What's openstack ?

OpenStack是一个云平台管理的项目,由几个主要的组件组合起来,旨在为公共及私有云的建设与管理提供平台。它是由 Rackspace 和 NASA 共同开发的云计算平台,帮助服务商和企业内部实现类似于 Amazon EC2 和 S3 的云基础架构服务(Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS),具体查看openstack官网

About this project

这个项目旨在写一个方便调用、方便扩展的openstack开发包。它是根据openstack api封装的java开发库,最初应实验室需求而开发。目前已经花了陆陆续续近3个月的时间,仅仅实现了基本功能,还有很多bug,以及功能尚未实现。


How to use ?


mvn package


mvn assembly:assembly

项目运行需要配置文件,配置文件路径由系统变量OPENSTACK_CONF_PATH指定,默认为/etc/openstack,参考配置文件说明 我学习了openstack官方python库的设计架构,尽力做到调用简单,方便.以下是demo:

OpenstackSession session = OpenstackSession.getSession("username", "password");// get session

Nova nova = session.getNovaClient(); // get nova client

// get a flavor list, print their name

for (Flavor flavor : nova.flavors.list()) {



// create a new server

Server server = new Server();




// some other config

nova.servers.create(server); // call create method to execute.

Join me !



Step 1:创建model

model就是实体对应的java bean,接收请求过来的数据一般是json,即要把json表示的对象转化成的java对象。你可以完全由自己来定义自己的bean,我的所有bean都继承AbstractEntity,属性由Property注解,构造方法传递一个JSONObject对象,一般直接调用基类的构造方法就能完成JSONObject到java bean的转化。以下是model demo:


public class VolumeType extends AbstractEntity {

private static final long serialVersionUID = -6539238104579991330L;


private JSONObject metadata;



private String name;


private String id;


public VolumeType() {



public VolumeType(JSONObject jsonObj) {



public String getName() {

return name;


public void setName(String name) {

this.name = name;


// some other getter and setter here


Step 2:创建bean管理接口


public interface ServerManager {


* Get a server.

* @param id ID of the Server to get.

* @return Server

* @throws OperationException


Server get(String id) throws OperationException;


* Get a list of servers.

* @return List of server

* @throws OperationException


List list() throws OperationException;


* Stop(power off) the server

* @param id The id of server to stop.

* @throws OperationException


void stop(String id) throws OperationException;


* Start(power on) the server,

* @param id The id of server to start.

* @throws OperationException


void start(String id) throws OperationException;


* Reboot a server, for a software-lever reboot

* @param id The ID of server to reboot.

* @see reboot(String id, boolean hard)


void reboot(String id) throws OperationException;


* update the name for a Server

* @param id the id of server to rename

* @param name the new name of the server.

* @throws OperationException


void rename(String id, String name) throws OperationException;


* Create (boot) a new Server.

* Remember : You must set name, imageRef, flavorRef !

* @param instance The new server you have created.

* @return

* @throws OperationException


Server create(Server instance) throws OperationException;


* Delete (i.e shut down and delete the image) this server.

* @param id The ID of server to delete.

* @throws OperationException


void delete(String id) throws OperationException;


Step 3: 实现管理接口


public class Flavors extends AbstractManager implements FlavorManager{

private final String PREFIX = "/flavors";

public Flavors(Authenticated credentical) {

super(credentical, Flavor.class);



* Get a list of all flavors

* @return A List , which holds flavors

* @throws OperationException



public List list() throws OperationException {

return _list(PREFIX + "/detail");



* Get a specific Flavor.

* @param id The ID of Flavor to get.

* @return Flavor

* @throws OperationException



public Flavor get(String id) throws OperationException {

return _get(PREFIX + "/" + id);



* Delete a specific Flavor.

* @param id The ID of Flavor to delete.

* @throws OperationException



public void delete(String id) throws OperationException {

_delete("/flavors/" + id);



* create a new flavor for a tenant

* @param flavor The flavor to create

* @return The new flavor

* @throws OperationException



public Flavor create(Flavor flavor) throws OperationException {

return _create("/flavors", flavor);



Step 4: 注册新功能

注册新功能就是把相应的管理接口添加到client下(比如Nova, Glance等),目前我直接硬编码,实际操作应该根据配置文件选择api版本由工厂负责创建,以下是demo:

public class Nova {

public final FlavorManager flavors;

public final HypervisorManager hypervisors;

public final ServerManager servers;

public final KeyPairManager keypairs;

public Nova(Authenticated credentical) {

// bad work, don't do that!!

flavors = new Flavors(credentical);

hypervisors = new Hypervisors(credentical);

servers = new Servers(credentical);

keypairs = new KeyPairs(credentical);


How to extend new features?


public class FlavorCachedManager implements FlavorManager {

private FlavorManager flavors;

public FlavorCachedManager(FlavorManager flavors) {

this.flavors = flavors;



public Flavor get(String id) throws OperationException {

Flavor flavor = getFromCache(id);

if (flavor == null) {

flavor = flavors.get(id);



return flavor;




The MIT License (MIT)
