[ 这篇文章英文源:http://itsfoss.com/install-windows-10-virtualbox-linux/ ] (鼓励大家去看英文源网站,我英语能力有限,如有错误,请大家见谅~)

最近安装Fedora 22后发现Linux下qq只能使用网页版,而且一些ide安装也比较费尽(由于自己时新手),最近又有比较紧急的事得安装Rstudio,所以打算在Virtualbox上安装下Windows10,过程如下:

1. 先上Microsoft官网下载(https://www.microsoft.com/zh-cn/software-download/windows10ISO)你想安装的Windows版本(我下载的WIndows10英文版)

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HOW TO INSTALL WINDOWS 10 IN VIRTUALBOX IN LINUX [ 如何在Linux环境下的Virtualbox上安装Windows 10 ]

This detailed beginner's guide shows you how to install Windows 10 in a VirtualBox in Linux [ 接下来的详细步骤会想你展示如何在Linux下Virtualbox中安装Windows 10 ]

I regularly encourage people to use Linux and when I give reasons to switch to Linux, I always mention that they can use Windows and Linux together, if they are scared of Linux. [ 我一直鼓励旁人使用Linux,当我和他们讲理由去转到Linux上时,我经常和他们聊,如果你比较害怕使用Linux的话,可以Linux和Windows一起用。]

One of the ways to use the two OS together is to dual boot Windows and Linux. It works well for except that you have to switch between the operating system by restarting the system. This is inconvenient to a certain extent. [ 其中一种方法时使用Windows和Linux双重引导,它运行的很好,但是你必须需要重启来切换操作系统。这很大程度上很不方便。]

If like me, you too are an infrequent user of Windows and do not want to trouble yourself with dual booting Ubuntu and Windows 10, I suggest installing Windows 10 inside Linux by creating a virtual machine. In an earlier tutorial, I showed you how to install VMware in Ubuntu but in this tutorial, we shall be using Oracle VirtualBox to create virtual machines to install Windows 10. [ 如果你像我一样,那你就是Windows中很少见的用户,不想为Ubuntu和Windows 10双重引导而操心,我建议在Linux中创建虚拟机器来安装Windows 10。在之前的指导中,我想你展示了如何在VMware中安装Ubuntu,但这回,我将想你演示用Oracle VirtualBox 来创建虚拟机安装Windows 10。]


Virtualbox is an open source virtualization software from Oracle to create virtual machines. With a virtual machine, you can run an operating system like an application inside your current operating system. It’s like computer inside computer. [ Virtualbox 是Oracle一个开源的虚拟化软件用来创建虚拟机器。有了虚拟机,你可以在你当前的操作系统里面像跑应用软件一样来运行操作系统,就像一台计算机在你的真机中一样。]

These are called virtual machine because they are basically emulating other operating system but they are not really interacting with the system like a true operating system would. [ 他们被称作虚拟机,因为他们基本上是模拟其他操作系统,但是它不是像真机上的操作系统上那样真的与系统相互作用。]

Bottom line is that with virtual machines software, you can use Windows like an application inside Linux. Unlike regular applications, it will consume lots of RAM. This way, you can use Windows specific software and program inside Linux, without the need to install Windows altogether. [ 最重要的因素是有一个虚拟机软件,你就可以在Linux中像跑应用程序一样跑操作系统。然而它不像一般的应用,它会消耗大量的内存。但这种方式你可以在Linux中使用Windows这一特别的软件程序,而不需要安装整个Windows。]


Before installing Windows 10 in VirtualBox, let’s see what do you need beforehand:

  • Internet connection with good speed or already downloaded Windows 10 ISO
  • At least 4GB of RAM. The more RAM you got, the better it is.
  • Around 20 GB of free storage for installing Windows 10

Once you have made sure of the prerequisites, let’s see how to do it.

[ 在Virtualbox中安装Windows 10之前,让我们看一下预先我们需要准备哪些什么:

  • 良好网速的网络或者已经下载了Windows 10 ISO
  • 至少4GB的内存,内存越大,效果就越好。
  • 大概20GB的空间来安装Windows 10



STRP 1: DOWNLOAD WINDOWS 10 ISO [ 步骤一:下载Windows 10 ISO ]

// 这一步我在刚开始说了,就不详细说明了在这里

STEP 2: INSTALL WINDOWS 10 IN VIRTUALBOX [ 步骤二:在Virtualbox中安装Windows 10 ]

VirtualBox is available by default in Ubuntu and Linux Mint. Install it is very easy. All you need to do is to use the command below:

sudo apt-get install virtualbox-5.0 [ Virtualbox 是Ubuntu和Linux Mint中默认可以直接获取的。你要做的只是输入命令:sudo apt-get install virtuabox-5.0 ]

// 如果是Fedora用户使用sudo dnf install virtualbox-5.0,RedHat用户使用sudo yum install virtualbox-5.0,具体安装Virtualbox的步骤请看我的另一篇博文:http://blog.csdn.net/gohnn/article/details/51507033,里面有链接步骤和问题解答。

STEP 3: INSTALL WINDOWS 10 VIRTUALBOX [ 步骤三:在Virtual中安装Windows 10 ]

Start VirtualBox. You should see a screen like the one below. Click on new: [ 启动VirtualBox,你应该可以看到一个标志在下面,点击New:]

Name the VM anything worth remembering. Also select the Operating System and version, in this case Windows 10 and 64 bit for me. [ 给虚拟机器起个适当的名称,选择操作系统版本,在这种情况下对我来说,应选择Windows 10 64bit。]

Choose RAM size. The recommended RAM size for 64 bit Windows 10 is 2 GB while for 32 bit Windows 10, it’s 1 GB. But I suggest to have a little more than that for a smoother experience. [ 选择内存大小。Windows 10 64位推荐的大小是2GB,32位推荐的是1GB。但是我建议稍微大一点,这样体验更流畅。]

Next is the size for virtual machine. If you are crunch on space, choose the recommend size else have it little more than the recommended size. [ 下一步是选定虚拟机的大小。如果不苛刻于空间的话,选择推荐大小或略大于推荐空间即可。]

For the format, go ahead with VDI format. [ 对于格式,选择VDI格式并继续。]

Confused about dynamic or fixed size? If you choose dynamic, the installed VM will later grow out of the allocated size. If you are not going to use Windows extensively, I suggest to go with fixed size. [ 是不是对动态或固定尺寸感到疑惑?如果你选择动态的,那么安装完虚拟机,空间是可以涨到比当时分配空间大小还大的,如果你不打算扩充Windows,我建议你使用固定大小。]

Finalize the things around the installation. You can choose where to create the virtual disk. Default location (Home directory) will work as well. [ 完成安装前的工作,你可以选择在那里创建虚拟磁盘。默认的位置(家目录)也是可以的。]

You should be back to start screen. But wait, we haven’t used our Windows 10 ISO yet, have we? Now is the time to actually use the ISO. Click on Settings. [ 点击Create之后,你应当返回到初始界面了,等等!我们还没有选择我们要使用的Windows 10 ISO呢!现在我们选择ISO,点击Settings ]

In here, go to Storage and add a new Optical Drive. Choose Disk and point to Windows 10 ISO. [ 在这里我们到Storage中并添加可选驱动器。选择磁盘和Windows 10 ISO]

Now you should see the Windows 10 ISO listed under the Storage. Press OK. [ 现在你应当看到Windows 10 ISO已经在Storage显示在下面了,点击OK。]

You should be back to the main screen of Oracle VirtualBox.You have everything ready now. Next step is to install Windows 10. Click on Start from the main screen: [ 你应当返回到Oracle Virtualbox主界面了,你已经准备好所有工作了,下一步安装Windows 10,点击开始键 ]

Voila!! You should see the familiar Windows boot screen: [ 瞧!你现在可以看到Windows启动的界面了。]

Couple of seconds later, you should see the option to install Windows: [ 过一会,你就可以看到install Windows的选项了]

I think you can handle things from here as installing Windows is just a matter of few clicks. For your convenience, I am adding the screenshots in a gallery. Click on the images to enlarge them, if you need to take a hint. [ 我相信至此你已经可以解决安装Windows时的一些问题了。为了大家方便,我添加了截图,如果你需要提示可以点击图片放大他们。 ]

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1. 在这个界面时





