<br /><br />Linux进程调度切换和虚拟空间管理深入分析一、Linux进程切换深入分析<br />#defineCLONE_KERNEL (CLONE_FS | CLONE_FILES |CLONE_SIGHAND)<br />创建内核线程时使用的CLONE标志。1.#defineunlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)<br />编译器
1.#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect(!!(x), 0)
图1. 8K内核栈和进程描述符task_struct及thread_info的相互关系
union thread_union {
struct thread_info thread_info;
unsigned long stack[2048]; /* 1024 for 4KB stacks */
使用alloc_thread_info 和free_thread_info用于分配和释放一个存放thread_info结构和内核堆栈的内存区。
movl $0xffff2000,%ecx /* or 0xfffff000 for 4KB stacks */
andl %esp,%ecx
movl %ecx,p
thread_info中task指针是第一个,所以current宏相当于current_thread_info( )->task,从而也就得到task指针。
3. 进程切换堆栈原理:
struct tss_struct {
unsigned short back_link,__blh;
unsigned long esp0;
unsigned short ss0,__ss0h;
unsigned long esp1;
unsigned short ss1,__ss1h; /* ss1 is used to cache MSR_IA32_SYSENTER_CS */
unsigned long esp2;
unsigned short ss2,__ss2h;
unsigned long __cr3;
unsigned long eip;
unsigned long eflags;
unsigned long eax,ecx,edx,ebx;
unsigned long esp;
unsigned long ebp;
unsigned long esi;
unsigned long edi;
unsigned short es, __esh;
unsigned short cs, __csh;
unsigned short ss, __ssh;
unsigned short ds, __dsh;
unsigned short fs, __fsh;
unsigned short gs, __gsh;
unsigned short ldt, __ldth;
unsigned short trace, io_bitmap_base;
* The extra 1 is there because the CPU will access an
* additional byte beyond the end of the IO permission
* bitmap. The extra byte must be all 1 bits, and must
* be within the limit.
unsigned long io_bitmap[IO_BITMAP_LONGS + 1];
* Cache the current maximum and the last task that used the bitmap:
unsigned long io_bitmap_max;
struct thread_struct *io_bitmap_owner;
* pads the TSS to be cacheline-aligned (size is 0x100)
unsigned long __cacheline_filler[35];
* .. and then another 0x100 bytes for emergency kernel stack
unsigned long stack[64];
} __attribute__((packed));
struct thread_struct {
/* cached TLS descriptors. */
struct desc_struct tls_array[GDT_ENTRY_TLS_ENTRIES];
unsigned long esp0;
unsigned long sysenter_cs;
unsigned long eip;
unsigned long esp;
unsigned long fs;
unsigned long gs;
/* Hardware debugging registers */
unsigned long debugreg[8]; /* %%db0-7 debug registers */
/* fault info */
unsigned long cr2, trap_no, error_code;
/* floating point info */
union i387_union i387;
/* virtual 86 mode info */
struct vm86_struct __user * vm86_info;
unsigned long screen_bitmap;
unsigned long v86flags, v86mask, saved_esp0;
unsigned int saved_fs, saved_gs;
/* IO permissions */
unsigned long *io_bitmap_ptr;
unsigned long iopl;
/* max allowed port in the bitmap, in bytes: */
unsigned long io_bitmap_max;
1) 进程页表PGD切换;
2) 内核态堆栈和硬件上下文切换(包括CPU寄存器);
1) 进程描述符中active_mm执行进程使用的地址空间,mm执行进程拥有的地址空间,对于普通进程它们相同。对于内核线程,它的mm总为NULL。所以context_switch()首先判断if (!next->mm)即next为内核线程,则使用prev的进程地址空间:
if (!next->mm) {
next->active_mm = prev->active_mm;
enter_lazy_tlb(prev->active_mm, next);
2) 否则,如果next是普通进程,则用next进程空间替换prev的地址空间:
switch_mm(oldmm, mm, next);
3) 如果prev是内核线程或者正在退出,则设置prev->active_mm 和runqueue的 prev_mm为NULL:
if (!prev->mm) {
prev->active_mm = NULL;
rq->prev_mm = oldmm;
1) 获取cpu逻辑号。
2) cpu_clear(cpu, prev->cpu_vm_mask)清除cpu_vm_mask位标志。
3) per_cpu(cpu_tlbstate, cpu).state = TLBSTATE_OK设置cpu_tlbstate状态。
4) per_cpu(cpu_tlbstate, cpu).active_mm = next设置cpu_tlbstate的active_mm为next。
5) cpu_set(cpu, next->cpu_vm_mask)设置next的cpu_vm_mask标志。
6) load_cr3(next->pgd)装载next的pgd页表到cr3寄存器。
7) 如果next的LDT描述符改变,则加载next的LDT描述符。
if (unlikely(prev->context.ldt != next->context.ldt))
#define switch_to(prev,next,last) do { /
unsigned long esi,edi; /
asm volatile("pushfl/n/t" /* Save flags */ /
"pushl %%ebp/n/t" /
"movl %%esp,%0/n/t" /* save ESP */ /
"movl %5,%%esp/n/t" /* restore ESP */ /
"movl $1f,%1/n/t" /* save EIP */ /
"pushl %6/n/t" /* restore EIP */ /
"jmp __switch_to/n" /
"1:/t" /
"popl %%ebp/n/t" /
"popfl" /
:"=m" (prev->thread.esp),"=m" (prev->thread.eip), /
"=a" (last),"=S" (esi),"=D" (edi) /
:"m" (next->thread.esp),"m" (next->thread.eip), /
"2" (prev), "d" (next)); /
} while (0)
1) 保存prev和next指针的值到eax和edx:
movl prev, %eax
movl next, %edx
2) 保存eflags 和 ebp 寄存器内容到prev内核态堆栈中:
pushl %ebp
3) 将esp内容保存到prev->thread.esp中,该字段执行prev内核堆栈的top地址。
movl %esp,484(%eax)
4) 将next->thread.esp加载到esp中,现在开始,esp执行next的内核堆栈,进程切换完成。
movl 484(%edx), %esp
5) 保存下面Label 1到prev->thread.eip指针中,当prev进程恢复运行时,从该位置开始运行。
movl $1f, 480(%eax)
6) 将next->thread.eip的指针内容压到next的内核态堆栈中,通常它的内容也是Label 1。
pushl 480(%edx)
7) 跳转到__switch_to()C函数执行。
jmp __switch_to
8) 被替换的进程A继续执行,它在Label 1处,首先是恢复eflags和ebp寄存器内容。注意这里是发生在调度器选择prev在CPU上运行后,次数esp已经执行了prev的内核堆栈。
popl %ebp
9) 将eax内容保存到last任务结构中。这里eax是被进程A切换下来的进程C的task结构指针。
movl %eax, last
#define fastcall __attribute__((regparm(3)))告诉gcc编译器。
1) 获取tss_struct tss、prev_p和next_p的thread_struct结构prev和next、当前CPU逻辑ID。
2) 调用__unlazy_fpu(prev_p)根据条件标志选择是否保存prev_p的FPU, MMX, 和XMM寄存器内容。
3) load_esp0(tss, next)将next的堆栈地址存放到tss中:tss->esp0 = thread->esp0。
4) savesegment(gs, prev->gs)保存gs寄存器到prev->gs,fs已经在栈入口保存,es和ds在内核态下不需要保存。
5) load_TLS(next, cpu)从next的tls_array 缓存中加载线程的Thread-Local Storage描述符。TLS在GDT表中位置6、7、8。
cpu_gdt_table[cpu][6] = next_p->thread.tls_array[0];
cpu_gdt_table[cpu][7] = next_p->thread.tls_array[1];
cpu_gdt_table[cpu][8] = next_p->thread.tls_array[2];
6) 如果当前特权级别是0并且prev->iopl != next->iopl则恢复IOPL设置set_iopl_mask(next->iopl)。
7) 根据thread_info的TIF标志_TIF_WORK_CTXSW和TIF_IO_BITMAP判断是否需要处理debug寄存器和IO位图:__switch_to_xtra(next_p, tss);
l 只有当next_p挂起时即if (test_tsk_thread_flag(next_p, TIF_DEBUG))使用了debug寄存器才需要恢复set_debugreg(next->debugreg[i], i)。只有调试器需要监控prev的状态时,prev_p->thread.debugreg数组的内容才会被修改。Debug寄存器dr0~dr7,dr4和dr5不用。
l 当prev_p或者next_p定义了自己的I/O访问位图时,必须更新TSS的I/O bitmap。
if (prev_p->thread.io_bitmap_ptr || next_p->thread.io_bitmap_ptr)
handle_io_bitmap(&next_p->thread, &init_tss[cpu]);
ü 当next_p没有自定义位图时:
tss->io_bitmap_base = INVALID_IO_BITMAP_OFFSET; 返回
ü 如果next == tss->io_bitmap_owner则设置有效的偏移量:tss->io_bitmap_base = IO_BITMAP_OFFSET; 返回
ü 否则tss->io_bitmap_base = INVALID_IO_BITMAP_OFFSET_LAZY;
只有第二种情况tss->io_bitmap_base设置的是有效的io_bitmap偏移量,对于其他两种情况,当用户进程访问I/O端口时将会触发"General protection "的异常,do_general_protection( )异常处理函数根据io_bitmap的值处理异常:如果是0x8000(INVALID_IO_BITMAP_OFFSET)则发送SIGSEGV信号给用户进程;如果是0x9000(INVALID_IO_BITMAP_OFFSET_LAZY)则拷贝进程的thread中的io_bitmap_ptr内容到io_bitmap中,并设置io_bitmap_base为正确的偏移量(104)。
8) disable_tsc(prev_p, next_p)设置cr4中的TSC Disable位。
9) arch_leave_lazy_cpu_mode()设置CPU的lazy模式。
10) 如果next_p->fpu_counter > 5则恢复next_p的FPU寄存器内容:
union i387_union {
struct i387_fsave_struct fsave;
struct i387_fxsave_struct fxsave;
struct i387_soft_struct soft;
struct i387_fxsave_struct {
unsigned short cwd;
unsigned short swd;
unsigned short twd;
unsigned short fop;
long fip;
long fcs;
long foo;
long fos;
long mxcsr;
long mxcsr_mask;
long st_space[32]; /* 8*16 bytes for each FP-reg = 128 bytes */
long xmm_space[32]; /* 8*16 bytes for each XMM-reg = 128 bytes */
long padding[56];
} __attribute__ ((aligned (16)));
11) 如果需要,则从next->gs中恢复gs寄存器内容。
if (prev->gs | next->gs)
loadsegment(gs, next->gs);
Round Robin实时进程调度把CPU指定给某进程,把它放到运行队列尾。时间片运行完再选择其他进程调度。这样保证了同优先级的公平竞争CPU。
1) 该进程被更高优先级的进程抢占;
4) 进程调用sched_yield()主动放弃CPU;
5) RR实时进程用完了CPU分配的时间片;
1) scheduler_tick( )
更新当前进程的运行时间片tick值,在update_process_times( )中调用,判断进程的时间片是否用完。
2) try_to_wake_up( )
3) recalc_task_prio( )
4) schedule( )
5) load_balance()
4.schedule( )函数
1) 将current插入到合适的等待队列中;
3) 调用schedule();
4) 检查资源是否可用,如果不可用,转到第2)步;
5) 一旦资源可用,从等待队列中移除current进程;
1) 在scheduler_tick()中如果current用完了时间片则设置该标志;
2) 在try_to_wake_up( )中唤醒一个进程并且该进程比当前运行进程优先级高。
3) 调用sched_setscheduler()时。
1) 禁止内核抢占,初始化局部变量prev,释放prev占有的大内核锁;
prev = current;
2) 读取调度TSC时间,计算调整run_time时间, 更新调度状态rq->sched_cnt参数,获取rq的spin锁:spin_lock_irq(&rq->lock)。
3) 检查prev状态:如果状态不是TASK_RUNNING且没有在内核态被抢占,则从运行队列中移除;但是如果prev状态是TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE并且拥有非阻塞挂起的信号,则把进程状态设为TASK_RUNNING不移出运行队列。
if (prev->state && !(preempt_count() & PREEMPT_ACTIVE)) {
switch_count = &prev->nvcsw;
if (unlikely((prev->state & TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE) &&
prev->state = TASK_RUNNING;
else {
if (prev->state == TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE)
deactivate_task(prev, rq);
4) 获取当前CPU逻辑号,如果当前运行队列为空,则调用idle_balance(cpu, rq)从其他CPU运行队列上拉进程到本地CPU的运行队列上。如果调整后,当前运行队列仍为空则next赋为idle进程,跳转到任务切换代码行去。
if (unlikely(!rq->nr_running)) {
idle_balance(cpu, rq);
if (!rq->nr_running) {
next = rq->idle;
rq->expired_timestamp = 0;
goto switch_tasks;
5) 如果runqueue中有进程,并且当前活得进程数为0,则交换active 和 expired队列指针。
array = rq->active;
if (unlikely(!array->nr_active)) {
schedstat_inc(rq, sched_switch);
rq->active = rq->expired;
rq->expired = array;
array = rq->active;
rq->expired_timestamp = 0;
rq->best_expired_prio = MAX_PRIO;
6) 从运行队列的活动prio_array数据的位图中查找第一个位设置为1的索引,根据索引找到该优先级队列的第一个task。
idx = sched_find_first_bit(array->bitmap);
queue = array->queue + idx;
next = list_entry(queue->next, struct task_struct, run_list);
7) 如果next是普通进程,并且next->sleep_type是SLEEP_INTERACTIVE 或SLEEP_INTERRUPTED,则重新计算进程睡眠时间和进程优先级。
8) 更新sched_goidle,预期next结构数据,清除TIF_NEED_RESCHED标志,设置quiescent状态计数为1:rcu_data ->passed_quiesc = 1;
if (next == rq->idle)
schedstat_inc(rq, sched_goidle);
9) 更新prev进程运行时间戳prev->sleep_avg,prev->timestamp;
10) 调度信息切换到next,更新next;时间戳和运行队列信息:
sched_info_switch(prev, next);
if (likely(prev != next)) {
next->timestamp = next->last_ran = now;
rq->curr = next;
11) 进行进程切换,context_switch参见前面的分析,它进行进程空间和内核堆栈切换。prepare_lock_switch 功能是在定义了__ARCH_WANT_INTERRUPTS_ON_CTXSW情况下,在切换前开中断spin_unlock_irq(&rq->lock); barrier()是保证代码执行顺序不变。
prepare_task_switch(rq, next);
prev = context_switch(rq, prev, next);
finish_task_switch(this_rq(), prev);
12) finish_task_switch()必须与prepare_task_switch配对使用,并主要锁的顺序。它所做的工作,finish_lock_switch调用local_irq_enable(),获取prev的状态和rq->prev_mm,如果mm非空,则调用mmdrop(mm)减少mm的引用计数,如果为0则释放进程页表和虚拟空间。如果prev_state为TASK_DEAD则释放进程的task结构。
struct mm_struct *mm = rq->prev_mm;
long prev_state;
rq->prev_mm = NULL;
prev_state = prev->state;
finish_lock_switch(rq, prev);
if (mm)
if (unlikely(prev_state == TASK_DEAD)) {
13) 最后,if (unlikely(task->lock_depth >= 0))则重新获取大内核锁__reacquire_kernel_lock,否则goto need_resched_nonpreemptible; 允许抢占,如果TIF_NEED_RESCHED被设置,则跳转到need_resched重新进行调度。
prev = current;
if (unlikely(reacquire_kernel_lock(prev) < 0))
goto need_resched_nonpreemptible;
if (unlikely(test_thread_flag(TIF_NEED_RESCHED)))
goto need_resched;
每种CPU结构提供一个do_page_fault (struct pt_regs *regs, error_code)处理缺页中断,该函数提供了大量信息,如发生异常地址,是页面没找到还是页面保护错误,是读异常还是写异常,来自用户空间还是内核空间。它负责确定异常类型及异常如何被体系结构无关的代码处理。下图是Linux缺页中断处理流程:
图 Linux缺页中断处理
第一次访问页面,首先分配页面,一般由do_no_page()填充数据。如果父VMA的vm_area_struct->vm_ops提供了nopage()函数,则用它填充数据;否则调用do_anonymous_page()匿名函数来填充数据。如果被文件或设备映射,如果时文件映射,filemap_nopage()将替代nopage()函数,如果由虚拟文件映射而来,则shmem_nopage()。每种设备驱动将提供不同的nopage()函数,该函数返回struct page结构。
除了slab分配器,系统中所有正在使用的页面都存放在页面高速缓存中,并由page->lru链接在一起。Slab页面不存放到高速缓存中因为基于被slab使用的对象对页面计数很困难。除了查找每个进程页表外没有其他方法能把struct page映射为PTE,查找页表代价很大。如果页面高速缓存中存在大量的进程映射页面,系统将会遍历进程页表,通过swap_out()函数交换出页面直到有足够的页面空闲,而共享页会给swap_out()带来问题。如果一个页面是共享的,同时一个交换项已经被分配,PTE就会填写所需信息以便在交换分区里重新找到该页并将引用计数减1。只有引用计数为0时该页才能被替换出去。
内存和磁盘缓存申请越来越多的页面但确无法判断如何释放进程页面,请求分页机制在进程页面缺失时申请新页面,但它却不能强制释放进程不再使用的页面。The Page Frame Reclaiming Algorithm(PFRA)页面回收算法用于从用户进程和内核cache中回收页面放到伙伴系统的空闲块列表中。PFRA必须在系统空闲内存达到某个最低限度时进行页面回收,回收的对象必须是非空闲页面。
1) Unreclaimable不可回收的,包括空闲页面、保留页面设置了PG_reserved标志、内核动态分配的页面、进程内核栈的页面、设置了PG_locked标志的临时锁住的页面、设置了VM_LOCKED标志的内存页面。
2) Swappable可交换的页面,用户进程空间的匿名页面(用户堆栈)、tmpfs文件系统的映射页面(入IPC共享内存页面),页面存放到交换空间。
3) Syncable可同步的页面,入用户态地址空间的映射页面、保护磁盘数据的页面缓存的页面、块设备缓冲页、磁盘缓存的页面(入inode cache),如果有必要的话,需同步磁盘映像上的数据。
4) Discardable可丢弃的页面,入内存缓存中的无用页面(slab分配器中的页面)、dentry cache的页面。
1) 首先释放无损坏的页面。进程不再引用的磁盘和内存缓存应该先于用户态地址空间的页面释放。
2) 标志所有进程态进程的页面为可回收的。
3) 多进程共享页面的回收,要先清除引用该页面的进程页表项,然后再回收。
4) 回收“不在使用的”页面。PFRA用LRU链表把进程划分为in-use和unused两种,PFRA仅回收unused状态的页面。Linux使用PTE中的Accessed比特位实现非严格的LRU算法。
1) 系统可用内存比较低时进行回收(通常发生在申请内存失败)。
2) 内核进入suspend-to-disk状态时进行回收。
3) 周期性回收,内核线程周期性激活并在必要时进行页面回收。
Low on memory回收有以下几种情形:
1) _ _getblk( )调用的grow_buffers( )函数分配新缓存页失败;
2) create_empty_buffers( )调用的alloc_page_buffers( )函数为页面分配临时的buffer head失败;
3) _ _alloc_pages( )函数在给定内存区里分配一组连续的页面帧失败。
1) Kswapd内核线程在内存区中检测空闲页面是否低于pages_high的门槛值;
2) 预定义工作队列中的事件内核线程,PFRA周期性调度该工作队列中的task回收slab分配器中所有空闲的slab;
shrink_active_list ( )用于将页表从活动链表移到非活动链表。该函数在shrink_zone()函数执行用户地址空间的页面回收时执行。
图 交换分区结构
图 交换页结构
swp_type() 和swp_offset()函数根据页槽索引和交换区号得到type和offset值,函数 swp_entry(type,offset)得到交换槽。最后一位总是清0表示页不在RAM上。槽最大224(64G)。第一个可用槽索引为1。槽索引不能全为0。
一个页面可能被多个进程共用,它可能被从一个进程地址空间换出但仍然在物理内存上,因此一个页面可能被多次换出。但物理上仅第一次被换出并存储在交换区上,接下来的换出操作只是增加swap_map的引用计数。swap_duplicate(swp_entry_t entry)的功能正是用户尝试换出一个已经换出的页面。
7. 页面回收算法描述:
图 PFRA函数结构调用关系
如上图所示,当内存分配失败时,内核调用free_more_memory(),该函数首先调用wakeup_bdflush( )唤醒pdflush内核线程触发写操作,从磁盘页面缓冲中写1024个dirty页面到磁盘上以释放包含缓冲、缓冲头和VFS的数据结构所占用的页表;然后进行系统调用sched_yield( ),以使pdflush线程能够有机会运行;最后该函数循环遍历系统节点,对每个节点上的低内存区(ZONE_DMA 和 ZONE_NORMAL)调用try_to_free_pages( )函数。
try_to_free_pages(struct zone **zones, gfp_t gfp_mask)函数的目标是通过循环调用shrink_slab()和shrink_zones()释放至少32个页帧,每次调用增加优先级参数,初始优先级是12,最高为0。如果循环13次,仍然没有释放掉32个页面,则PFRA进行内存异出保护:调用out_of_memory()函数选择一个进程回收它所有的页面。
shrink_zones(int priority, struct zone **zones, struct scan_control *sc)函数对zones列表中每个区调用shrink_zone()函数。调用shrink_zone()前,先用sc->priority的值更新zone描述符中的prev_priority,如果zone->all_unreclaimable字段不为0且优先级不是12,则不对该区进行页面回收。
shrink_zone(int priority, struct zone *zone, struct scan_control *sc)函数尝试回收32个页面。该函数循环进行shrink_active_list()和shrink_inactive_list的操作以达到目标。该函数流程如下:
1) atomic_inc(&zone->reclaim_in_progress)增加区的回收计数;
2) 增加zone->nr_scan_active,根据优先级,增加范围是zone->nr_active/212 to zone->nr_active/20 。如果zone->nr_scan_active >= 32则赋给nr_active变量,同时zone->nr_scan_active设为0,否则nr_active=0;
3) zone->nr_scan_inactive和nr_inactive做同样处理;
4) 如果nr_active和nr_inactive不同时为空,则进行while循环进行5、6步操作:
5) 如果nr_active非0,则从active链表移动某些页面到inactive链表:
nr_to_scan = min(nr_active,(unsigned long)sc->swap_cluster_max);
nr_active -= nr_to_scan;
shrink_active_list(nr_to_scan, zone, sc, priority);
6) 如果nr_inactive非0,则回收inactive链表中的页面:
nr_to_scan = min(nr_inactive,(unsigned long)sc->swap_cluster_max);
nr_inactive -= nr_to_scan;
nr_reclaimed += shrink_inactive_list(nr_to_scan, zone, sc);
7) atomic_dec(&zone->reclaim_in_progress)减小回收计数,并返回回收页面数nr_reclaimed;
shrink_inactive_list(unsigned long max_scan, struct zone *zone, struct scan_control *sc)函数从区的inactive链表中抽取一组页面,放到临时链表中,调用shrink_page_list()对链表中的每个页面进行回收。下面是shrink_inactive_list()主要步骤:
1) 调用lru_add_drain()将当前CPU上pagevec结构的lru_add_pvecs和lru_add_active_pvecs中的页面分别移到活动链表和非活动链表中;
2) 获取LRU锁spin_lock_irq(&zone->lru_lock);
3) 最多扫描max_scan个页面,对每个页面增加使用计数,检查该页面是否正被释放到伙伴系统中,将该页面移动一个临时链表中;
4) 从zone->nr_inactive中减去移到临时链表中的页面数;
5) 增加zone->pages_scanned计数;
6) 释放LRU锁:spin_unlock_irq(&zone->lru_lock);
7) 对临时链表调用shrink_page_list(&page_list, sc)回收页面;
8) 增加nr_reclaimed计数;
9) 获取LRU锁spin_lock(&zone->lru_lock);
10) 将shrink_page_list(&page_list, sc)没有回收掉的页面重新添加到active链表和inactive链表中。该函数在回收过程中可能会设置PG_active标志,所以也要考虑往active链表中添加。
11) 如果扫描页面数nr_scanned小于max_scan则循环进行3~10的操作;
12) 返回回收的页面数;
shrink_page_list(struct list_head *page_list, struct scan_control *sc)做真正的页面回收工作,该函数流程如下:
图 shrink_page_list()页面回收逻辑处理流程
1) 调用cond_resched()进行条件调度;
2) 循环遍历page_list中每个页面,从列表中移出该页面描述符并回收该页面,如果回收失败,则把该页面插入一个局部链表中;该步流程参见流程图。
l 调用cond_resched() 进行条件调度;
l 从LRU链表中取出第一个页面并从LRU链表中删除;
l 如果页面被锁定,这调过该页面,该页加到临时链表中;
l 如果页面不能部分回收并且页面是进程页表的映射,这跳过该页;
l 如果进程是回写的dirty页面,则跳过;
l 如果页面被引用并且页面映射在使用,这跳过并激活该页面,以便后面放入active列表;
l 如果是匿名页面且不在交换区中,这调用add_to_swap()为该页面分配交换区空间并把该页加到交换缓存中;
l 如果页面是进程空间映射并且页面映射地址非空,则调用try_to_unmap()移除该页面的页表映射;
l 如果页面为dirty页面并且无引用、交换可写、且是fs文件系统映射,调用pageout()写出该页面。
3) 循环结束,把局部链表中的页面移回到page_list链表中;
4) 返回回收页面数。
1) 通过调用free_code_page()页面被释放到伙伴系统中,页面被有效回收;
2) 页面没有回收,被重新插入到page_list链表中,并且认为该页面在将来可能会被再次回收,因而清除PG _active标志,以便在后面加入到inactive链表中;
3) 页面没有回收,被重新插入到page_list链表中,并且认为该页面在可预见的将来不会被再次回收,因而设置PG _active标志,以便在后面加入到active链表中
回收一个匿名页面时,该页面必须添加到交换缓存中,交换区中必须为其预留一个新页槽。如果页面在某些进程的用户态地址空间中,shrink_page_list()调用try_to_unmap定位所有执向该页面帧的进程PTE项,只有返回成功时才继续回收;如果页面是dirty状态,必须要写到磁盘上才能回收,这需要调用pageout()函数,回收只有在pageout()很快完成写操作或者不必进行写操作时才继续进行;如果页面保护VFS buffers,则调用try_to_release_page()释放buffer heads。
最后如果上面都进展顺利的话, shrink_page_list()函数检查页的引用计数:如果值正好为2,则一个为页面缓存或交换缓存,另一个是PFRA自身(shrink_inactive_page()函数中增加该值)。这种情况下,该页面可以回收,并且它不为dirty。根据页面PG _swapcache标志,页面从页面缓存或交换缓存中移除;然后调用free_code_page()。
add_to_swap(struct page * page, gfp_t gfp_mask)换出操作首先是为页面分配交换页槽,并分配交换缓存;步骤如下:
1) get_swap_page()为换出页面预留交换槽位;
2) 调用__add_to_swap_cache()传入槽索引、页描述符和gfp标志将页面加到交换缓存中,并标记为dirty;
3) 设置页面PG _uptodate和PG_dirty标志,以便shrink_inactive_page()能够强制将页面写到磁盘上;
4) 返回;
try_to_unmap(struct page *page, int migration),换出操作第二步,在add_to_swap后面调用,该函数查找所有用户页表中指向该匿名页帧的页表项,并在PTE中设置换出标志。
1) 检查页面缓存或交换缓存中的页,并查看该页面是否近被页面缓存或交换缓存占有;如果失败,返回PAGE_KEEP。
2) 检查address_space对象的writepage方法是否定义,如没有返还PAGE_ACTIVATE;
3) 检查当前进程是否可以发送写请求到当前映射地址空间对象对应的块设备上请求队列上。
4) SetPageReclaim(page)设置页面回收标志;
5) 调用mapping->a_ops->writepage(page, &wbc)进行写操作,如果失败则清除回收标志;
6) 如果PageWriteback(page)失败,页面没有写回,则清除回收标志ClearPageReclaim(page);
7) 返回成功;
1) 检查是否有其他进程引用该页面,如果没有,从交换缓存中移除该页面返回0;
2) get_swap_bio()分配初始化bio描述符,该函数从交换页标志中找到交换区,然后遍历交换扩展链表找到页槽的起始磁盘分区。bio描述符包含对一个页面的请求,并设置完成方法为end_swap_bio_write()。
3) set_page_writeback(page)设置页面writeback标志,unlock_page()该页面解锁;
4) submit_bio(rw, bio)向块设备提交bio描述符进行写操作;
5) 返回;
1) 包含引发异常的地址的页面是一个当前进程内存区域的有效页面;
2) 该页面不在内存中,PTE的页面present表示被清0;
3) 与页面相关的pte不为null,Dirty位被清0,这意味着该pte包含换出页的标志;
do_swap_page(struct mm_struct *mm, struct vm_area_struct *vma,
unsigned long address, pte_t *page_table, pmd_t *pmd,
int write_access, pte_t orig_pte)
1) entry = pte_to_swp_entry(orig_pte)得到交换槽位信息;
2) page = lookup_swap_cache(entry)查看交换槽对应的页面是否存在于交换缓存中,如果是则跳到第6步;
3) 调用swapin_readahead(entry, address, vma)从交换区中读取一组页面,对每个页面调用read_swap_cache_async()读取该页面;
4) 对于进程访问异常的页面再次调用read_swap_cache_async()。因为swapin_readahead调用可能失败,在它成功的情况下read_swap_cache_async()发现该页面在交换缓存里,很快返回;
5) 如果页面还是没有在交换缓存中,可能存在其他内核控制路径已经把该页面换入。比较page_table对应的pte内容与orig_pte是否相同,如果不同,说明页面已经换入。函数跳出返回。
6) 如果页面在交换缓存中,调用mark_page_accessed并锁住该页面;
7) pte_offset_map_lock(mm, pmd, address, &ptl)获取page_table对应的pte内容,与orig_pte比较,判断是否有其他内核控制路径进行换入操作;
8) 测试PG_uptodate标志,如果未设置,则出错返回;
9) 增加mm->anon_rss的计数;
10) mk_pte(page, vma->vm_page_prot)创建PTE并设置标志,插入到进程页表中;
11) page_add_anon_rmap()为该匿名页插入反向映射数据结构的内容;
12) swap_free(entry)释放页槽;
13) 检查交换缓存负载是否达到50%,如果是,并且该页面仅被触发页面访问异常的进程占有,则从交换缓存中释放该页。
14) 如果write_access标志为1,说明是COW写时复制,调用do_wp_page()拷贝一份该页面;
15) 释放页锁和页面缓存等,并返回结果。
struct mm_struct {
struct vm_area_struct * mmap; /* list of VMAs */
struct rb_root mm_rb;
struct vm_area_struct * mmap_cache; /* last find_vma result */
unsigned long (*get_unmapped_area) (struct file *filp,
unsigned long addr, unsigned long len,
unsigned long pgoff, unsigned long flags);
void (*unmap_area) (struct mm_struct *mm, unsigned long addr);
unsigned long mmap_base; /* base of mmap area */
unsigned long task_size; /* size of task vm space */
unsigned long cached_hole_size; /* if non-zero, the largest hole below free_area_cache */
unsigned long free_area_cache; /* first hole of size cached_hole_size or larger */
pgd_t * pgd;
atomic_t mm_users; /* How many users with user space? */
atomic_t mm_count; /* How many references to "struct mm_struct" (users count as 1) */
int map_count; /* number of VMAs */
struct rw_semaphore mmap_sem;
spinlock_t page_table_lock; /* Protects page tables and some counters */
struct list_head mmlist; /* List of maybe swapped mm's. These are globally strung
* together off init_mm.mmlist, and are protected
* by mmlist_lock
/* Special counters, in some configurations protected by the
* page_table_lock, in other configurations by being atomic.
mm_counter_t _file_rss;
mm_counter_t _anon_rss;
unsigned long hiwater_rss; /* High-watermark of RSS usage */
unsigned long hiwater_vm; /* High-water virtual memory usage */
unsigned long total_vm, locked_vm, shared_vm, exec_vm;
unsigned long stack_vm, reserved_vm, def_flags, nr_ptes;
unsigned long start_code, end_code, start_data, end_data;
unsigned long start_brk, brk, start_stack;
unsigned long arg_start, arg_end, env_start, env_end;
unsigned long saved_auxv[AT_VECTOR_SIZE]; /* for /proc/PID/auxv */
cpumask_t cpu_vm_mask;
/* Architecture-specific MM context */
mm_context_t context;
/* Swap token stuff */
* Last value of global fault stamp as seen by this process.
* In other words, this value gives an indication of how long
* it has been since this task got the token.
* Look at mm/thrash.c
unsigned int faultstamp;
unsigned int token_priority;
unsigned int last_interval;
unsigned char dumpable:2;
/* coredumping support */
int core_waiters;
struct completion *core_startup_done, core_done;
/* aio bits */
rwlock_t ioctx_list_lock;
struct kioctx *ioctx_list;
* Linux kernel virtual memory manager primitives.
* The idea being to have a "virtual" mm in the same way
* we have a virtual fs - giving a cleaner interface to the
* mm details, and allowing different kinds of memory mappings
* (from shared memory to executable loading to arbitrary
* mmap() functions).
* This struct defines a memory VMM memory area. There is one of these
* per VM-area/task. A VM area is any part of the process virtual memory
* space that has a special rule for the page-fault handlers (ie a shared
* library, the executable area etc).
struct vm_area_struct {
struct mm_struct * vm_mm; /* The address space we belong to. */
unsigned long vm_start; /* Our start address within vm_mm. */
unsigned long vm_end; /* The first byte after our end address
within vm_mm. */
/* linked list of VM areas per task, sorted by address */
struct vm_area_struct *vm_next;
pgprot_t vm_page_prot; /* Access permissions of this VMA. 该VMA中每个PTE的保护标志位和属性标志位*/
unsigned long vm_flags; /* Flags, listed below. */
struct rb_node vm_rb;
* For areas with an address space and backing store,
* linkage into the address_space->i_mmap prio tree, or
* linkage to the list of like vmas hanging off its node, or
* linkage of vma in the address_space->i_mmap_nonlinear list.
union {
struct {
struct list_head list;
void *parent; /* aligns with prio_tree_node parent */
struct vm_area_struct *head;
} vm_set;
struct raw_prio_tree_node prio_tree_node;
} shared;
* A file's MAP_PRIVATE vma can be in both i_mmap tree and anon_vma
* list, after a COW of one of the file pages. A MAP_SHARED vma
* can only be in the i_mmap tree. An anonymous MAP_PRIVATE, stack
* or brk vma (with NULL file) can only be in an anon_vma list.
struct list_head anon_vma_node; /* Serialized by anon_vma->lock */
struct anon_vma *anon_vma; /* Serialized by page_table_lock */
/* Function pointers to deal with this struct. */
struct vm_operations_struct * vm_ops;
/* Information about our backing store: */
unsigned long vm_pgoff; /* Offset (within vm_file) in PAGE_SIZE
units, *not* PAGE_CACHE_SIZE */
struct file * vm_file; /* File we map to (can be NULL). */
void * vm_private_data; /* was vm_pte (shared mem) */
unsigned long vm_truncate_count;/* truncate_count or restart_addr */
#ifndef CONFIG_MMU
atomic_t vm_usage; /* refcount (VMAs shared if !MMU) */
struct mempolicy *vm_policy; /* NUMA policy for the VMA */
* The anon_vma heads a list of private "related" vmas, to scan if
* an anonymous page pointing to this anon_vma needs to be unmapped:
* the vmas on the list will be related by forking, or by splitting.
* Since vmas come and go as they are split and merged (particularly
* in mprotect), the mapping field of an anonymous page cannot point
* directly to a vma: instead it points to an anon_vma, on whose list
* the related vmas can be easily linked or unlinked.
* After unlinking the last vma on the list, we must garbage collect
* the anon_vma object itself: we're guaranteed no page can be
* pointing to this anon_vma once its vma list is empty.
struct anon_vma {
spinlock_t lock; /* Serialize access to vma list */
struct list_head head; /* List of private "related" vmas */
struct address_space {
struct inode *host; /* owner: inode, block_device */
struct radix_tree_root page_tree; /* radix tree of all pages */
rwlock_t tree_lock; /* and rwlock protecting it */
unsigned int i_mmap_writable;/* count VM_SHARED mappings */
struct prio_tree_root i_mmap; /* tree of private and shared mappings */
struct list_head i_mmap_nonlinear;/*list VM_NONLINEAR mappings */
spinlock_t i_mmap_lock; /* protect tree, count, list */
unsigned int truncate_count; /* Cover race condition with truncate */
unsigned long nrpages; /* number of total pages */
pgoff_t writeback_index;/* writeback starts here */
const struct address_space_operations *a_ops; /* methods */
unsigned long flags; /* error bits/gfp mask */
struct backing_dev_info *backing_dev_info; /* 记录预读相关信息 */
spinlock_t private_lock; /* for use by the address_space */
struct list_head private_list; /* 可用的针对address_space的私有链表,如果已经使用了辅助函数mark_buffer_dirty_inode()和sync_mapping_buffers(),则该函数通过buffer_head—>b_assoc_buffers字段链接到缓冲区的首部 */
struct address_space *assoc_mapping; /* 映射private_list保护的address_space的后援缓冲区 */
} __attribute__((aligned(sizeof(long))));
struct swap_info_struct {
unsigned int flags;
int prio; /* swap priority */
struct file *swap_file;
struct block_device *bdev;
struct list_head extent_list; /*交换扩展区的头部*/
struct swap_extent *curr_swap_extent; /*当前最近使用的交换扩展区*/
unsigned old_block_size;
unsigned short * swap_map; /*交换区每个页槽使用情况的数组指针,0表示空闲,整数表示换出的次数*/
unsigned int lowest_bit;
unsigned int highest_bit;
unsigned int cluster_next;
unsigned int cluster_nr;
unsigned int pages; /*交换区可用页面大小,不包括头和有缺陷的区*/
unsigned int max; /*交换区总大小*/
unsigned int inuse_pages;
int next; /* 按优先级的swap链表,表示下一个swap的数组下标 */
struct swap_extent {
struct list_head list;
pgoff_t start_page;
pgoff_t nr_pages;
sector_t start_block;
union swap_header {
struct {
char reserved[PAGE_SIZE - 10];
char magic[10]; /* SWAP-SPACE or SWAPSPACE2 */
} magic;
struct {
char bootbits[1024]; /* Space for disklabel etc. */
__u32 version;
__u32 last_page;
__u32 nr_badpages;
unsigned char sws_uuid[16];
unsigned char sws_volume[16];
__u32 padding[117];
__u32 badpages[1];
} info;
typedef struct {
unsigned long val;
} swp_entry_t;
struct scan_control {
gfp_t gfp_mask;
int may_writepage; /*是否允许将dirty页面写到磁盘上*/
/* Can pages be swapped as part of reclaim? */
int may_swap;
/* This context's SWAP_CLUSTER_MAX. If freeing memory for
* suspend, we effectively ignore SWAP_CLUSTER_MAX.
* In this context, it doesn't matter that we scan the
* whole list at once. */
int swap_cluster_max;
int swappiness;
int all_unreclaimable;
#define pte_present(x) ((x).pte_low & (_PAGE_PRESENT | _PAGE_PROTNONE))
struct thread_info {
struct task_struct *task; /* main task structure */
struct exec_domain *exec_domain; /* execution domain */
unsigned long flags; /* low level flags */
unsigned long status; /* thread-synchronous flags */
__u32 cpu; /* current CPU */
int preempt_count; /* 0 => preemptable, <0 => BUG */
mm_segment_t addr_limit; /* thread address space:
0-0xBFFFFFFF for user-thead
0-0xFFFFFFFF for kernel-thread
void *sysenter_return;
struct restart_block restart_block;
unsigned long previous_esp; /* ESP of the previous stack in case
of nested (IRQ) stacks
__u8 supervisor_stack[0];
struct sched_param {
int sched_priority;
struct prio_array {
unsigned int nr_active;
DECLARE_BITMAP(bitmap, MAX_PRIO+1); /* include 1 bit for delimiter */
struct list_head queue[MAX_PRIO];
* This is the main, per-CPU runqueue data structure.
* Locking rule: those places that want to lock multiple runqueues
* (such as the load balancing or the thread migration code), lock
* acquire operations must be ordered by ascending &runqueue.
struct rq {
spinlock_t lock;
* nr_running and cpu_load should be in the same cacheline because
* remote CPUs use both these fields when doing load calculation.
unsigned long nr_running;
unsigned long raw_weighted_load;
unsigned long cpu_load[3];
unsigned long long nr_switches;
* This is part of a global counter where only the total sum
* over all CPUs matters. A task can increase this counter on
* one CPU and if it got migrated afterwards it may decrease
* it on another CPU. Always updated under the runqueue lock:
unsigned long nr_uninterruptible;
unsigned long expired_timestamp;
/* Cached timestamp set by update_cpu_clock() */
unsigned long long most_recent_timestamp;
struct task_struct *curr, *idle;
unsigned long next_balance;
struct mm_struct *prev_mm;
struct prio_array *active, *expired, arrays[2];
int best_expired_prio;
atomic_t nr_iowait;
struct sched_domain *sd;
/* For active balancing */
int active_balance;
int push_cpu;
int cpu; /* cpu of this runqueue */
struct task_struct *migration_thread;
struct list_head migration_queue;
/* latency stats */
struct sched_info rq_sched_info;
/* sys_sched_yield() stats */
unsigned long yld_exp_empty;
unsigned long yld_act_empty;
unsigned long yld_both_empty;
unsigned long yld_cnt;
/* schedule() stats */
unsigned long sched_switch;
unsigned long sched_cnt;
unsigned long sched_goidle;
/* try_to_wake_up() stats */
unsigned long ttwu_cnt;
unsigned long ttwu_local;
struct lock_class_key rq_lock_key;
struct task_struct {
volatile long state; /* -1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stopped */
struct thread_info *thread_info;
atomic_t usage;
unsigned long flags; /* per process flags, defined below */
unsigned long ptrace;
int lock_depth; /* BKL lock depth */
int oncpu;
int load_weight; /* for niceness load balancing purposes */
int prio, static_prio, normal_prio;
struct list_head run_list;
struct prio_array *array;
unsigned short ioprio;
unsigned int btrace_seq;
unsigned long sleep_avg;
unsigned long long timestamp, last_ran;
unsigned long long sched_time; /* sched_clock time spent running */
enum sleep_type sleep_type;
unsigned long policy;
cpumask_t cpus_allowed;
unsigned int time_slice, first_time_slice;
struct sched_info sched_info;
struct list_head tasks;
* ptrace_list/ptrace_children forms the list of my children
* that were stolen by a ptracer.
struct list_head ptrace_children;
struct list_head ptrace_list;
struct mm_struct *mm, *active_mm;
/* task state */
struct linux_binfmt *binfmt;
long exit_state;
int exit_code, exit_signal;
int pdeath_signal; /* The signal sent when the parent dies */
/* ??? */
unsigned long personality;
unsigned did_exec:1;
pid_t pid;
pid_t tgid;
/* Canary value for the -fstack-protector gcc feature */
unsigned long stack_canary;
* pointers to (original) parent process, youngest child, younger sibling,
* older sibling, respectively. (p->father can be replaced with
* p->parent->pid)
struct task_struct *real_parent; /* real parent process (when being debugged) */
struct task_struct *parent; /* parent process */
* children/sibling forms the list of my children plus the
* tasks I'm ptracing.
struct list_head children; /* list of my children */
struct list_head sibling; /* linkage in my parent's children list */
struct task_struct *group_leader; /* threadgroup leader */
/* PID/PID hash table linkage. */
struct pid_link pids[PIDTYPE_MAX];
struct list_head thread_group;
struct completion *vfork_done; /* for vfork() */
int __user *set_child_tid; /* CLONE_CHILD_SETTID */
int __user *clear_child_tid; /* CLONE_CHILD_CLEARTID */
unsigned long rt_priority;
cputime_t utime, stime;
unsigned long nvcsw, nivcsw; /* context switch counts */
struct timespec start_time;
/* mm fault and swap info: this can arguably be seen as either mm-specific or thread-specific */
unsigned long min_flt, maj_flt;
cputime_t it_prof_expires, it_virt_expires;
unsigned long long it_sched_expires;
struct list_head cpu_timers[3];
/* process credentials */
uid_t uid,euid,suid,fsuid;
gid_t gid,egid,sgid,fsgid;
struct group_info *group_info;
kernel_cap_t cap_effective, cap_inheritable, cap_permitted;
unsigned keep_capabilities:1;
struct user_struct *user;
struct key *request_key_auth; /* assumed request_key authority */
struct key *thread_keyring; /* keyring private to this thread */
unsigned char jit_keyring; /* default keyring to attach requested keys to */
* fpu_counter contains the number of consecutive context switches
* that the FPU is used. If this is over a threshold, the lazy fpu
* saving becomes unlazy to save the trap. This is an unsigned char
* so that after 256 times the counter wraps and the behavior turns
* lazy again; this to deal with bursty apps that only use FPU for
* a short time
unsigned char fpu_counter;
int oomkilladj; /* OOM kill score adjustment (bit shift). */
char comm[TASK_COMM_LEN]; /* executable name excluding path
- access with [gs]et_task_comm (which lock
it with task_lock())
- initialized normally by flush_old_exec */
/* file system info */
int link_count, total_link_count;
/* ipc stuff */
struct sysv_sem sysvsem;
/* CPU-specific state of this task */
struct thread_struct thread;
/* filesystem information */
struct fs_struct *fs;
/* open file information */
struct files_struct *files;
/* namespaces */
struct nsproxy *nsproxy;
/* signal handlers */
struct signal_struct *signal;
struct sighand_struct *sighand;
sigset_t blocked, real_blocked;
sigset_t saved_sigmask; /* To be restored with TIF_RESTORE_SIGMASK */
struct sigpending pending;
unsigned long sas_ss_sp;
size_t sas_ss_size;
int (*notifier)(void *priv);
void *notifier_data;
sigset_t *notifier_mask;
void *security;
struct audit_context *audit_context;
seccomp_t seccomp;
/* Thread group tracking */
u32 parent_exec_id;
u32 self_exec_id;
/* Protection of (de-)allocation: mm, files, fs, tty, keyrings */
spinlock_t alloc_lock;
/* Protection of the PI data structures: */
spinlock_t pi_lock;
/* PI waiters blocked on a rt_mutex held by this task */
struct plist_head pi_waiters;
/* Deadlock detection and priority inheritance handling */
struct rt_mutex_waiter *pi_blocked_on;
/* mutex deadlock detection */
struct mutex_waiter *blocked_on;
unsigned int irq_events;
int hardirqs_enabled;
unsigned long hardirq_enable_ip;
unsigned int hardirq_enable_event;
unsigned long hardirq_disable_ip;
unsigned int hardirq_disable_event;
int softirqs_enabled;
unsigned long softirq_disable_ip;
unsigned int softirq_disable_event;
unsigned long softirq_enable_ip;
unsigned int softirq_enable_event;
int hardirq_context;
int softirq_context;
# define MAX_LOCK_DEPTH 30UL
u64 curr_chain_key;
int lockdep_depth;
struct held_lock held_locks[MAX_LOCK_DEPTH];
unsigned int lockdep_recursion;
/* journalling filesystem info */
void *journal_info;
/* VM state */
struct reclaim_state *reclaim_state;
struct backing_dev_info *backing_dev_info;
struct io_context *io_context;
unsigned long ptrace_message;
siginfo_t *last_siginfo; /* For ptrace use. */
* current io wait handle: wait queue entry to use for io waits
* If this thread is processing aio, this points at the waitqueue
* inside the currently handled kiocb. It may be NULL (i.e. default
* to a stack based synchronous wait) if its doing sync IO.
wait_queue_t *io_wait;
/* i/o counters(bytes read/written, #syscalls */
u64 rchar, wchar, syscr, syscw;
struct task_io_accounting ioac;
#if defined(CONFIG_TASK_XACCT)
u64 acct_rss_mem1; /* accumulated rss usage */
u64 acct_vm_mem1; /* accumulated virtual memory usage */
cputime_t acct_stimexpd;/* stime since last update */
struct mempolicy *mempolicy;
short il_next;
struct cpuset *cpuset;
nodemask_t mems_allowed;
int cpuset_mems_generation;
int cpuset_mem_spread_rotor;
struct robust_list_head __user *robust_list;
struct compat_robust_list_head __user *compat_robust_list;
struct list_head pi_state_list;
struct futex_pi_state *pi_state_cache;
atomic_t fs_excl; /* holding fs exclusive resources */
struct rcu_head rcu;
* cache last used pipe for splice
struct pipe_inode_info *splice_pipe;
struct task_delay_info *delays;
int make_it_fail;