一.源码路径kubernetes-master/cmd/kubectl/kubectl.go二.主要功能实现kubectl.go中的main函数作为命令行kubectl的主入口,main函数构建了一个commond,然后调用了Execute执行这个命令。可以看到,在main函数里,主要实现了以下两步: 1. 构建cmd命令 2. 执行该命令下面我们来看NewDefaultKube...
1. 构建cmd命令
2. 执行该命令
groups := templates.CommandGroups{
Message: "Basic Commands (Beginner):",
Commands: []*cobra.Command{
create.NewCmdCreate(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdExposeService(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdRun(f, ioStreams),
set.NewCmdSet(f, ioStreams),
deprecatedAlias("run-container", NewCmdRun(f, ioStreams)),
Message: "Basic Commands (Intermediate):",
Commands: []*cobra.Command{
NewCmdExplain("kubectl", f, ioStreams),
get.NewCmdGet("kubectl", f, ioStreams),
NewCmdEdit(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdDelete(f, ioStreams),
Message: "Deploy Commands:",
Commands: []*cobra.Command{
rollout.NewCmdRollout(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdRollingUpdate(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdScale(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdAutoscale(f, ioStreams),
Message: "Cluster Management Commands:",
Commands: []*cobra.Command{
NewCmdCertificate(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdClusterInfo(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdTop(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdCordon(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdUncordon(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdDrain(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdTaint(f, ioStreams),
Message: "Troubleshooting and Debugging Commands:",
Commands: []*cobra.Command{
NewCmdDescribe("kubectl", f, ioStreams),
NewCmdLogs(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdAttach(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdExec(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdPortForward(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdProxy(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdCp(f, ioStreams),
auth.NewCmdAuth(f, ioStreams),
Message: "Advanced Commands:",
Commands: []*cobra.Command{
NewCmdApply("kubectl", f, ioStreams),
NewCmdPatch(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdReplace(f, ioStreams),
wait.NewCmdWait(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdConvert(f, ioStreams),
Message: "Settings Commands:",
Commands: []*cobra.Command{
NewCmdLabel(f, ioStreams),
NewCmdAnnotate("kubectl", f, ioStreams),
NewCmdCompletion(ioStreams.Out, ""),
上面的这些子命令集合共同构成了kubernetes命令行接口,kubernetes提供的命令行接口如下(可用kubectl -h)查看:
Basic Commands (Beginner):
create Create a resource from a file or from stdin.
expose 使用 replication controller, service, deployment 或者 pod 并暴露它作为一个 新的
Kubernetes Service
run 在集群中运行一个指定的镜像
set 为 objects 设置一个指定的特征
Basic Commands (Intermediate):
explain 查看资源的文档
get 显示一个或更多 resources
edit 在服务器上编辑一个资源
delete Delete resources by filenames, stdin, resources and names, or by resources and label selector
Deploy Commands:
rollout Manage the rollout of a resource
scale 为 Deployment, ReplicaSet, Replication Controller 或者 Job 设置一个新的副本数量
autoscale 自动调整一个 Deployment, ReplicaSet, 或者 ReplicationController 的副本数量
Cluster Management Commands:
certificate 修改 certificate 资源.
cluster-info 显示集群信息
top Display Resource (CPU/Memory/Storage) usage.
cordon 标记 node 为 unschedulable
uncordon 标记 node 为 schedulable
drain Drain node in preparation for maintenance
taint 更新一个或者多个 node 上的 taints
Troubleshooting and Debugging Commands:
describe 显示一个指定 resource 或者 group 的 resources 详情
logs 输出容器在 pod 中的日志
attach Attach 到一个运行中的 container
exec 在一个 container 中执行一个命令
port-forward Forward one or more local ports to a pod
proxy 运行一个 proxy 到 Kubernetes API server
cp 复制 files 和 directories 到 containers 和从容器中复制 files 和 directories.
auth Inspect authorization
Advanced Commands:
apply 通过文件名或标准输入流(stdin)对资源进行配置
patch 使用 strategic merge patch 更新一个资源的 field(s)
replace 通过 filename 或者 stdin替换一个资源
wait Experimental: Wait for one condition on one or many resources
convert 在不同的 API versions 转换配置文件
Settings Commands:
label 更新在这个资源上的 labels
annotate 更新一个资源的注解
completion Output shell completion code for the specified shell (bash or zsh)
Other Commands:
alpha Commands for features in alpha
api-resources Print the supported API resources on the server
api-versions Print the supported API versions on the server, in the form of "group/version"
config 修改 kubeconfig 文件
plugin Runs a command-line plugin
version 输出 client 和 server 的版本信息