Alpine Linux 安装命令 apk
apk到处搜索都是安卓的apk…,实际上alpine可以使用apk进行安装apkapk-tools 2.10.5, compiled for x86_64.Installing and removing packages:addAdd PACKAGEs to 'world' and install (or upgrade) them, while ensuring that all depende
使用的时候跟yum,apt-get都差不多,先apk update,然后apk add
apk-tools 2.10.5, compiled for x86_64.
Installing and removing packages:
add Add PACKAGEs to 'world' and install (or upgrade) them, while ensuring that all dependencies are met
del Remove PACKAGEs from 'world' and uninstall them
System maintenance:
fix Repair package or upgrade it without modifying main dependencies
update Update repository indexes from all remote repositories
upgrade Upgrade currently installed packages to match repositories
cache Download missing PACKAGEs to cache and/or delete unneeded files from cache
Querying information about packages:
info Give detailed information about PACKAGEs or repositories
list List packages by PATTERN and other criteria
search Search package by PATTERNs or by indexed dependencies
dot Generate graphviz graphs
policy Show repository policy for packages
Repository maintenance:
index Create repository index file from FILEs
fetch Download PACKAGEs from global repositories to a local directory
verify Verify package integrity and signature
manifest Show checksums of package contents
Use apk <command> --help for command-specific help.
Use apk --help --verbose for a full command listing.
This apk has coffee making abilities.