

  <div class="hello">

    <div id="myChart" :style="{width: '1633px', height: '300px'}"></div>
    <div style="margin-left: 3px;width: 1633px;">
      <table style="border: 1px solid blue;" id="infotableid">
        <!--<td style="text-align: right;" colspan="2">住院天数</td>-->
        <!--<td v-for="dayS in dayS" style="width: 142px;text-align: center;font-size: 12px;">{{dayS}}</td>-->
          <td style="text-align: right;" colspan="2">疼痛评分</td>
          <td v-for="dayS in FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList" style="width: 142px;text-align: center;font-size: 12px;"><span v-for="PainLevelListdata in dayS.PainLevelList">{{PainLevelListdata}}&nbsp;</span></td>
          <td style="text-align: right;" colspan="2">住院天数</td>
          <td v-for="dayS in FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList" style="width: 142px;text-align: center;font-size: 12px;">{{dayS.InhsopCount}}</td>
          <td colspan="2"  style="text-align: right;">呼吸(次/分)</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length>0" v-for="Breathings in FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList" style="width: 135px;">{{Breathings.Breathing}}</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length==0" v-for="cellength in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></td>

          <td rowspan="4">
          <td style="text-align: right;">小便量(ml)</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length>0" v-for="OuputClss in FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList" style="">{{OuputClss.OuputCls.UrineVolume}}</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length==0" v-for="cellength in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></td>
          <td style="text-align: right;">大便(次)</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length>0"  v-for="OuputClss in FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList" style="">{{OuputClss.OuputCls.StoolTimes}}</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length==0" v-for="cellength in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></td>
          <td style="text-align: right;">引流量(ml)</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length>0"  v-for="OuputClss in FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList" style="">{{OuputClss.OuputCls.InducedFlow}}</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length==0" v-for="cellength in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></td>
          <td style="text-align: right;">其他(ml)</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length>0"  v-for="OuputClss in FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList" style="">{{OuputClss.OuputCls.Other}}</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length==0" v-for="cellength in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></td>

          <td rowspan="2">
          <td style="text-align: right;">饮入量(ml)</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length>0"  v-for="InputClsobject in FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList" style="">{{InputClsobject.InputCls.Intake}}</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length==0" v-for="cellength in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></td>
          <td style="text-align: right;">输入量(ml)</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length>0"  v-for="InputClsobject in FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList" style="">{{InputClsobject.InputCls.Input}}</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length==0" v-for="cellength in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></td>

          <td rowspan="2">
          <td style="text-align: right;">收缩压(mmHg)</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length>0"  v-for="BloodPressureDetailobj in FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList" style="">{{BloodPressureDetailobj.BloodPressureDetail.SystolicPressure}}</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length==0" v-for="cellength in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></td>
          <td style="text-align: right;">舒张压(mmHg)</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length>0"  v-for="BloodPressureDetailobj in FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList" style="">{{BloodPressureDetailobj.BloodPressureDetail.DiastolicPressure}}</td>
          <td v-if="FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length!==undefined && FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList.length==0" v-for="cellength in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></td>

          <!--<td  style="text-align: right;" colspan="2">手术</td>-->
          <!--<td  v-for="OperationInfoListinfo in OperationInfoList" style="">-->
                <!--<span class="iconcolor OperationBacImg" v-if="OperationInfoListinfo.IsUse">-->
                  <!--<p class="tdtip">-->
                    <!--<span  v-for="OprLists in OperationInfoListinfo.OprList" v-if="OprLists.IsUse">{{OprLists.OprInfo}}<br></span>-->
          <!--<td v-if="OperationInfoList.length!==undefined && OperationInfoList.length==0" v-for="cellength in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></td>-->

          <!--<td  style="text-align: right;" colspan="2">病原学送检申请</td>-->
          <!--<td  v-for="PathogenicExaminationListinfo in PathogenicExaminationList" style="">-->
                <!--<span class="PEiconcolor" v-if="PathogenicExaminationListinfo.IsUse" style="color: green">-->
                  <!--<p class="PEtdtip">-->
                    <!--<span  v-for="PElist in PathogenicExaminationListinfo.ExamList" v-if="PElist.IsUse">-->
          <!--<td v-if="PathogenicExaminationList.length!==undefined && PathogenicExaminationList.length==0" v-for="cellength in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]"></td>-->

        <tr v-for="DrugNameArrays in YAntibacterialDrugList">
          <td  style="text-align: right;" colspan="2">{{DrugNameArrays.DrugName}}</td>
          <td  v-for="tableDatainfo in AntibacterialDrugList">
                          <span class="Drugiconcolor" v-for="drugs in tableDatainfo.AntibacterialDrugList" v-if="drugs.DrugCode==DrugNameArrays.DrugCode&&drugs.IsUse">
                            <span class="Drugtdtip">
                              <!--<span v-if="drugs.IsTemp==1">【临】&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>-->
                              <!--<span v-if="drugs.IsTemp==0">【长】&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>-->

        <tr v-for="defineLabNameArrays in YUserDefineLabList">
          <td  style="text-align: right;" colspan="2">{{defineLabNameArrays.ItemName}}</td>
          <td  v-for="UserDefineLabListinfo in UserDefineLabList">
                          <span class="Drugiconcolor" v-for="DefineLabS in UserDefineLabListinfo.UserDefineLabList" v-if="DefineLabS.ItemCode==defineLabNameArrays.ItemCode&&DefineLabS.IsUse">
                            <!--<span class="Drugtdtip">{{DefineLabS.LabInfo}}</span>-->
                            <span class="Drugtdtip">
                              <span v-if="DefineLabS.ResultFlag=='H'" style="color: red;">{{DefineLabS.LabResult}}&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>
                              <span v-if="DefineLabS.ResultFlag=='M'">{{DefineLabS.LabResult}}</span>
                              <span v-if="DefineLabS.ResultFlag=='L'" style="color: red;">{{DefineLabS.LabResult}}&nbsp;&nbsp; </span>
                              <span v-if="DefineLabS.ResultFlag=='P'" style="color: red;">{{DefineLabS.LabResult}}&nbsp;阳性&nbsp; </span>
                              <span v-if="DefineLabS.ResultFlag=='Q'" style="color: red;">{{DefineLabS.LabResult}}&nbsp;弱阳性&nbsp; </span>
                              <span v-if="DefineLabS.ResultFlag=='N'" style="color: red;">{{DefineLabS.LabResult}}&nbsp;阴性&nbsp; </span>
                              <span v-if="DefineLabS.ResultFlag=='E'" style="color: red;">{{DefineLabS.LabResult}}&nbsp;错误&nbsp; </span>
                              <span>{{DefineLabS.Range}}&nbsp; </span>
                              <span>{{DefineLabS.Unit}}&nbsp; </span>

        <tr v-for="YUserDefineDrugListNameArrays in YUserDefineDrugList">
          <td style="" colspan="2">{{YUserDefineDrugListNameArrays.DrugName}}</td>
          <td  v-for="UserDefineLabListinfo in UserDefineDrugList">
                          <span class="Drugiconcolor" v-for="UserDefineDrugListS in UserDefineLabListinfo.UserDefineDrugList" v-if="UserDefineDrugListS.DrugCode==YUserDefineDrugListNameArrays.DrugCode&&UserDefineDrugListS.IsUse">
                            <span class="Drugtdtip">{{UserDefineDrugListS.DrugInfo}}</span>



  export default {
    name: 'hello',
    data () {
      return {
        AntibacterialDrugList: [],
        YAntibacterialDrugList: [],//药品y轴
        FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList: [
          Date: "2019-09-28",//日期
          InhsopCount: "40",//住院天数
          Pulse: "100",//脉搏
          Breathing: "20",//呼吸
          Temperature: "36",//体温
          OuputCls: {
            UrineVolume: "10",
            StoolTimes: "20",
            InducedFlow: "30",
            Other: "40"
          InputCls: {
            Intake: "50",
            Input: "60"
          BloodPressureDetail: {
            SystolicPressure: "70",
            DiastolicPressure: "80"
          PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-09-29",
          InhsopCount: "41",
          Pulse: "90",
          Breathing: "63",
          Temperature: "40",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-09-30",
          InhsopCount: "42",
          Pulse: "80",
          Breathing: "62",
          Temperature: "38",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-01",
          InhsopCount: "43",
          Pulse: "80",
          Breathing: "15",
          Temperature: "35",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-02",
          InhsopCount: "44",
          Pulse: "120",
          Breathing: "14",
          Temperature: "37",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-03",
          InhsopCount: "45",
          Pulse: "80",
          Breathing: "36",
          Temperature: "37",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-04",
          InhsopCount: "46",
          Pulse: "90",
          Breathing: "33",
          Temperature: "35",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-05",
          InhsopCount: "47",
          Pulse: "80",
          Breathing: "34",
          Temperature: "38",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-06",
          InhsopCount: "48",
          Pulse: "70",
          Breathing: "52",
          Temperature: "35",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-07",
          InhsopCount: "49",
          Pulse: "110",
          Breathing: "11",
          Temperature: "37",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-08",
          InhsopCount: "50",
          Pulse: "90",
          Breathing: "12",
          Temperature: "36",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-09",
          InhsopCount: "51",
          Pulse: "70",
          Breathing: "14",
          Temperature: "38.8",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-10",
          InhsopCount: "52",
          Pulse: "70",
          Breathing: "15",
          Temperature: "36",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-11",
          InhsopCount: "53",
          Pulse: "90",
          Breathing: "30",
          Temperature: "36.5",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-12",
          InhsopCount: "54",
          Pulse: "80",
          Breathing: "25",
          Temperature: "36.5",
              OuputCls: {
                UrineVolume: "10",
                StoolTimes: "20",
                InducedFlow: "30",
                Other: "40"
              InputCls: {
                Intake: "50",
                Input: "60"
              BloodPressureDetail: {
                SystolicPressure: "70",
                DiastolicPressure: "80"
              PainLevelList: [3]//疼痛评分
        OperationInfoList: [],
        PathogenicExaminationList: [],
        UserDefineDrugList: [
            Date: "2019-09-28",
            UserDefineDrugList: [
              DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false//是否显示划线背景
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
                DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
                DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
                IsTemp: 0,
                IsUse: false
              }, {
                DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
                DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
                IsTemp: 0,
                IsUse: true
        }, {
          Date: "2019-09-29",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
        }, {
          Date: "2019-09-30",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-01",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-02",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-03",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-04",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
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              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
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            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
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          Date: "2019-10-05",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-06",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-07",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
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            IsUse: true
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-08",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-09",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: false
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: false
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-10",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-11",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
        }, {
          Date: "2019-10-12",
          UserDefineDrugList: [{
            DrugCode: "Y00000000668",
            DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
          }, {
            DrugCode: "Y00000000532",
            DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
            IsTemp: 0,
            IsUse: true
              DrugCode: "Y00000000667",
              DrugInfo: "【长】08-29 11:07:59  10mg/QD/im  注射用胸腺五肽  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
            }, {
              DrugCode: "Y00000000537",
              DrugInfo: "【长】10-07 16:07:59  2.5mg/ST/P.O  来曲唑片  (孔翔宇)",
              IsTemp: 0,
              IsUse: true
        YUserDefineDrugList: [
          DrugName: "青霉素",
          DrugCode: "Y00000000668"
        }, {
          DrugName: "来曲唑片",
          DrugCode: "Y00000000532"
            DrugName: "葡萄糖",
            DrugCode: "Y00000000667"
          }, {
            DrugName: "阿莫西林",
            DrugCode: "Y00000000537"
        UserDefineLabList: [],
        YUserDefineLabList: [],

        // newdaydates:'',
        // ISBTN:'',
        // //体温,脉搏,呼吸,出量,入量,血压数据
        // FixedGuardianshipChartInfoList:[],
        // //手术名称数组
        // YOprList:[],
        // //手术数据
        // OperationInfoList:[],
        // //药品名称数组
        // YAntibacterialDrugList:[],
        // //药品数据
        // AntibacterialDrugList: [],
        // //自定义项目检验结果名称数组
        // YUserDefineLabList:[],
        // //自定义项目检验结果数据
        // UserDefineLabList:[],
        // YUserDefineDrugList:[],
        // //自定义项目药品数据
        // UserDefineDrugList:[],
        // //病原学送检
        // PathogenicExaminationList:[],
        // dayS:[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],

        // ShowTestresult:false,
        // LabDetailList:[],//详情表格数据
        // CaseId:'',
        // isInHospital:'',
        // IEndDate:'',

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      //   var now = new Date(stringTime);
      //   //时间戳转为字符串格式
      //   var year = now.getFullYear();
      //   var month = now.getMonth() + 1;
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      //     month = "0" + month;
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      //     date = "0" + date;
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      //   var IsInhospIS=this.isInHospital;//判断一下布尔
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      //     method:'get',
      //     url:window.apiUrl+'/pc/patguardianshipchart/GetContinueFixedGuardianshipChart',
      //     params: {
      //       CaseId:this.CaseId,
      //       PatType:IsInhospIS,
      //       IEndDate:this.IEndDate,
      //       StartDate:oneDay,
      //       TotalDays:10
      //     },
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      //       this.YOprList=res.data.Result.YOprList;//放出手术信息即可
      //       this.OperationInfoList=res.data.Result.OperationInfoList;//放出手术信息即可
      //       this.YAntibacterialDrugList=res.data.Result.YAntibacterialDrugList;//放出药品信息即可
      //       this.AntibacterialDrugList=res.data.Result.AntibacterialDrugList;//放出药品信息即可
      //       this.PathogenicExaminationList=res.data.Result.PathogenicExaminationList;//病原学送检数据
      //       var ISBTN='';
      //       for(var i=0;i<echartsdata.length;i++){
      //         ISBTN=echartsdata[0].Date
      //       };
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      //     }else{
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      //         type: "error",
      //         message: errs2
      //       });
      //     }
      //   }).catch(err => { //请求失败就会捕获报错信息
      //     //err.response可拿到服务器返回的报错数据
      //     //console.log(res.data.errs)
      //   });
      //   //调用自定义项目接口并赋值
      //   this.$axios({
      //     method:'get',
      //     url:window.apiUrl+'/pc/patguardianshipchart/GetContinueUserDefineGuardianshipChart',
      //     params: {
      //       CaseId:this.CaseId,
      //       PatType:IsInhospIS,
      //       IEndDate:this.IEndDate,
      //       StartDate:oneDay,
      //       TotalDays:10
      //     },
      //   }).then(res => {
      //     //console.log(res)//拿到数据处理渲染图表echarts
      //     this.YUserDefineLabList=res.data.Result.YUserDefineLabList;//放出检验结果信息即可
      //     this.UserDefineLabList=res.data.Result.UserDefineLabList;//放出检验结果信息即可
      //     this.YUserDefineDrugList=res.data.Result.YUserDefineDrugList;//自定义药品
      //     this.UserDefineDrugList=res.data.Result.UserDefineDrugList;//自定义药品
      //     loading.close();//关闭加载中loading
      //   }).catch(err => { //请求失败就会捕获报错信息
      //     //err.response可拿到服务器返回的报错数据
      //     //console.log(res.data.errs)
      //   });
      // },
      // this.echartsCreated()

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