说实话,97年使用linux开始就没有编译过openssh。使用debian时,也是apt 安装的。
1 下载最新的zlib库
 tar -zxvf zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz
 cd zlib-1.2.3
 make install

cp zlib.h zconf.h /usr/local/include
chmod 644 /usr/local/include/zlib.h /usr/local/include/zconf.h
cp libz.a /usr/local/lib
cd /usr/local/lib; chmod 755 libz.a
cd /usr/local/lib; if test -f libz.so.1.2.3; then /
  rm -f libz.so libz.so.1; /
  ln -s libz.so.1.2.3 libz.so; /
  ln -s libz.so.1.2.3 libz.so.1; /
  (ldconfig || true)  >/dev/null 2>&1; /
cp zlib.3 /usr/local/share/man/man3
chmod 644 /usr/local/share/man/man3/zlib.3

2 编译openssh 一定要下载portable,不要下载纯的openssh,没有configure文件
./config --sysconfdir=/etc/ssh
OpenSSH has been configured with the following options:
                     User binaries: /usr/local/bin
                   System binaries: /usr/local/sbin
               Configuration files: /etc/ssh
                   Askpass program: /usr/local/libexec/ssh-askpass
                      Manual pages: /usr/local/share/man/manX
                          PID file: /var/run
  Privilege separation chroot path: /var/empty
            sshd default user PATH: /usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin
                    Manpage format: doc
                       PAM support: no
                   OSF SIA support: no
                 KerberosV support: no
                   SELinux support: no
                 Smartcard support: no
                     S/KEY support: no
              TCP Wrappers support: no
              MD5 password support: no
                   libedit support: no
  Solaris process contract support: no
       IP address in $DISPLAY hack: no
           Translate v4 in v6 hack: yes
                  BSD Auth support: no
              Random number source: OpenSSL internal ONLY

              Host: i686-pc-linux-gnu
          Compiler: gcc
    Compiler flags: -g -O2 -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Wuninitialized -Wsign-compare -Wformat-security -fno-builtin-memset -std=gnu99
Preprocessor flags:
      Linker flags:
         Libraries: -lcrypto -lutil -lz -lnsl  -lcrypt

make install

