The  character in the left margin in the peers billboard, called the tally code, shows the fate of each association in the clock selection pro-

cess. Following is a list of these characters, the pigeon used in the rv command, and a short explanation of the condition revealed.

space reject

The peer is discarded as unreachable, synchronized to this server (synch loop) or outrageous synchronization distance.

x  falsetick

The peer is discarded by the intersection algorithm as a falseticker.

.  excess

The peer is discarded as not among the first ten peers sorted by synchronization distance and so is probably a poor candidate for  fur-

ther consideration.

-  outlyer

The peer is discarded by the clustering algorithm as an outlyer.

+  candidat

The peer is a survivor and a candidate for the combining algorithm.

#  selected

The  peer  is a survivor, but not among the first six peers sorted by synchronization distance. If the association is ephemeral, it may

be demobilized to conserve resources.

*  sys.peer

The peer has been declared the system peer and lends its variables to the system variables.

o  pps.peer

The peer has been declared the system peer and lends its variables to the system variables. However, the actual system  synchronization

is derived from a pulse-per-second (PPS) signal, either indirectly via the PPS reference clock driver or directly via kernel interface.

