
1. 从Print函数出发

1.1 修改print函数


Python --> bltinmodule.c --> builtin_print() line:1850


2. Object



2.1 PyObject

PyObject 是整个 Python 对象机制的核心。

Python 的世界一切皆对象,不论是数字,还是字符串,甚至连数据类型、函数等都是一种对象。

// 宏定义:有参宏、无参宏
#define PI 3.14
#define STU struct Student

typedef int INT1;
// Include/object.h
typedef struct _object {
    Py_ssize_t ob_refcnt;
    struct _typeobject *ob_type;
} PyObject;




// Include/object.h
typedef struct _typeobject PyTypeObject; /* opaque */
typedef struct _typeobject {
    const char *tp_name; /* For printing, in format "<module>.<name>" */
    Py_ssize_t tp_basicsize, tp_itemsize; /* For allocation */

    /* Methods to implement standard operations */

    destructor tp_dealloc;
    printfunc tp_print;
    getattrfunc tp_getattr;
    setattrfunc tp_setattr;
    PyAsyncMethods *tp_as_async; /* formerly known as tp_compare (Python 2)
                                    or tp_reserved (Python 3) */
    reprfunc tp_repr;

    /* Method suites for standard classes */

    PyNumberMethods *tp_as_number;
    PySequenceMethods *tp_as_sequence;
    PyMappingMethods *tp_as_mapping;

    /* More standard operations (here for binary compatibility) */

    hashfunc tp_hash;
    ternaryfunc tp_call;
    reprfunc tp_str;
    getattrofunc tp_getattro;
    setattrofunc tp_setattro;

    /* Functions to access object as input/output buffer */
    PyBufferProcs *tp_as_buffer;

    /* Flags to define presence of optional/expanded features */
    unsigned long tp_flags;

    const char *tp_doc; /* Documentation string */

    /* Assigned meaning in release 2.0 */
    /* call function for all accessible objects */
    traverseproc tp_traverse;

    /* delete references to contained objects */
    inquiry tp_clear;

    /* Assigned meaning in release 2.1 */
    /* rich comparisons */
    richcmpfunc tp_richcompare;

    /* weak reference enabler */
    Py_ssize_t tp_weaklistoffset;

    /* Iterators */
    getiterfunc tp_iter;
    iternextfunc tp_iternext;

    /* Attribute descriptor and subclassing stuff */
    struct PyMethodDef *tp_methods;
    struct PyMemberDef *tp_members;
    struct PyGetSetDef *tp_getset;
    struct _typeobject *tp_base;
    PyObject *tp_dict;
    descrgetfunc tp_descr_get;
    descrsetfunc tp_descr_set;
    Py_ssize_t tp_dictoffset;
    initproc tp_init;
    allocfunc tp_alloc;
    newfunc tp_new;
    freefunc tp_free; /* Low-level free-memory routine */
    inquiry tp_is_gc; /* For PyObject_IS_GC */
    PyObject *tp_bases;
    PyObject *tp_mro; /* method resolution order */
    PyObject *tp_cache;
    PyObject *tp_subclasses;
    PyObject *tp_weaklist;
    destructor tp_del;

    /* Type attribute cache version tag. Added in version 2.6 */
    unsigned int tp_version_tag;

    destructor tp_finalize;

    /* these must be last and never explicitly initialized */
    Py_ssize_t tp_allocs;
    Py_ssize_t tp_frees;
    Py_ssize_t tp_maxalloc;
    struct _typeobject *tp_prev;
    struct _typeobject *tp_next;
} PyTypeObject;

2.2 定长对象与变长对象

// Include/object.h
typedef struct {
    PyObject ob_base;
    Py_ssize_t ob_size; /* Number of items in variable part */
} PyVarObject;

各种对象都拥有相同的对象头部,因此只需要一个PyObject *指针就可以引用任意一个对象,而不论该对象实际是一个什么对象。

  1. 怎么理解整型(LongObject)是变长对象?
  2. 整型在内存中的字节数是多少?

2.3 可变对象与不可变对象


不可变数据:Number, String, Tuple, None

(Number 数据类型用于存储数值。数据类型是不允许改变的,这就意味着如果改变 Number 数据类型的值,将重新分配内存空间。)

可变数据:List, Dictionary, Set

①Number:bool, long, float, complex.


**注:**word[0] = 'm’会导致错误。

③Tuple: 元组中元素类型可以不相同;虽然tuple元素不可改变,但它可以包含可变的对象,比如list列表。

注: 构造包含0个或1个元素的元组(tuple(),tuple(20,)),元组中只包含一个元素时,需要在元素后面添加逗号,否则括号会被当作运算符使用。


注: 列表元素可以改变,但不可越界赋值。例如:List = [] # true,List[0] = 2 # False

⑤Set: 可以用来删除重复元素。



2.4 PyLongObject

// Includre/longobject.h
typedef struct _longobject PyLongObject; /* Revealed in longintrepr.h */

/* Long integer representation.
   The absolute value of a number is equal to
        SUM(for i=0 through abs(ob_size)-1) ob_digit[i] * 2**(SHIFT*i)
   Negative numbers are represented with ob_size < 0;
   zero is represented by ob_size == 0.
   In a normalized number, ob_digit[abs(ob_size)-1] (the most significant
   digit) is never zero.  Also, in all cases, for all valid i,
        0 <= ob_digit[i] <= MASK.
   The allocation function takes care of allocating extra memory
   so that ob_digit[0] ... ob_digit[abs(ob_size)-1] are actually available.

   CAUTION:  Generic code manipulating subtypes of PyVarObject has to
   aware that ints abuse ob_size's sign bit.

// Include/longintrepr.h
struct _longobject {
    digit ob_digit[1];

// Include/object.h
/* PyObject_VAR_HEAD defines the initial segment of all variable-size
 * container objects.  These end with a declaration of an array with 1
 * element, but enough space is malloc'ed so that the array actually
 * has room for ob_size elements.  Note that ob_size is an element count,
 * not necessarily a byte count.
// --------------这里非常重要-----------------
#define PyObject_VAR_HEAD  PyVarObject ob_base;
#define Py_INVALID_SIZE (Py_ssize_t)-1
// 等价于下列表达
typedef struct { 
    int ob_refcnt;       //引用计数 
    struct _typeobject *ob_type;   //变量类型 
    int ob_size;        //用来记录变长对象PyLongObject一共由多少bit位组成 
    digit ob_digit[1];  //digit类型的数组,默认长度为1,具体大小取决于PyLongObject 
} PyLongObject; 

// 从这个角度看PyLongObject是一个变长对象,因为其具有变长对象的头部。

思考:1. 如何实现整数相加而内存不溢出?2. 不可变对象指什么?与变长对象有联系吗?

// 参考代码
// Include/longintrepr.h
typedef uint32_t digit;
typedef int32_t sdigit; /* signed variant of digit */
typedef uint64_t twodigits;
typedef int64_t stwodigits; /* signed variant of twodigits */
#define PyLong_SHIFT    30
#define _PyLong_DECIMAL_SHIFT   9 /* max(e such that 10**e fits in a digit) */
#define _PyLong_DECIMAL_BASE    ((digit)1000000000) /* 10 ** DECIMAL_SHIFT */
typedef unsigned short digit;
typedef short sdigit; /* signed variant of digit */
typedef unsigned long twodigits;
typedef long stwodigits; /* signed variant of twodigits */
#define PyLong_SHIFT    15
#define _PyLong_DECIMAL_SHIFT   4 /* max(e such that 10**e fits in a digit) */
#define _PyLong_DECIMAL_BASE    ((digit)10000) /* 10 ** DECIMAL_SHIFT */
#error "PYLONG_BITS_IN_DIGIT should be 15 or 30"
#define PyLong_BASE     ((digit)1 << PyLong_SHIFT)
#define PyLong_MASK     ((digit)(PyLong_BASE - 1))

#if PyLong_SHIFT % 5 != 0
#error "longobject.c requires that PyLong_SHIFT be divisible by 5"

2.5 PyTypeObject


  1. 类型名:tp_name,主要是Python内部以及调试时使用。

  2. 占用内存空间大小:创建该对象时分配,即Py_ssize_t tp_basicsize, tp_itemsize。

  3. 与该类型对象相关联的操作信息(类似tp_print这样的函数指针)。

  4. 类型(其实是一个对象)的类型信息。

    struct _typeobject *ob_type;  // PyTypeObject
    // Objects/typeobject.c line:3553
    PyTypeObject PyType_Type = {
        PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
        "type",                                     /* tp_name */
        sizeof(PyHeapTypeObject),                   /* tp_basicsize */
        sizeof(PyMemberDef),                        /* tp_itemsize */
        (destructor)type_dealloc,                   /* tp_dealloc */
        0,                                          /* tp_print */
        // .......

    所以PyType_TypePython中被称为 metaclass(元类)。

2.5.1 对象的创建


  1. 通过Python C API来创建

    • C API分为两类:AOL(范型的API,用于任何python对象)、COL(与类型相关的API,用于某一种类型的对象)

    • 直接分配内存

    • PyObject* longObj = PyObject_New(PyObject, &PyLong_Type)

  2. 通过设计的类型对象创建实例对象

    class A(object) --> new A()


  1. tp_new对应到 C++ 中 , 可以视为new操作符 , Python中则是__new__操作符。

  2. tp_init则是 Python 中的__init__ (相当于类的构造函数 , 即对创建的新对象进行初始化)。

    __new__ does object creation and __init__ does object initialization.


// tp_new
// typeobject.c line:3669
static PyObject *
object_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
// ...
// tp_init
static int
object_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
    PyTypeObject *type = Py_TYPE(self);
    if (excess_args(args, kwds)) {
        if (type->tp_init != object_init) {
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "object.__init__() takes no arguments");
            return -1;
        if (type->tp_new == object_new) {
            PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, "%.200s().__init__() takes no arguments",
            return -1;
    return 0;

2.5.2 对象的行为


// object.h
hashfunc tp_hash;

typedef Py_hash_t (*hashfunc)(PyObject *);


  • tp_as_number (指向PyNumberMethods)

  • tp_as_sequence(指向PySequenceMethods)

  • tp_as_mapping(指向PyMappingMethods)

    /* Method suites for standard classes */
    PyNumberMethods *tp_as_number;
    PySequenceMethods *tp_as_sequence;
    PyMappingMethods *tp_as_mapping;
    #ifndef Py_LIMITED_API
    typedef struct {
        /* Number implementations must check *both*
           arguments for proper type and implement the necessary conversions
           in the slot functions themselves. */
        binaryfunc nb_add;
        binaryfunc nb_subtract;
        binaryfunc nb_multiply;
        binaryfunc nb_remainder;
        binaryfunc nb_divmod;
        ternaryfunc nb_power;
        unaryfunc nb_negative;
        unaryfunc nb_positive;
        unaryfunc nb_absolute;
        inquiry nb_bool;
        unaryfunc nb_invert;
        binaryfunc nb_lshift;
        binaryfunc nb_rshift;
        binaryfunc nb_and;
        binaryfunc nb_xor;
        binaryfunc nb_or;
        unaryfunc nb_int;
        void *nb_reserved;  /* the slot formerly known as nb_long */
        unaryfunc nb_float;
        binaryfunc nb_inplace_add;
        binaryfunc nb_inplace_subtract;
        binaryfunc nb_inplace_multiply;
        binaryfunc nb_inplace_remainder;
        ternaryfunc nb_inplace_power;
        binaryfunc nb_inplace_lshift;
        binaryfunc nb_inplace_rshift;
        binaryfunc nb_inplace_and;
        binaryfunc nb_inplace_xor;
        binaryfunc nb_inplace_or;
        binaryfunc nb_floor_divide;
        binaryfunc nb_true_divide;
        binaryfunc nb_inplace_floor_divide;
        binaryfunc nb_inplace_true_divide;
        unaryfunc nb_index;
        binaryfunc nb_matrix_multiply;
        binaryfunc nb_inplace_matrix_multiply;
    } PyNumberMethods;
    typedef struct {
        lenfunc sq_length;
        binaryfunc sq_concat;
        ssizeargfunc sq_repeat;
        ssizeargfunc sq_item;
        void *was_sq_slice;
        ssizeobjargproc sq_ass_item;
        void *was_sq_ass_slice;
        objobjproc sq_contains;
        binaryfunc sq_inplace_concat;
        ssizeargfunc sq_inplace_repeat;
    } PySequenceMethods;
    typedef struct {
        lenfunc mp_length;
        binaryfunc mp_subscript;
        objobjargproc mp_ass_subscript;
    } PyMappingMethods;
    typedef struct {
        unaryfunc am_await;
        unaryfunc am_aiter;
        unaryfunc am_anext;
    } PyAsyncMethods;
    typedef struct {
         getbufferproc bf_getbuffer;
         releasebufferproc bf_releasebuffer;
    } PyBufferProcs;
    #endif /* Py_LIMITED_API */



    // 提示
    PyObject *
    PyDict_GetItem(PyObject *op, PyObject *key)
        Py_hash_t hash;
        Py_ssize_t ix;
        PyDictObject *mp = (PyDictObject *)op;
        PyThreadState *tstate;
        PyObject *value;
        if (!PyDict_Check(op))
            return NULL;
        if (!PyUnicode_CheckExact(key) ||
            (hash = ((PyASCIIObject *) key)->hash) == -1)
            hash = PyObject_Hash(key);
            if (hash == -1) {
                return NULL;
        /* We can arrive here with a NULL tstate during initialization: try
           running "python -Wi" for an example related to string interning.
           Let's just hope that no exception occurs then...  This must be
           _PyThreadState_Current and not PyThreadState_GET() because in debug
           mode, the latter complains if tstate is NULL. */
        tstate = PyThreadState_GET();
        if (tstate != NULL && tstate->curexc_type != NULL) {
            /* preserve the existing exception */
            PyObject *err_type, *err_value, *err_tb;
            PyErr_Fetch(&err_type, &err_value, &err_tb);
            ix = (mp->ma_keys->dk_lookup)(mp, key, hash, &value);
            /* ignore errors */
            PyErr_Restore(err_type, err_value, err_tb);
            if (ix < 0)
                return NULL;
        else {
            ix = (mp->ma_keys->dk_lookup)(mp, key, hash, &value);
            if (ix < 0) {
                return NULL;
        return value;

2.5.3 类型的类型






PyTypeObject PyLong_Type = {
    PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
    "int",                                      /* tp_name */
    offsetof(PyLongObject, ob_digit),           /* tp_basicsize */
    sizeof(digit),                              /* tp_itemsize */
    long_dealloc,                               /* tp_dealloc */
    0,                                          /* tp_print */
   // ......
    0,                                          /* tp_init */
    0,                                          /* tp_alloc */
    long_new,                                   /* tp_new */
    PyObject_Del,                               /* tp_free */

2.6 多态性


函数之间传递的都是一种范型指针-PyObject *,这个指针所指对象的类型从对象的ob_type域动态进行判断(从而实现多态机制)。


2.7 引用计数



// Include/Object.h
#define _Py_NewReference(op) (                          \
    _Py_INC_REFTOTAL  _Py_REF_DEBUG_COMMA               \
    Py_REFCNT(op) = 1)

#define _Py_ForgetReference(op) _Py_INC_TPFREES(op)

PyAPI_FUNC(void) _Py_Dealloc(PyObject *);
// 类似C++中的析构函数,销毁对象(在类型对象中定义函数指针tp_dealloc指定)
#define _Py_Dealloc(op) (                               \
    _Py_INC_TPFREES(op) _Py_COUNT_ALLOCS_COMMA          \
    (*Py_TYPE(op)->tp_dealloc)((PyObject *)(op)))
#endif /* !Py_TRACE_REFS */

#define Py_INCREF(op) (                         \
    ((PyObject *)(op))->ob_refcnt++)

#define Py_DECREF(op)                                   \
    do {                                                \
        PyObject *_py_decref_tmp = (PyObject *)(op);    \
        if (_Py_DEC_REFTOTAL  _Py_REF_DEBUG_COMMA       \
        --(_py_decref_tmp)->ob_refcnt != 0)             \
            _Py_CHECK_REFCNT(_py_decref_tmp)            \
        else                                            \
            _Py_Dealloc(_py_decref_tmp);                \
    } while (0)



2.8 Python对象的分类


  • Fundamental对象:类型对象(Type)
  • Numeric对象:数值对象
  • Sequence对象:容纳其他对象的序列集合对象(String、List、Tuple)
  • Mapp对象:类似C++中的map关联对象(Dict)
  • Internal对象:Python虚拟机在运行时内部使用的对象

