
CLEANMARKER node found at 0x0042c000 has totlen 0xc != normal0×0  


在嵌入式Linux系统中挂载 jffs2 根文件系统



mkfs.jffs2 -/home/tekkamanninja/working/nfs/rootfs -o rootfs.jffs2 -e 0x4000 --pad=0x500000-s 0x200 -n


(1)-r 指定要做成image的源資料夾.
(2)-o :
(3)-e :
每一塊要抹除的block size,預設是64KB.要注意,不同的flash, block size會不一樣.我的是三星的K9F1208U0B.
(4)–pad -p: 16進制來表示所要輸出檔案的大小,也就是root.jffs2size。很重要的是, 為了不浪費flash空間, 這個值最好符合flash driver所規劃的區塊大小.以我的板子來說,就是5MB.
如果挂载后会出现类似:CLEANMARKER node found at 0x0042c000 hastotlen 0xc != normal 0×0   的警告,则加上 -n 就会消失。


What iscleanmarker and what it is used for ?

Cleanmarker is a special JFFS2 nodewhich is written to the beginning of a block just after the block has beenerased. On NOR flashes it is a special small JFFS2 node at the beginning of theblock. On NAND flashes it is placed to the spare area of the first page.

The main reason why cleanmarkers areused is the need to be sure that the block erase operation was correctlycompleted. All 0xFF bytes in the block are not necessarily mean the block isready to be utilized. For example, if an unclean reboot happened just at theend of the block erase cycle, the block might have unstable bits, which areread as "1" one time and might be read as "0" next time.

When preparing a flash partition forJFFS2, it is recommended to put cleanmarkers to the erased blocks. This mightbe done by means of "-j" option of the "flash_eraseall" MTDutility. Otherwise, JFFS2 will re-
erase the blocks which contain all 0xFF and have no cleanmarker. This is anunneeded wasting of time.

但是呢,对于大家常见的,也极少出现reboot的情况,所以我们在保证在对nand flash上分区制作jffs2的时候(???),没有reboot,这时候,就可以去掉那个了,也就是加上 -n 或者 –no-cleanmarker



> Hi,
> I’m playing with jffs2 on NAND chips(Samsung 128Mbyte), MTD CVS is week
> old and kernel is 2.6.5.
> I’m making image with
> ./mkfs.jffs2 -b –eraseblock=131072–pagesize=2048 -p -r /test_root -v -o
> test_root.img
> and then copy it with cp (nandwriteseems to have problems wiht endianess). > Everything work fine except on mounting filesystem I havemessages:
> CLEANMARKER node found at 0×00000000 hastotlen 0xc != normal 0×0
> CLEANMARKER node found at 0×00020000 hastotlen 0xc != normal 0×0
> CLEANMARKER node found at 0×00040000 hastotlen 0xc != normal 0×0

On NAND we store the cleanmarker (markes a clean erased block) in the outof 
band area. So the cleanmarker node should be omitted when creating the fs 
image. Add -n to the options



因此,在用make.jffs2制作jffs2文件系统的时候,这个标记,也就没有必要加上了。也就是制作文件系统的时候,加上-n,或者–no-cleanmarker。表示没有这个cleanmarker.(估计这个cleanmarker是可以之后,某些具体操作擦除之后,同时标记上的。而第一次文件系统挂上的时候,应该是无所谓的。)而应该在用mtd的工具flash_eraseall去格式化flash的时候,要加上-j参数,表示带上这个标记,也就是当擦除完flash之后,在oob中设置对应的cleanmark位,表示这个块已经被完整擦除了。这样,在jffs2 在以后对该块操作的的时候,就可以发现这个块已经被擦除了,就不用再浪费时间去重新擦除这个已经是0xff的块了。



[*] Do not use Cleanmarker

Do not use cleanmarkers if using NAND flashor Dataflash where the pagesize is not a power of 2


