
1 啟動停止:

啟動:tlq -cstart

停止:tlq -cstop

2 查看狀態:


tlqstat -Z TIMES.       -----Set rotation display times, -1 means forever

tlqstat -R TIMEV.       -----Set rotation display interval, default is 3s

tlqstat -O FILENAME.    -----Set output, default is standard output

tlqstat -S              -----Set only show summary, default is to show all data

tlqstat -C DestName RouteName-----Set route path

tlqstat -a [0|1].       -----Show snd buf, 0: only head, 1: include data.

tlqstat -b [0|1].       -----Show rcv buf, 0: only head, 1: include data.

tlqstat -c              -----Show configure type.

tlqstat -d              -----Show all snd q para.

tlqstat -e              -----Show all rcv q para.

tlqstat -f              -----Show the PrgMsgTbl.

tlqstat -g              -----Show the PrgRunTbl.

tlqstat -h              -----Show the PrgRgsTbl.

tlqstat -i              -----Show route table.

tlqstat -j              -----Show qin, qout & qaux.

tlqstat -k              -----Show rcv history info.

tlqstat -l              -----Show connect info to adj node.

tlqstat -m NAME.        -----Show connectted adj node with the specified NAME.

tlqstat -r NAME.        -----Show rcv q with the specified NAME.

tlqstat -s NAME.        -----Show snd q with the specified NAME.

tlqstat -t              -----Show the trans info.

tlqstat -u [0|1].       -----Show the topic table, 0: only head, 1: include subscribe data.

tlqstat -v NAME.        -----Show msg getor info of the rcv q with the specified NAME.

tlqstat -w NAME.        -----Show snd win with the specified NAME.

tlqstat -x              -----Show cluster RealDest.

tlqstat -1              -----Show up node tbl.

tlqstat -2              -----Show dn node tbl.

tlqstat -3              -----Show sip tbl.

tlqstat -4              -----Show anp tbl.

tlqstat -5              -----Show default que.

TLQMSGDIR指向/app/tlq/msg #此目錄存放TLQ內存在硬盤上的映象。注意(此目錄中所有文件請不要刪除,如果刪除了,消息隊列里的消息就會丟了)。

TLQCONFDIR指向/app/tlq/etc #此目錄存放TLQ的所有配置文件。

TLQLOGDIR指向/app/tlq/log #此目錄存放TLQ的日志文件

TLQSNDFILESDIR指向/app/tlq/sndfiles #此目錄存放TLQ的發送的文文件。

TLQRCVFILESDIR指向/app/tlq/rcvfiles #此目錄存放TLQ接收的文件。

