At first glance, having a Content Management System might not be that important, but I can assure you that when your E-Commerce system will start to grow, having CMS will prove to be very useful. I have been working with several CMS's already and I had the best experience with Storyblok and wanted to show you how to connect it to Vue Storefront project.
Below you can see a video of my talk at Vue Storefront Conference about building an E-Commerce with Vue Storefront, Shopify and Storyblok:
Below is a step by step video tutorial on how to add Storyblok Headless CMS to Vue Storefront 2 project with Shopify E-Commerce Platform:
No worries, the integration with Storyblok works the same way for other E-Commerce integrations like Magento, Vendure and many more. The process is exactly the same. I selected Shopify due to easiness of setting up.
First of all, let's install the vue-storefront/storyblok
and storyblok-vue
yarn add @vue-storefront/storyblok storyblok-vue # npm install @vue-storefront/storyblok @storyblok/vue
Next, let's create a cms
folder inside a root directory:
mkdir cms
And copy a special RenderContent.vue
component from package: -storefront/storyblok
cp node_modules/@vue-storefront/storyblok/components/RenderContent.vue cms/
This component will be used to render the content we will get from the Storyblok into our application.
Now, we will create a dynamic Banner.vue
component based on Storefront UI SfBanner.vue
component. If you haven't tried the Storefront UI library yet you can do so here. Keep in mind that the names of properties in Storyblok must be the same as the names of your props. I am explaining it in a video.
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue'
import { SfBanner } from '@storefront-ui/vue';
export default Vue.extend({
name: 'Banner',
components: {
props: {
title: {},
subtitle: {},
description: {},
banner_text: {},
banner_link: {},
image: {
type: Object,
required: true
background: {}
The next step right now is to create a cms.js
plugin inside of plugins
import Vue from 'vue'
import Banner from '~/cms/Banner.vue'
Vue.component('banner', Banner)
In order for the integration to work correctly we have to register it in the middleware.config.js
module.exports = {
integrations: {
shopify: { ... }
sb: {
location: '@vue-storefront/storyblok/server',
configuration: {
token: process.env.STORYBLOK_TOKEN,
cacheProvider: 'memory',
After that, we need to register few things in the nuxt.config.js
file for the integration to work as expected:
plugins: [
'~/plugins/cms' // <-
buildModules: [
// to core
useRawSource: {
dev: ['@vue-storefront/shopify', '@vue-storefront/core', '@vue-storefront/storyblok'], // <-
prod: ['@vue-storefront/shopify', '@vue-storefront/core', '@vue-storefront/storyblok'] // <--
i18n: {
useNuxtI18nConfig: true
modules: [
'@vue-storefront/storyblok/nuxt', // <-
Finally, don't forget to add an environment variable to .env
with your Storyblok token:
In this part, we will switch from the code into Storyblok in order to create content in CMS and configure it to work with Vue Storefront
We will create a new space for our project:
Now, let's move into components section and create a banner
Next, in the content section copy the Storyblok token and put it into your application (unless you did that already)
To make the Storyblok preview work as expected, add location in the configuration:
Finally, in the content configuration, add a real path:
If we have configured everything correctly, we should see our application inside Storyblok preview:
Code part two
Now that we have Storyblok configured, let's jump in once again to the code to add dynamic content to our application.
In the Home.vue
page, let's add few things to allow dynamic content. First of all add below line somewhere in your template tag:
<render-content :content="body" />
Next, in the script section let's import the required components and composables:
import { useContent } from '@vue-storefront/storyblok'
import RenderContent from '~/cms/RenderContent.vue'
export default {
components: {
setup() {
const { search, content } = useContent('home')
const body = computed(() => content.value.body)
onSSR(async () => {
await search({ url: `home?cv=${Math.floor(}` })
return {
Storyblok part two
The final step is to add a new content for banner component inside Storyblok:
If we did everything correctly, we should see the following result in both Storyblok preview and our application:
Well done! You have just integrated Storyblok to your Vue Storefront 2 online store. This is just the beginning of the integration and overall content creation but it should be a solid start for building content driven E-Commerce.
- Vue Storefront, Shopify, Storyblok repository
- Samuel Snopko video about Storyblok and Vue Storefront
- Vue Storefront docs about Storyblok integration