docker容器中 redis集群重定向到内网ip解决方案
在redis集群中 地址发现会失败 ,项目中明明配置的是公网的ip,可是从集群获取信息后转换成了内网ip 开始以为是项目的配置问题,经过多次调试,确认项目配置无误,于是开始redis排查 最终发现如下问题:# In certain deployments, Redis Cluster nodes address discovery fails, because# addresses are NAT
在redis集群中 地址发现会失败 ,项目中明明配置的是公网的ip,可是从集群获取信息后转换成了内网ip 开始以为是项目的配置问题,经过多次调试,确认项目配置无误,于是开始redis排查 最终发现如下问题:
# In certain deployments, Redis Cluster nodes address discovery fails, because
# addresses are NAT-ted or because ports are forwarded (the typical case is
# Docker and other containers).
# In order to make Redis Cluster working in such environments, a static
# configuration where each node knows its public address is needed. The
# following two options are used for this scope, and are:
# * cluster-announce-ip
# * cluster-announce-port
# * cluster-announce-bus-port
# Each instruct the node about its address, client port, and cluster message
# bus port. The information is then published in the header of the bus packets
# so that other nodes will be able to correctly map the address of the node
# publishing the information.
# If the above options are not used, the normal Redis Cluster auto-detection
# will be used instead.
# Note that when remapped, the bus port may not be at the fixed offset of
# clients port + 10000, so you can specify any port and bus-port depending
# on how they get remapped. If the bus-port is not set, a fixed offset of
# 10000 will be used as usually.
# Example:
# cluster-announce-ip
# cluster-announce-port 6379
# cluster-announce-bus-port 6380
这是redis.conf 中的原文 大致意思是在docker或者某些部署中 因为端口被转发等其他原因 会导致地址发送变化,所以在配置中写死地址就可以解决