
唯美聊天 (vue-beautiful-chat)

A simple and beautiful Vue chat component backend agnostic, fully customisable and extendable.


vue-beautiful-chat provides an intercom-like chat window that can be included easily in any project for free. It provides no messaging facilities, only the view component.

vue-beautiful-chat提供了一个类似于内部通信的聊天窗口,可以轻松将其免费包含在任何项目中。 它不提供消息传递功能,仅提供视图组件。


特征 (Features)

  • Customizeable


  • Backend agnostic


  • Free


安装 (Installation)

$ yarn add vue-beautiful-chat


import Chat from 'vue-beautiful-chat'
      :showFile="true" />
      <a href="#" @click.prevent="openChat()">Open the chat window</a>
export default {
  data() {
    return {
      agentProfile: {
        teamName: 'Vue Beautiful Chat',
        imageUrl: ''
      messageList: [],
      newMessagesCount: 0,
      isChatOpen: false
  methods: {
    sendMessage (msg) {
      if (text.length > 0) {
        this.newMessagesCount = this.isChatOpen ? this.newMessagesCount : this.newMessagesCount + 1
    onMessageWasSent (msg) {
    openChat () {
      this.isChatOpen = true
      this.newMessagesCount = 0
    closeChat () {
      this.isChatOpen = false

For more detailed examples see the demo folder.


组件 (Components)

发射器 (Launcher)

Launcher is the only component needed to use vue-beautiful-chat. It will react dynamically to changes in messages. All new messages must be added via a change in props as shown in the example.

Launcher是使用vue-beautiful-chat所需的唯一组件。 它将动态响应消息中的更改。 如示例所示,必须通过更改道具来添加所有新消息。

Launcher props:


*agentProfileobjectRepresents your product or service's customer service agent. Fields: teamName, imageUrl
*onMessageWasSentfunction(message)Called when a message a message is sent with a message object as an argument.
*isOpenBooleanThe bool indicating whether or not the chat window should be open.
*openFunctionThe function passed to the component that mutates the above mentioned bool toggle for opening the chat
*closeFunctionThe function passed to the component that mutates the above mentioned bool toggle for closing the chat
messageList[message]An array of message objects to be rendered as a conversation.
showEmojiBooleanA bool indicating whether or not to show the emoji button
showFileBooleanA bool indicating whether or not to show the file chooser button
showTypingIndicatorBooleanA bool indicating whether or not to show the typing indicator
colorsObjectAn object containing the specs of the colors used to paint the component. See here
Struts 类型 描述
* agentProfile 目的 代表您的产品或服务的客户服务代理。 字段:teamName,imageUrl
* onMessageWasSent 功能(留言) 当消息以消息对象作为参数发送消息时调用。
*开了 布尔型 布尔值指示是否应打开聊天窗口。
*打开 功能 传递给该组件的函数,该组件使上述bool触发器发生突变以打开聊天室
*关 功能 传递给该组件的函数,该组件使上述bool触发器发生突变以关闭聊天室
messageList [信息] 消息对象数组,将其呈现为对话。
showEmoji 布尔型 指示是否显示表情符号按钮的布尔值
showFile 布尔型 指示是否显示文件选择器按钮的布尔值
showTypingIndicator 布尔型 指示是否显示typing指示符的布尔值
颜色 目的 包含用于绘制组件的颜色规格的对象。 看这里

讯息对象 (Message Objects)

Message objects are rendered differently depending on their type. Currently, only text, emoji and file types are supported. Each message object has an author field which can have the value 'me' or 'them'.

消息对象的呈现方式取决于它们的类型。 当前,仅支持文本,表情符号和文件类型。 每个消息对象都有一个author字段,该字段可以具有值“ me”或“ them”。

  author: 'them',
  type: 'text',
  data: {
    text: 'some text'

  author: 'me',
  type: 'emoji',
  data: {
    code: 'someCode'

  author: 'me',
  type: 'file',
  data: {
    name: 'file.mp3',
    url: 'https:123.rf/file.mp3'

常问问题 (FAQ)

How to get the demo working? 如何使演示工作?

  • cd vue-beautiful-chat

    cd vue-beautiful-chat

  • yarn watch # this starts the compiler so everytime you edit files they get compiled

    yarn watch #这会启动编译器,因此每次您编辑文件时,它们都会被编译

  • cd demo

    cd demo

  • yarn dev # this starts a web server on localhost:8080 so the demo shows up - it also watches for the demo files changes

    yarn dev #这将在localhost:8080上启动Web服务器,因此演示将显示-它还监视演示文件的更改

How can I add a feature or fix a bug? 如何添加功能或修复错误?

  • Fork the repository


  • Fix/add your changes


  • yarn build on the root to have the library compiled with your latest changes

    在根目录上yarn build ,以使用最新更改编译库

  • create a pull request describing what you did


  • discuss the changes with the maintainer


  • boom! your changes are added to the main repo

    繁荣! 您的更改将添加到主存储库中

  • a release is created almost once per week 😉


How can I customize the colors? 如何自定义颜色?

  • When initializing the component, pass an object specifying the colors used:


let redColors = {
  header: {
    bg: '#D32F2F',
    text: '#fff'
  launcher: {
    bg: '#D32F2F'
  messageList: {
    bg: '#fff'
  sentMessage: {
    bg: '#F44336',
    text: '#fff'
  receivedMessage: {
    bg: '#eaeaea',
    text: '#222222'
  userInput: {
    bg: '#fff',
    text: '#212121'

      :colors="redColors" />




