


1. 1 反射API


  1. 从实例到Value
func ValueOf(i interface{}) Value
  1. 从实例到Type
func TypeOf(i interface{}) Type
  1. 从Type到Value
// New returns a Value representing a pointer to a new zero value for the specified type. That is, the returned Value's Type is PtrTo(typ).
func New(typ Type) Value {
	if typ == nil {
		panic("reflect: New(nil)")
	t := typ.(*rtype)
	ptr := unsafe_New(t)
	fl := flag(Ptr)
	return Value{t.ptrTo(), ptr, fl}

// Zero returns a Value representing the zero value for the specified type. The result is different from the zero value of the Value struct, which represents no value at all. For example, Zero(TypeOf(42)) returns a Value with Kind Int and value 0. The returned value is neither addressable nor settable.
func Zero(typ Type) Value {
	if typ == nil {
		panic("reflect: Zero(nil)")
	t := typ.(*rtype)
	fl := flag(t.Kind())
	if ifaceIndir(t) {
		return Value{t, unsafe_New(t), fl | flagIndir}
	return Value{t, nil, fl}


// NewAt returns a Value representing a pointer to a value of the specified type, using p as that pointer.
func NewAt(typ Type, p unsafe.Pointer) Value {
	fl := flag(Ptr)
	t := typ.(*rtype)
	return Value{t.ptrTo(), p, fl}
  1. 从Value到Type
func (v Value) Type() Type
  1. 从Value到实例
// packEface converts v to the empty interface.
func packEface(v Value) interface{} {
	t := v.typ
	var i interface{}
	e := (*emptyInterface)(unsafe.Pointer(&i))
	// First, fill in the data portion of the interface.
	switch {
	case ifaceIndir(t):
		if v.flag&flagIndir == 0 {
			panic("bad indir")
		// Value is indirect, and so is the interface we're making.
		ptr := v.ptr
		if v.flag&flagAddr != 0 {
			// TODO: pass safe boolean from valueInterface so
			// we don't need to copy if safe==true?
			c := unsafe_New(t)
			typedmemmove(t, c, ptr)
			ptr = c
		e.word = ptr
	case v.flag&flagIndir != 0:
		// Value is indirect, but interface is direct. We need
		// to load the data at v.ptr into the interface data word.
		e.word = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(v.ptr)
		// Value is direct, and so is the interface.
		e.word = v.ptr
	// Now, fill in the type portion. We're very careful here not
	// to have any operation between the e.word and e.typ assignments
	// that would let the garbage collector observe the partially-built
	// interface value.
	e.typ = t
	return i
// Bool returns v's underlying value. It panics if v's kind is not Bool.
func (v Value) Bool() bool {
	return *(*bool)(v.ptr)

// Float returns v's underlying value, as a float64. It panics if v's Kind is not Float32 or Float64
func (v Value) Float() float64 {
	k := v.kind()
	switch k {
	case Float32:
		return float64(*(*float32)(v.ptr))
	case Float64:
		return *(*float64)(v.ptr)
	panic(&ValueError{"reflect.Value.Float", v.kind()})

// Int returns v's underlying value, as an int64. It panics if v's Kind is not Int, Int8, Int16, Int32, or Int64.
func (v Value) Int() int64 {
	k := v.kind()
	p := v.ptr
	switch k {
	case Int:
		return int64(*(*int)(p))
	case Int8:
		return int64(*(*int8)(p))
	case Int16:
		return int64(*(*int16)(p))
	case Int32:
		return int64(*(*int32)(p))
	case Int64:
		return *(*int64)(p)
	panic(&ValueError{"reflect.Value.Int", v.kind()})

// Uint returns v's underlying value, as a uint64. It panics if v's Kind is not Uint, Uintptr, Uint8, Uint16, Uint32, or Uint64.
func (v Value) Uint() uint64 {
	k := v.kind()
	p := v.ptr
	switch k {
	case Uint:
		return uint64(*(*uint)(p))
	case Uint8:
		return uint64(*(*uint8)(p))
	case Uint16:
		return uint64(*(*uint16)(p))
	case Uint32:
		return uint64(*(*uint32)(p))
	case Uint64:
		return *(*uint64)(p)
	case Uintptr:
		return uint64(*(*uintptr)(p))
	panic(&ValueError{"reflect.Value.Uint", v.kind()})
  1. 从Value的指针到值
// Elem returns the value that the interface v contains or that the pointer v points to.
// It panics if v's Kind is not Interface or Ptr. It returns the zero Value if v is nil.
func (v Value) Elem() Value

// Indirect returns the value that v points to.
// If v is a nil pointer, Indirect returns a zero Value. If v is not a pointer, Indirect returns v.
// 如果v是指针,则返回指针值的Value,否则返回v自身,该函数不会引起panic
func Indirect(v Value) Value 
  1. Type指针和值的相互转换
t.Elem() Type


func PtrTo(t Type) Type
  1. Value值的可修改性
func (v Value) CanSet() bool

func (v Value) Set(x Value)


  • 值可修改条件之一:可被寻址。通过反射修改变量值的前提条件之一:这个值必须可以被寻址。简单地说就是这个变量必须能被修改。
  • 值可修改条件之一:被导出。结构体成员中,如果字段没有被导出,即便不使用反射也可以被访问,但不能通过反射修改。



  1. 取这个变量的地址或者这个变量所在的结构体已经是指针类型。
  2. 使用 reflect.ValueOf 进行值包装。
  3. 通过 Value.Elem() 获得指针值指向的元素值对象(Value),因为值对象(Value)内部对象为指针时,使用 set 设置时会报出宕机错误。
  4. 使用 Value.SetXXX 设置值。


package main

import (

type User struct {
	Id   int
	Name string
	Age  int

func main() {
	u := User{1, "Tom", 20}
	va := reflect.ValueOf(u)
	vb := reflect.ValueOf(&u)

	fmt.Println(va.CanSet(), va.FieldByName("Name").CanSet())

	fmt.Println(vb.CanSet(), vb.Elem().FieldByName("Name").CanSet())

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", vb)
	name := "Jerry"
	vc := reflect.ValueOf(name)

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", vb)
false false
false true
&{1 Tom 20}
&{1 Jerry 20}

1.2 反射三定律



  1. 《Go语言核心编程》
  2. https://books.studygolang.com/gopl-zh/ch12/ch12-05.html
  3. https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/64884660
  4. https://www.cnblogs.com/itbsl/p/10551880.html

