gtw03 节点挂掉,导致该 L3 agent 上的 router router3 失联,导致连接该 router 的 vm 失联

目的:将 router3 迁移到 gtw02

1、查看 router

[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron router-list

2、查看 router 对应的 L3 agent host

[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron l3-agent-list-hosting-router router3
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
| id                                   | host      | admin_state_up | alive | ha_state |
| 73bf0dbf-0365-490a-a852-252b11681bdb | uat-gtw03 | True           | xxx   |          |

xxx 表示 host down,这个不怎么准确,最好多刷新几次

3、查看所有的 L3 agent

[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron agent-list | grep L3

4、删除 router3

[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron l3-agent-router-remove 73bf0dbf-0365-490a-a852-252b11681bdb router3
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Removed router router3 from L3 agent

openstack 自动将 router3 迁移到 uat-gtw01 节点

[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron l3-agent-list-hosting-router router3

5、删除网络节点(** 慎重 **)


[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron agent-list | grep uat-gtw03
[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron agent-update 73bf0dbf-0365-490a-a852-252b11681bdb --admin-state-down
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Updated agent: 73bf0dbf-0365-490a-a852-252b11681bdb
[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron agent-list | grep uat-gtw03


[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron agent-delete 73bf0dbf-0365-490a-a852-252b11681bdb
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Deleted agent(s): 73bf0dbf-0365-490a-a852-252b11681bdb
[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron agent-list | grep uat-gtw03

下面依次删除 uat-gtw03 节点上的 neutron-lbaasv2-agent、neutron-openvswitch-agent、 neutron-metadata-agent、neutron-dhcp-agent

[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron agent-delete 8eae073a-232a-45fc-a25d-a49846faebca
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Deleted agent(s): 8eae073a-232a-45fc-a25d-a49846faebca
[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron agent-delete 96743b09-588f-462c-8a64-5368aba7382a
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Deleted agent(s): 96743b09-588f-462c-8a64-5368aba7382a
[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron agent-delete a1b6906d-ac09-41f1-88a4-a1137bcf6d8b
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Deleted agent(s): a1b6906d-ac09-41f1-88a4-a1137bcf6d8b
[root@k8s01 ~]# neutron agent-delete cdc2ad81-0bc2-4569-84ea-28476823db6f
neutron CLI is deprecated and will be removed in the future. Use openstack CLI instead.
Deleted agent(s): cdc2ad81-0bc2-4569-84ea-28476823db6f



