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iFIX 5.5在64位系统中只能用IH作为历史数据库。如果32位系统,则必须手工安装传统历史数据库


Steps to be Taken to Install the iFIX Classic Historian on a 32 bit Operating System:

Install the iFIX 5.5 DVD

Browse to the Setup folder then to the Proficy folder then to the Legacy folder

Run the install for the IFIX55_Pulse_FD.exe

NOTE: This will install the Classic Historian applications on systems running with a 32 bit operating system.

In Windows Explorer, go to the \Local iFIX directory and open the FixUserPreferences.ini file using Notepad

Search for and change the current setting "CurrentHistorian= iHistorian" to "CurrentHistorian=Classic" then close and save the edited FixUserPreferences.ini file

NOTE: In some cases the CurrentHistorian entry listed above may not exist in the FixUserPreferences.ini file and in this case add the following section and information manually to the file and then close and save the updated FixUserPreferences.ini file:



Restart iFIX 5.5 and the Classic Historian applications will be installed and available as required.
