I have a table which has approx. 10,000 client records.

The table structure look like this:

ClientID | FirstName | LastName | PhoneNumber

I am trying to update the PhoneNumber column with a updated Excel file,

which only has two columns, ClientID | PhoneNumber

My cpanel has phpmyadmin installed, but how do I import the excel file into the database and only update the PhoneNumber based on ClientID?

Thank all!


I don't know if that's possible, but you can easily use the excel spreadsheet to generate a series of MySQL commands to update the phone number. If the ID is column A and the phone number is column B, then the function would just be:

concatenate("update yourTableName set phonenumber = '", A1, "' where ID = ", B1, ";")

Then fill down and copy the resulting commands into PHPMyAdmin's SQL tab.
