使用libvlc sdk库开发一个简单的推流器,参照自雷博士的博客


不过直接使用貌似有些问题,对着 vlc的源码改了下。

环境:ubuntu 18.04, vlc-linux 源码,vlc 3.0.6 已经对源码进行 configure make,并且可以执行

#./cvlc bydtest.mp4 -vvv  --loop --sout "#rtp{sdp=rtsp://}”



下面在源码目录下 /bin/vlc.c中替换掉源来得 main函数,添加上以下代码,即一个推流的功能

int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
		/* The so-called POSIX-compliant MacOS X reportedly processes SIGPIPE even
		 * if it is blocked in all thread.
		 * Note: this is NOT an excuse for not protecting against SIGPIPE. If
		 * LibVLC runs outside of VLC, we cannot rely on this code snippet. */
		signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
		/* Restore SIGCHLD in case our parent process ignores it. */
		signal (SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL);
#ifndef NDEBUG
		/* Activate malloc checking routines to detect heap corruptions. */
		setenv ("MALLOC_CHECK_", "2", 1);
		/* Disable the ugly Gnome crash dialog so that we properly segfault */
		setenv ("GNOME_DISABLE_CRASH_DIALOG", "1", 1);
		setenv ("VLC_PLUGIN_PATH", TOP_BUILDDIR"/modules", 1);
		setenv ("VLC_DATA_PATH", TOP_SRCDIR"/share", 1);
	/* Clear the X.Org startup notification ID. Otherwise the UI might try to
	 * change the environment while the process is multi-threaded. That could
	 * crash. Screw you X.Org. Next time write a thread-safe specification. */
	unsetenv ("DESKTOP_STARTUP_ID");

	printf("hello world %d %s \n",__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
	libvlc_instance_t *vlc;	const char *url;
	//Send File	//Transcode it. Video codec use x264. Audio codec use mpga.	
	//Mux it to mpegts format.	
	//And stream it to udp://	
	const char *sout = "#transcode{vcodec=h264,fps=25,venc=x264{preset=ultrafast,"\		
	"profile=main,tune=zerolatency},vb=512,scale=0.5,"                        \		
	"acodec=mpa,aenc=ffmpeg,ab=64,channels=2}"                                \		
	//Send and playing at same time
	#if 0
	const char *sout = "#transcode{vcodec=h264,fps=25,venc=x264{preset=ultrafast," \
	"profile=baseline,tune=zerolatency},vb=512,"                              \
	"acodec=mpga,ab=64,channels=2}"                                           \
	//const char *sout = "#transcode{vcodec=h264,acodec=mpga,ab=128,\ 
	//channels=2,samplerate=44100,scodec=none}:rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554/play} :no-sout-all :sout-keep";

	const char *sout = "#rtp{sdp=rtsp://}";
	const char *media_name = "Lei's test"; 		
	url = "./bydtest.mp4";	
	vlc = libvlc_new(0, NULL);	
	if(vlc == NULL)
		printf("wang erro %d %s \n",__LINE__,__FUNCTION__);
		return -1;

	libvlc_vlm_add_broadcast(vlc, media_name, url, sout, 0, NULL, true, true);
	libvlc_vlm_play_media(vlc, media_name);	
	//play 30s	
	while(1); //主线程不能退出,不然子线程也挂掉,播放不了了
	libvlc_vlm_stop_media(vlc, media_name);	
	return 0;


主要是linux源码编译的环境中,在调用libvlc_new之前要设置好 setenv ("VLC_PLUGIN_PATH", TOP_BUILDDIR"/modules", 1);插件的目录,不然libvlc_new 失败,返回一个NULL,后续的直接报段错误。

然后推流的参数,是先使用源码编译出来的 命令行模式的vlc #./cvlc bydtest.mp4 -vvv  --loop --sout "#rtp{sdp=rtsp://}” 可以推流,就把这个写到代码中去了,这样播放的时候用vlc播放器打开网络串流:rtsp:// ,最后,要让主线程挂着。看雷博士原文:https://blog.csdn.net/leixiaohua1020/article/details/42363701


