

git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git


river@ubuntu:~$ export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:"$PATH"


river@ubuntu:~$ export PATH=`pwd`/depot_tools:"$PATH"
river@ubuntu:~$ gclient
Usage: gclient.py <command> [options]

Meta checkout manager supporting both Subversion and GIT.

Commands are:
  cleanup  cleans up all working copies
  config   creates a .gclient file in the current directory
  diff     displays local diff for every dependencies
  fetch    fetches upstream commits for all modules
  grep     greps through git repos managed by gclient
  help     prints list of commands or help for a specific command
  hookinfo outputs the hooks that would be run by `gclient runhooks`
  pack     generates a patch which can be applied at the root of the tree
  recurse  operates [command args ...] on all the dependencies
  revert   reverts all modifications in every dependencies
  revinfo  outputs revision info mapping for the client and its dependencies
  root     outputs the solution root (or current dir if there isn't one)
  runhooks runs hooks for files that have been modified in the local working copy
  status   shows modification status for every dependencies
  sync     checkout/update all modules
  verify   verifies the DEPS file deps are only from allowed_hosts

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS  Specify how many SCM commands can run in parallel;
                        defaults to 8 on this machine
  -v, --verbose         Produces additional output for diagnostics. Can be
                        used up to three times for more logging info.
                        Specify an alternate .gclient file
  --spec=SPEC           create a gclient file containing the provided string.
                        Due to Cygwin/Python brokenness, it can't contain any
  --no-nag-max          Ignored for backwards compatibility.

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