4 16495424 1256256 ?    Sl   14:44   0:00 puma: cluster worker 14: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      21716  0.4  0.4 16495424 1256576 ?    Sl   14:46   0:00 puma: cluster worker 23: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      21758  0.5  0.4 16495424 1255296 ?    Sl   14:46   0:00 puma: cluster worker 48: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      21805  0.8  0.4 16495424 1256000 ?    Sl   14:46   0:00 puma: cluster worker 15: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]
git      21845  1.4  0.4 16495424 1255808 ?    Sl   14:47   0:00 puma: cluster worker 8: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                 orker]
git      21891  8.5  0.4 16495424 1255616 ?    Sl   14:47   0:00 puma: cluster worker 16: 18068 [gitlab-puma-worker]                                                                orker]


puma['worker_processes'] = 4
puma['per_worker_max_memory_mb'] = 2048


gitlabctl reconfigure


==> /var/log/gitlab/puma/puma_stdout.log <==
{"timestamp":"2022-02-14T07:41:49.447Z","pid":27809,"message":"PumaWorkerKiller: Consuming 6428.625 mb with master and 4 workers."}


